Nghĩa của từ hosea bằng Tiếng Anh

a Hebrew minor prophet of the 8th century bc.

Đặt câu với từ "hosea"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hosea", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hosea, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hosea trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. In contrast, Hosea shows Israel’s treachery and infidelity.

2. How did Hosea show loyal love?

3. Hosea redeems his adulterous wife (1-3)

4. “Pursue to know Jehovah,” as Hosea urged.

5. Amos, an older contemporary of Hosea and Isaiah, was active c

6. 1:2-9 —Did Hosea really take a wife of fornication?

7. Hosea 9:1 Rejoice not, O /a/Apostatized.htm - 6k

8. The Bible book of Hosea contains a symbolic drama.

9. Explain how Hosea 11:1 was fulfilled in Jesus.

10. (Hosea 4:11) Elders also avoid giving even the appearance of showing favoritism.

11. This kid, Hosea Brown he does the 40 in 3.4.

12. Jehovah tells Hosea: “Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication.”

13. Hosea 14:4-7 says: “I [Jehovah] shall heal their unfaithfulness.

14. Yes, Hosea actually married a woman who later became an adulteress.

15. What can we learn from how Hosea dealt with his wife, Gomer?

16. How did it come about that Hosea renewed marital relations with Gomer?

17. The Bible rightly says: ‘Wine takes away good motive.’ —Hosea 4:11.

18. (Hosea 6:7) The Hebrew word rendered ‘deal treacherously’ also means “deal deceitfully, (deal) unfaithfully.”

19. Grace Abounding "I will love them freely."—Hosea 14:4

20. He tells Hosea: “Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery, as in the case of Jehovah’s love for the sons of Israel while they are turning to other gods.” —Hosea 3:1.

21. □ What did both Hosea and the apostle Paul say about sacrifices to God?

22. In fact, Hosea 1:4 seems to indicate God was upset with Jehu’s Bloodthirstiness

23. Says Hosea 4:11: “Wine and sweet wine are what take away good motive.”

24. (Hosea 9:10) All those who did so were deserving of adverse divine judgment.

25. (Psalm 116:5; Hosea 2:19) Both qualities perfectly balance or complement each other.

26. The prophets Hosea, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, and Ezekiel spoke out against the hidden “Baalizing” of the religion of Yahweh

27. Yet God is able to look forward to Israel’s final redemption (Hosea 11:12–14:9).

28. But a thousand years later, the prophet Hosea called the city the “House of Hurtfulness.”

29. The prophet Hosea later said that Jacob “wept, that he might implore favor for himself.”

30. Hosea 14:4 - I will heal their Backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him

31. Hosea above all shows us that this agape dimension of God's love for man goes far beyond the aspect of gratuity.

32. How far was Hosea willing to go in order to do Jehovah’s will? —Matthew 16:24.

33. Hosea 8:13 states: “He [Jehovah] will remember their error and hold an accounting for their sins.”

34. 25 As you may have gathered from watching television, Hosea has a tendency to overstate his case.

35. (Hosea 10:12) Now let us examine some key points in the fine advice of Micah 6:8.

36. Hosea 7 ("like Adam") confirms the consciousness of the Biblical authors of a prelapsarian covenant of works.

37. Hosea chapters 6 through 9 show that the people displayed disloyalty by overstepping Jehovah’s covenant and practicing wickedness.

38. Also, consider the words of Hosea 4:11: “Wine and sweet wine are what take away good motive.”

39. Jehovah will hold an accounting with those who practice sexual immorality and carry on unclean worship. —Hosea 1:4.

40. Some time ago our assigned Bible reading in the Theocratic Ministry School took us through the book of Hosea.

41. “It is wind that they keep sowing, and a storm wind is what they will reap.” —HOSEA 8:7.

42. (Hosea 6:6) Rather, he decrees that the city itself is to become an “altar hearth” in a different sense.

43. The prophet Hosea similarly begged the unfaithful nation of Israel: “Come, you people, and do let us return to Jehovah . . .

44. At Hosea 7:4, the people are likened to “a furnace,” or baker’s oven, evidently because evil desires were burning within them.

45. (Hosea 8:7) This agrees with the principle expressed by the Christian apostle Paul: “Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked.

46. And at Hosea 9:17, we read: “My God will reject them, for they have not listened to him, and they will become fugitives among the nations.”

47. And what further anguish he must have suffered when she bore two illegitimate children from her fornication!—Hosea 1:2-9.

48. (Hosea 2:15) Jehovah’s ancient wifelike organization had the sure hope of being restored to her homeland, where “the low plain of Achor” was located.

49. (Revelation 18:5) In prophetic language Hosea wrote: “For it is wind that they keep sowing, and a storm wind is what they will reap.”

50. In time, though, Hosea must have resumed marital relations with her, thereby reflecting God’s willingness to accept his people back and resume his dealings with them.