Nghĩa của từ fallacies bằng Tiếng Anh

a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.
the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy

Đặt câu với từ "fallacies"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "fallacies", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ fallacies, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ fallacies trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Common Fallacies About Snakes

2. Such fallacies are not easily perceived.

3. It's very important when thinking about ad hominem fallacies to distinguish between ad hominem attacks and ad hominem fallacies.

4. Allaying fears and fallacies about lactose intolerance

5. I will not subscribe to popular fallacies.

6. Erroneous Arguments are called fallacies in logic (see fallacy)

7. 3 This article is sophomoric and is rife with fallacies.

8. He learns his whys and wherefores, his causes and correlations, his logic, his fallacies.

9. The fallacies use the determiners “no” or “some.” The illicit Contraposition fallacy follows the following pattern: "Some/No X …

10. Amphiboly continues to be treated as one of the major informal fallacies by many of the logic textbooks that deal with fallacies, following a longstanding tradition that goes back through the Middle Ages, originating in Aristotle.

11. Perhaps Bentham's Book of fallacies is too political for me to Commend it to you here.

12. There are so many fallacies in this view that they cannot all be disentangled at once.

13. Bathetic fallacies With his new collection, Laureate's Block, anti-Laureate Tony Harrison has lost his laurels Robert Potts

14. Cranky Uncle explains 14 techniques of science denial, from fake experts to cherry picking and a variety of different logical fallacies

15. OTHER FALLACIES AROUND THE Anglophone PROBLEM Some have argued that the thought of a return to federalism is a move backwards

16. Lacking Coherentness means falling back on fallacies, since Coherentness is difficult to achieve and requires substantial research on a topic on top of constantly-expanding background knowledge

17. Moreover, we believe that it serves this assembly well to make absolutely clear that repeating fallacies and hollow accusations does not achieve results but increases tensions.

18. 19 It is not to be neglected that this series of continuingly escalating crimes are the evil fruits irrigated by the evilness of the fallacies and absurdities of Li Hongzhi.

19. But there are two fallacies in the water policies adopted by all sprawling communities in the American sunbelt that are as true today as they were in Mulholland's time.

20. A number of fallacies had been put forward during the current discussion, including some of the statements made concerning the connection between maternal mortality and lack of access to abortions.

21. So the fallacy of fast talking, and the list of fallacies are down there just for you amusement Okay here's a fallacy, well deductively valid argument and here's a fallacy that looks like it.

22. "Critical reasoning" and "Argumentation" are two labels, which are now utilized in academia to generally refer to subject matter I originally studied as informal logic, particularly "informal" fallacies

23. Amphiboly is one of the thirteen fallacies identified by Aristotle in On Sophistical Refutations3, as well as one of the six that depend on language. The word "sophistical" in the title of the treatise refers to the sophists, who were teachers of rhetoric in Aristotle's time.

24. Title: Socinianisme in the fundamentall point of justification discovered, and Confuted, or, An answer to a written pamphlet maintaining that faith is in a proper sense without a trope imputed to beleevers in justification wherein the Socinian fallacies are discovered and Confuted, and the true Christian doctrine maintained, viz

25. The Aporias in Plato's early dialogues.1 In this paper, I wish to present a few specimen resolutions based on the assumption that the fallacies, omissions, and apparent contradictions producing the Aporias are fully intentional on Plato's part.2 The evidence for Plato's deliberateness falls into two main cate-