Nghĩa của từ enquiring bằng Tiếng Anh

showing an interest in learning new things.
an open, inquiring mind
ask for information from someone.
“How well do you know Berlin?” he inquired of Hencke
synonyms:askmake inquiriesquestion someonerequest/solicit information
investigate; look into.
the task of political sociology is to inquire into the causes of political events
synonyms:investigateconduct an inquiry into/about/regardingprobelook intoresearchexamineexploredelve intostudycheck out

Đặt câu với từ "enquiring"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "enquiring", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ enquiring, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ enquiring trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Rose was enquiring after you .

2. She had a lively and enquiring mind.

3. I was enquiring in Lost Property at Derby.

4. The retailer introduced all sorts of recorders to a keen enquiring consumer.

5. The committee are enquiring into the employment of children.

6. He raised an enquiring eyebrow in my direction.

7. After the doctor was enquiring an illness, requirement patient assay defecate.

8. Tom was in a restaurant, enquiring about the live music advertised outside.

9. He read her expression - enquiring - and touched her on both shoulders.

10. Commentators need to be clear about whether they are enquiring into interviewees' reading or their politics.

11. They didn't chase my assailants but helped me to my feet, solicitously enquiring after my health.

12. Not so: the recruit of today is generally better educated and more enquiring than his counterpart of previous decades.

13. This collection explores the assumptions behind the label Anthropocentrism , critically enquiring into the meaning of human .

14. To adopt too critical or enquiring a position at this stage would be to run the risk of alienation.

15. University and college libraries enable the enquiring mind to range freely over a vast array of literature.

16. Manesh says that even with very little publicity, 10-15 people have been enquiring about the tiffin wala service everyday.

17. In the other activity, techniques are related to principles with a view to enquiring into the relationship between the two.

18. They swept out[Sentencedict], Charity enquiring loudly as she went when the so-called war was going to begin.

19. Synonyms for Curiouser include keener, eagerer, ambitiouser, more inquisitive, more probing, more questioning, more quizzical, more enquiring, more investigative and more enthusiastic

20. Synonyms for Curiousest include keenest, eagerest, ambitiousest, most inquisitive, most probing, most questioning, most quizzical, most enquiring, most investigative and most enthusiastic

21. But I sent another one to the terrorists, with a nice little clue about her code name, should anyone have an enquiring mind.

22. The Haqqani group is very active and they are enquiring about employees of the Punjab National Bank and also residential complexes of Indians in Afghanistan.

23. But we are getting a large number of calls of other nature – people enquiring about the possibility of earthquake, people offering, and all sorts of things.

24. The Armorials produced at that time.2 For this purpose, an attempt will be made, first of all, to define the research object from a heuristic point of view, enquiring into the nature of Armorials and their role in the political culture of the time