Nghĩa của từ harbors bằng Tiếng Anh

a place on the coast where vessels may find shelter, especially one protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures.
fishing in the harbor
keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly.
she started to harbor doubts about the wisdom of their journey
synonyms:bearnursenurturecherishentertainfosterhold on tocling to
give a home or shelter to.
woodlands that once harbored a colony of red deer

Đặt câu với từ "harbors"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "harbors", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ harbors, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ harbors trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I mean, outside of harbors.

2. Expressway, road and bridges, civil airfield, harbors, wharfs.

3. The Amur-Heilong harbors an incredible variety of species

4. Their island was thickly forested, and protective bays provided natural harbors.

5. As long as he harbors hope to be with me.

6. It had one of the best natural harbors in the Aegean Sea.

7. Hundreds of Chinese fishing boats rode out the storm in Taiwan harbors.

8. And each one probably harbors a super-massive black hole at its core.

9. As a consequence, new roads, harbors, and lavish public buildings were constructed.

10. Corinth controlled the two major harbors and thus command of the trade routes between Asia and

11. 13 The factory director brazenly harbors evildoers. This has evoked the strong indignation of the workers.

12. Ships’ crews were grateful to be guided by these lights into safe harbors.

13. Well - wishers hope they will sail into their ideal harbors - and drop anchor.

14. Basenji Rescue and Transport Providing safe harbors and strong anchors for Basenjis set adrift

15. Ancient volcanic valleys form two harbors, where islands are the remnants of volcanic activity.

16. Jesus warned that a person who harbors smoldering wrath against his brother is committing a serious sin.

17. Saipan, Tinian, and Rota have the only ports and harbors, and are the only permanently populated islands.

18. A person who harbors resentment is like a hooked fish —both are controlled by someone else

19. A mysterious man who harbors a secret that makes him keep his distance from his coworkers.

20. 294 (1987), that Curtilage is the area immediately surrounding a residence that "harbors the `intimate activity associated with …

21. They gathered data from the port authority, surveyed the harbors, and soon realized that they had a challenging assignment.

22. He thus controlled his territory’s roads, harbors, and natural resources, such as mines, forests, agriculture, and fisheries.

23. Sydney Harbour is one of the world’s finest natural harbors, its rugged sandstone foreshores extending for 150 miles [240 km].

24. Boatswains can be found at some harbors, and can be asked to take you to other locations within an alliance's territory

25. One of the most beautiful of Paris' 20 districts, the 4th Arrondissement harbors its own share of essential attractions

26. Barges are the most fuel-efficient mode of transport for cargo and other things in inland water ways and near harbors

27. Bamboo Flooring Beautifies $600K Glen Burnie Home - Glen Burnie, MD - The colonial style home harbors beautiful Corian counters in the kitchen …

28. Admiralties were usually located in harbors or ports and on riverbanks convenient for launching ships—for example, the major admiralty in St

29. This fourth wonder not only holds unique artifacts from the formation of our solar system, it also harbors potential weapons of mass destruction.

30. 1982, Business week (issues 2737-2745) For the first time, the Antitrusters will lay out some "safe harbors," defining mergers that will virtually never be questioned

31. Though strong, intelligent, and wise, Benjamin sometimes harbors secrets deep within, only to be entrusted by a small number of his closest companions.

32. Attacked shipyards, harbors, railroad yards, Airdromes, oil refineries, aircraft factories, and other industrial targets in Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia

33. Water bodies exist in many forms—natural or seminatural such as seas, lakes, rivers, estuaries, Bayous, lagoons, and artificial such as reservoirs, ponds, retention basins, canals, harbors, etc

34. 63 reviews of Charters 2000 "Captain Gustavo of MDR Charters and Adventures sailed us across the ocean to Two Harbors, Catalina for 5 days

35. Armoring comes in many forms, from relatively temporary sandbags (below, left), to seawalls (middle), to offshore breakwaters (below, right) that block wave energy at harbors.

36. Two large, artificial harbors were built within the city, one for harboring the city's massive navy of 220 warships and the other for mercantile trade.

37. The western coast features many protected harbors, but silting is a major problem caused by sediment from the high levels of inland erosion carried by rivers crossing the broad western plains.

38. He was the [self-proclaimed] father of the H-bomb and promoted all things atomic, even talking about using nuclear weapons to create canals and harbors.

39. The uncultivated mind harbors a vast diversity of unrealized possibilities, ranging from the depths of selfishness, egotism and aggressivity to the heights of wisdom, self-sacrifice and compassion.

40. The Camarilla describes itself in idealistic terms suggesting it is a genteel society of undead peers but harbors a vast, complex, and rigid hierarchy that breeds ancient rivalries and vicious political machinations

41. 26 The forest is invaluable, too, because it harbors unique and endangered animals like the kiwi and takahe, both flightless birds, and the kea, the only alpine parrot.

42. Canola (Brassica napus L.) is an oilseed crop created through plant crossbreeding.Scientists in Canada developed an edible version of the rapeseed plant, which — on its own — harbors toxic

43. Agatha Christie's fictional sleuth is often dismissed as scatterbrained, but she is actually a shrewd judge of character and harbors deep knowledge of the dark side of human nature.

44. It was also far enough from the sea to be safe from an invading fleet, yet its three natural harbors in neighboring Piraeus were readily accessible from the city.

45. Blockading - blocking entrance to and exit from seaports and harbors; "the Blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions" preventative, preventive - tending to prevent or hinder Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

46. An individual who harbors the specific organisms of a disease without manifest symptoms and is capable of transmitting the infection; the condition of such an individual is referred to as the Carrier state

47. The soil of Bitterness is a heart that harbors hostility and does not deal with hurt by the grace of God. When someone becomes bitter, the Bitterness takes root in the heart and grows deeper

48. Winding country lanes, a dearth of hustlers, a local population of poets and artists, deserted beaches, no gimmicky resorts, and – above all – a proud, foresighted local community that promotes sustainability and harbors a Bonhomous but mellow culture.

49. The Accentor-class minesweeper, sometimes called the Accentor/Acme-class minesweeper, was a small minesweeper used by the United States Navy during World War II.The Accentor-class minesweeper was designed for the sweeping of mines in harbors, bays, and other littoral waters.

50. This is an illustration of how the night sky might look to a dweller in the core of galaxy NGC 42 which harbors an 800-light-year-wide disk of dust and 2 billion-solar-mass black hole.