Nghĩa của từ golden horde bằng Tiếng Anh

the Tartar and Mongol army, led by descendants of Genghis Khan, that overran Asia and parts of eastern Europe in the 13th century and maintained an empire until around 1500 (so called from the richness of the leader's camp).

Đặt câu với từ "golden horde"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "golden horde", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ golden horde, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ golden horde trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. In the early 15th century Golden Horde was further partitioned.

2. Cultural elements of the Golden Horde were also present in noble circles.

3. In 1299, the town was sacked by the Mongol armies of Nogai Khan's Golden Horde.

4. I will lead our Golden Horde down from the north... and into battle with my nephew.

5. Tokhta of the Golden Horde, also seeking a general peace, sent 20,000 men to buttress the Yuan frontier.

6. After Mamai's defeat, Tokhtamysh restored the dominance of the Golden Horde over Russia by attacking Russian lands in 1382.

7. On its own, his army—the "Golden Horde", as awestruck local Slavs were later to nickname the newcomers—could dominate the region.

8. The Golden Horde lost all of its western dominions (including modern Belarus and Ukraine) to Poland and Lithuania between 1342 and 1369.

9. In 1326, Ozbeg Khan of the Golden Horde sent cheetahs to Yesün Temür Khan who responded with grants of gold, silver, cash, and silks.

10. All Rus' principalities were forced to submit to Mongol rule and became part of the Golden Horde empire, some of which lasted until 1480.

11. The Kipchak Khanate was known in Rus and Europe as the Golden Horde (Zolotaya Orda) some think because of the golden colour of the Khan's tent.

12. But Batu, ruler of the Golden Horde, refused to come to the kurultai, claiming that he was ill and that the Mongolian climate was too harsh for him.

13. In the wake of the Mongol invasions of the 1230s, Volga Bulgaria was absorbed by the Golden Horde and its population evolved into the modern Chuvashes and Kazan Tatars.

14. 19 In the Middle Ages it was ruled in succession by the Kievan Rus, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire.

15. The title Khan of Khans was among numerous titles used by the Sultans of the Ottoman empire as well as the rulers of the Golden Horde and its descendant states.

16. Although a Russian army defeated the Golden Horde at Kulikovo in 1380, Mongol domination of the Russian-inhabited territories, along with demands of tribute from Russian princes, continued until about 1480.

17. 24 The second time was chosen with the rising phase in alliance with the Moscow principality perished in the east of the Golden Horde, in the west reduced Duchy of Lithuania.

18. The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (which possessed much of the Ukraine at the time) were attacked in 1487–1491 by the remnant of the Golden Horde.

19. The princes of southern and eastern Russia had to pay tribute to the Mongols of the Golden Horde, commonly called Tatars; but in return they received charters authorizing them to act as deputies to the khans.

20. THE Appanage PERIOD, 1240-1480: 1240: Victory of Alexander Nevsky over Swedes on the Neva: 1242: Battle on the Ice: Nevsky's victory over the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus: 1253: Founding of Sarai as capital of the Golden Horde: 1270: Novgorod treaty with the Hansa: 1275: Population of Russia about ten million: 1294: First Russian icon which

21. A Buttress unconformity occurs when younger bedding is deposited against older strata thus influencing its bedding structure.: Sika stags have stout, upright antlers with an extra Buttress up from the brow tine and a very thick wall.: Tokhta of the Golden Horde, also seeking a general peace, sent 20,000 men to Buttress the Yuan frontier.: Supporters and foes commend Pearson's deftness at