Nghĩa của từ gross national product bằng Tiếng Anh

the total value of goods produced and services provided by a country during one year, equal to the gross domestic product plus the net income from foreign investments.
The size of these contributions is determined partly by the gross national product of individual countries.

Đặt câu với từ "gross national product"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gross national product", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gross national product, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gross national product trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. CEIC de-Annualises quarterly Gross National Product

2. “That is more than the gross national product of Greenland.”

3. Mr Casaca, I did indeed read out "gross national product" because the Italian version contained the acronym GNP, which means, as I said, gross national product.

4. Gross National Product is Conventionally used to indicate economic development

5. The actual growth rate in our gross national product is unprecedented

6. Her price equaled more than 5 percent of Sweden’s gross national product.

7. (24) Gross national product (GNP) was the national accounts aggregate used until 2001.

8. If we consider our gross national product, that ought actually to be possible.

9. Britain's gross national product weighs in at around £250 billion; that is, P£62

10. Still, Japan’s military budget was a mere 1 percent of its gross national product.

11. China will have quadrupled its gross national product and reached a level of comparative prosperity.

12. The US current account deficit reached 2 per cent of gross national product in 200

13. Over the decade of the 1930s Canada's national income and gross national product actually declined.

14. Spending on health has risen from 7 percent of the gross national product in 1979 to

15. The growth rate of GNP ( gross national product ) per capita for China will be quadrupled by 2000.

16. Gross national product fell 8 percent in January-February 1991 compared with the same period in 19

17. Of the top 20 nations, in terms of gross national product per person, nine were Protestant, two Catholic.

18. On the one hand, the Gross National Product (or national income) of many nations increased in recent years.

19. From 1929 to 1933 - the low point of the Great Depression - Gross National Product dropped almost in half.

20. The deficit has fallen from 5 percent of gross national product in 1994 to an estimated 4 percent.

21. Consequently its budgets in terms of its share with the gross national product has gone down from the ‘60s.

22. Conventionally grown food (= grown according to conventional methods) Gross National Product (GNP) is Conventionally used to indicate economic development

23. Growth in the Gross National Product (total goods and services produced) for the industrial countries has been far from satisfactory.

24. In 1984 a Mongolian source stated that the forestry sector accounted for about one-sixth of gross national product (GNP).

25. It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment.

26. He feels that when gambling proceeds exceed 4 percent of a country’s gross national product, it becomes a social problem.

27. “Gross national product” refers to the total market value of goods and services that a country produces in a year.

28. Economists might base their predictions of the annual gross national product, or GNP, on the final consumption spending within the economy.

29. The following indicates the actual recurrent and capital expenditures with respect to education, and as a percentage of the gross national product (GNP):

30. The following indicates the actual recurrent and capital expenditures in respect of health care, and as a percentage of the gross national product:

31. The following indicates the actual recurrent and capital expenditures in respect of health care, and as a percentage of the gross national product

32. The following indicates the actual recurrent and capital expenditures with respect to education, and as a percentage of the gross national product (GNP

33. Many have a global operation, and between them they gross an estimated $1.5 trillion a year —more than the gross national product of France.

34. In addition, the city generates 55% of Turkey's trade and 45% of the country's wholesale trade, and generates 21.2% of Turkey's gross national product.

35. We calculated it by adding up the VAT actually paid and comparing this figure with the sum of the Member States' total gross national product.

36. On the average, the Japanese save four times as much as the Americans, and their total savings surpass 30 percent of their gross national product.

37. During the decade of the 1960’s one South American nation increased its Gross National Product by an overall per-person annual average of 3.1 percent.

38. The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product(GNP).

39. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries were once the most important sources of income but now trail behind with a combined sum of just 6.5 percent of the gross national product.

40. ● Last year’s total value of all goods and services, or gross national product, in the 128 poorer countries was far less than the increase alone in 21 wealthy nations.

41. This assessed scale takes into account the country's share of the global Gross National Product adjusted with a discount for low per-capita income and the country's external debt.

42. Though many take earth’s natural goods and services for granted, the scientists estimate their annual monetary value to be $33,300,000,000,000—almost twice the combined gross national product of the entire world.

43. But as early as 1968, this visionary man, Robert Kennedy, at the start of his ill-fated presidential campaign, gave the most eloquent deconstruction of gross national product that ever has been.

44. But as early as 1968, this visionary man, Robert Kennedy, at the start of his ill- fated presidential campaign, gave the most eloquent deconstruction of gross national product that ever has been.

45. From being probably Europe’s poorest country at the turn of the century, by 1970 Norway had reached ninth place among the nations of the world in terms of gross national product (GNP) per capita.

46. A report from the EU Commission regarding illegal workers revealed that up to 16 percent of the EU’s gross national product consists of income from businesses that are not registered and that do not pay taxes.