Nghĩa của từ householders bằng Tiếng Anh

a person who owns or rents a house; the head of a household.
Residents and householders are asked to report all suspicious activity noticed.

Đặt câu với từ "householders"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "householders", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ householders, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ householders trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Relate favorable comments made by householders.

2. This is highly Agreeable for householders.

3. That is the proposition of some householders.

4. When householders prove to be genuinely interested, subscriptions may be offered.

5. 5 Often even very young ones can give householders a handbill or a tract.

6. He warned that thousands of householders faced the prospect of years of planning blight.

7. Two-thirds of householders in this country live in a mortgaged home.

8. If householders already have the tract, endeavor to start a Bible study.

9. What these newly interested people told the householders, we never did learn.”

10. Hopefully, this knowledge will save many householders a great deal of elbow grease!

11. Accepted advice to householders was to freeze food on the day of purchase.

12. 17 Help Those Who Speak Another Language: What about householders who speak another language?

13. Six thousand residentially qualified householders who rent accommodation cannot afford to rent without a subsidy

14. When householders already have these publications, use another appropriate brochure that the congregation has in stock.

15. (Genesis 18:6) Some householders simply baked the bread on hot stones; others used small ovens.

16. Synonyms for Burgesses include citizens, burghers, denizens, inhabitants, residents, townsmen, dwellers, freemen, householders and locals

17. When householders have these publications, offer an appropriate brochure that the congregation has in stock.

18. Some householders are receptive, others are indifferent, and a few may be argumentative or belligerent.

19. Wealthy householders have also awoken to the sound of trespassing swimmers enjoying an illicit dip.

20. 30 The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.

21. 4 Many householders are somewhat reserved or skeptical when we try to converse with them at the door.

22. Householders and shop owners in the town have been put on standby because of the influx of vermin.

23. Some publishers have offered their own underlined personal copies of older magazines, and householders have gladly accepted these.

24. When a sample presentation is demonstrated, think about how you might personalize it and adapt it to different householders.

25. In the past week or so householders throughout the country have been opening their April water bills and gaping.

26. In October 1980 a spillage of dangerous lead and zinc waste into the Kilmastulla river led to some 000 householders in Co.

27. Simply ask householders one of the six questions on the cover and direct them to the answer in the tract.

28. 10 During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.

29. During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.

30. Supplies of bottled gas very quickly dried up as householders tried to arrange some form of emergency cooking and lighting equipment.

31. Naturally occurring springs are better, although most householders build a concrete cover around these to protect them from animals and surface runoff.

32. Many householders readily accept the journals from our youngsters, often commenting favorably about the sincerity and good conduct of these youths.

33. During this freezing weather( ), the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.

34. The beadle, a parish officer responsible for persuading householders to do their duty as jurors at such inquests, has assembled 12 men.

35. The happiest results came when householders gave their evacuees time to settle in and made some attempt to understand their cultural differences.

36. Stamp duty suspension for properties up to £2000 has certainly encouraged householders wanting to move up the housing ladder to start looking again.

37. 1 At times we may encounter a negative response from householders who misunderstand us or who have been misinformed about Jehovah’s Witnesses.

38. From Victorian times it became common for shopkeepers and householders to save old bills, invoices and receipts on a wire hook, known as a Bill hook

39. If householders already have the book and do not accept the offer of a Bible study, offer an older magazine or any brochure that addresses the person’s interest.

40. To these publicity means were added, some years later, sound cars with loudspeakers and portable phonographs carried by Christ’s “slaves” from door to door to advertise the Kingdom to the householders.

41. Even though the Bible teachers were speaking in broken Wayuunaiki, the householders were pleasantly surprised and were willing to listen, at times continuing a lively conversation in their own limited Spanish!

42. She tried to puncture the tires of his vehicle to prevent him from attending meetings, and on one occasion she even followed him as he preached the Bible message from door to door, making fun of him as he spoke to householders about the good news of the Kingdom.