Nghĩa của từ gentiles bằng Tiếng Anh

a person who is not Jewish.
Again we must say that this was strictly a Jewish affair, no Gentiles being involved; no, not even the Roman guard.

Đặt câu với từ "gentiles"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gentiles", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gentiles, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gentiles trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. * See also Centurion; Gentiles; Peter

2. Fourth, almost anyone —the blind, the lame, and uncircumcised Gentiles— could enter the Court of the Gentiles.

3. Jews had no dealings with Gentiles, even despising them, and prejudice against Gentiles persisted among Jews who had become Christians.

4. Later they were joined by believing Gentiles.

5. Gentiles receive holy spirit and get baptized (44-48)

6. 17 Rom. 13 But I am speaking to you, the Gentiles. Inasmuch therefore as I am an apostle of the Gentiles, I glorify my ministry.

7. Paul offered the gospel to Israel, then to the Gentiles.

8. 13 But I am speaking to you, the Gentiles. Inasmuch therefore as I am an apostle of the Gentiles, I glorify my ministry.

9. The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles.

10. Rom. 13 But I am speaking to you, the Gentiles. Inasmuch therefore as I am an apostle of the Gentiles, I glorify my ministry.

11. Gentiles are often confused about proper behavior, gifts, and attire.

12. IN JESUS’ day, a palpable animosity existed between Jews and Gentiles.

13. Others, such as the Roman army officer Cornelius, were uncircumcised Gentiles.

14. (Galatians 6:16) Starting with Cornelius, the new nation included uncircumcised Gentiles.

15. Then, in 36 C.E., the call widened out to include uncircumcised Gentiles.

16. In the Book of Jubilees, uncircumcised Gentiles are called "sons of Belial".

17. Paul’s reason for writing is to fulfill his commission as an apostle to the Gentiles and in order that these Gentiles might be an acceptable offering to God

18. * The Gentiles shall be filled with all manner of priestcrafts, 3 Ne.

19. Jews never expected Gentiles not to eat pork, to keep the Sabbath,to circumcise their children, and they never thought there was anything wrong with Gentiles doing those things.

20. But remember Paul had agreed when he met in Jerusalem with Peter,James,and John, and other people,that he would go to the Gentiles, and they didn't have to circumcise the Gentiles.

21. * The Gentiles are a likeness of a wild olive tree, Jacob 5.

22. All will be fulfilled when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

23. They understood that 1914 would mark the end of “the times of the Gentiles.”

24. And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people.

25. 10 The Law had, in fact, fenced the Jews off from the Gentiles.

26. Why, they even allowed merchants to do business in the courtyard of the Gentiles.

27. Notice that the Savior’s analogy comparing Gentiles to pet dogs tested this woman’s faith.

28. The symbolic wall was the Law covenant, which had long separated Jews and Gentiles.

29. A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel

30. So what did the end of the “times of the Gentiles” A.D. 1914 mean?

31. It was originally written in Hebrew, and therefore not for the perusal of the Gentiles.

32. Peter responded, and the first uncircumcised Gentiles thus became part of the Christian congregation.

33. Starting with Cornelius many uncircumcised Gentiles ‘blessed themselves’ by means of Jesus, Abraham’s Seed.

34. But by their misstep salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.

35. 9 aYea, the kings of the Gentiles shall be nursing fathers unto them, and their queens shall become nursing mothers; wherefore, the bpromises of the Lord are great unto the Gentiles, for he hath spoken it, and who can dispute?

36. For the name of God is Blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written

37. 6:8) Many Jewish religious leaders made themselves like the Gentiles through excessive wordiness when praying.

38. His reputation already in jeopardy, Young further offended gentiles with what they thought was his most heartless scheme.

39. For the name of God is Blaspheme d among the Gentiles through you, as it is written

40. With few exceptions, they were not lights to the world, and consequently, the Gentiles were Blaspheming God (Rom

41. He even softens the comparison of Gentiles to dogs by referring to them as “little dogs,” or puppies.

42. (Acts 11:20) This preaching was directed not only to Greek-speaking Jews but also to uncircumcised Gentiles.

43. Then, in the year 36 C.E., it was further expanded to include the world of uncircumcised Gentiles.

44. But Gentiles will be welcomed to recline at his table, as it were, “in the Kingdom of the heavens.”

45. * The gospel is to come forth in the times of the Gentiles, D&C 45:28 (D&C 19:27).

46. 6 For thus it Behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the a Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be b numbered

47. New King James Version For “the name of God is Blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,” as it is written

48. The church that holds the undisputable proof as the first Authentical apostolic establishment with founder the apostle of the Gentiles himself

49. Could it be that Covenant theology is in fact “Additionist” theology–Gentiles are added to the Jews in God’s plan of salvation? R

50. 19 And it shall come to pass, that those who have dwindled in unbelief shall be asmitten by the hand of the Gentiles.