Nghĩa của từ freedom fighters bằng Tiếng Anh

a person who takes part in a violent struggle to achieve a political goal, especially in order to overthrow their government.
There are still those who profess not to know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter .

Đặt câu với từ "freedom fighters"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "freedom fighters", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ freedom fighters, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ freedom fighters trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Terrorizing citizens, putting down freedom fighters.

2. You've also got various religious freedom fighters.

3. The glorious work of the Northern freedom fighters.

4. The hardest worked were the female freedom fighters.

5. Sir, you' ve characterized the ALC as freedom fighters

6. What is it with freedom fighters and couture anyway?

7. Images of desperate freedom-fighters handing the packet round behind the barricade.

8. The army and police are no match for well-armed and determined freedom fighters.

9. A respected General in the Martian Army, Carbine joined Stoker's Freedom Fighters when she realized …

10. This may be what some of those egging the freedom fighters on want to happen.

11. But quite the opposite happened, as the freedom fighters turned their confinement to good use.

12. Later on, Hindi language became the main medium of freedom fighters during the anti-colonial struggle.

13. The IRA re-emerged as the Provisional IRA, self-proclaimed successors to the freedom fighters of 19

14. Police oppression of the freedom fighters brought my protest against authority almost to the point of obsession.

15. Beaky is also a showman and the ringmaster of Bob Beaky's Travelling Circus, a front for the Freedom Fighters

16. A skills shortage exists and the reintegration of former freedom fighters has proved difficult, with many incidents of undisciplined conduct.

17. Bargle was killed shortly after Baron Black Eagle by Abhorson and his group of Freedom Fighters known as Dusk and Dawn

18. They remained absolutely neutral, for example, in the struggle between the Roman ruling authorities and such Jewish freedom fighters as the Zealots.

19. Senator Marsha Blackburn sits down with our nation’s greatest freedom fighters to talk about how they incorporate the Big Five in their work and lives.

20. Economic Freedom Fighters -puolueen (EFF) jäsen sai raivokohtauksen kunnallisvaltuuston kokouksessa Etelä-Afrikan Pretoriassa kuultuaan valkoisten koululaisten puhuvan äidinkieltään Afrikaansia

21. The story is about five young men from Delhi whose lives and perceptions change as they act in a documentary film on five revolutionary Indian freedom fighters.

22. Most of the roads during this time were built by ex - convicts and freedom fighters incarcerated in the jail , as forced and free labour was available in plenty .

23. Recalling that the year 2022 would mark 75 years of independence, he urged civil servants to play the role of catalytic agents in fulfilling the dreams of freedom fighters.

24. CHATTOGRAM: The Chattogram Zila Parishad Accorded a reception to 55 freedom fighters (FFs) on Tuesday, marking the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and golden jubilee of independence of the country

25. Cleaving with remarkable consistency to the Balkans policy of its predecessors, the Bush administration has not opposed the rechristening of Albanian terrorist leader Ali Ahmeti as a "statesman." This duplicates the Clinton administration's feat of rechristening the leaders of the narco-terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) as "freedom fighters" and "democratic reformers."

26. The Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (Biff), also known as the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement, is an Islamist militant organization based in Mindanao, the Philippines.It is a smaller player in the overall Moro insurgency in the Philippines and is mostly active in Maguindanao and other places in central Mindanao.It is a breakaway group from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front founded by