Nghĩa của từ election campaign bằng Tiếng Anh

series of planned actions set to convince voters to vote for a particular (usually political) candidate

Đặt câu với từ "election campaign"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "election campaign", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ election campaign, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ election campaign trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Education issues dominated the election campaign.

2. The general election campaign gets underway today.

3. The election campaign has begun in earnest.

4. The publicity could detract from our election campaign.

5. The election campaign was not conducted very cleanly.

6. He wanted an early start on his election campaign.

7. The election campaign got off to a jittery start.

8. The election campaign reaches its climax next week.

9. She had actively solicited funds for her election campaign.

10. This issue has become the keynote of the election campaign.

11. The party's election campaign emphasized its belief in family values.

12. 17 The election campaign has been remarkably peaceful, even good-humoured.

13. His election campaign was based on misinformation about the rival candidates.

14. The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.

15. He was beaten to a frazzle during the last election campaign.

16. The religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy.

17. Many voters admitted being disturbed by the tenor of the election campaign.

18. This election campaign has been Characterized by personal insults from both sides

19. Their victory was largely a result of their brilliantly orchestrated election campaign.

20. It was a curiously flat note on which to end the election campaign.

21. Coming out of an election campaign, we know what this is all about.

22. The local branch of the party is meeting to chart their election campaign.

23. 15 Their victory was largely a result of their brilliantly orchestrated election campaign.

24. Welcome to my re-election campaign for Chairwoman of the Bois Forte Band

25. His office funneled millions of dollars in secret contributions to the re-election campaign.

26. He has already been blamed for his party's lackluster performance during the election campaign.

27. In the election campaign you are arguing that it's the guarantor of the transition.

28. The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million to fight the election campaign.

29. During his election Campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet

30. 6 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.

31. They blamed their defeat on the media's one-sided reporting of the election campaign.

32. Last week, in the heat of the election campaign, the Prime Minister left for America.

33. 21 No party could have hoped for a more auspicious start to an election campaign.

34. Critics accused him of not wanting to rebuff the Defense Department during an election campaign.

35. After all, Sarkozy spoke out strongly against Turkey joining the EU during his election campaign.

36. The treaty was scheduled for a ratification vote during the presidential election campaign last year.

37. Released 25 years ago, the recording became the unofficial anthem of my first-ever election campaign.

38. Violence marred the conduct of the election campaign with the main opposition leaders being repeatedly threatened.

39. Minors may not be involved in paid political advertisements during and outside the election campaign period.

40. 26 Inflation and interest rates will be very much in the foreground of their election campaign.

41. Any slowdown in the economy is going to be a drag on the President's re-election campaign.

42. 5 Any slowdown in the economy is going to be a drag on the President's re-election campaign.

43. However, it is a matter of satisfaction and pride that the election campaign has been a dignified one.

44. Previously, he advised Obama on foreign policy and intelligence issues during the 2008 election campaign and presidential transition.

45. Mr Barak launched his re-election campaign last week, unveiling a cautious peace plan aimed at Appeasing rightwing critics.

46. 21 Safety First, the uninspiring motto of his 1929 election campaign, represented his policy in political and economic matters.

47. Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush's re-election campaign.

48. It is not known at this time if his injuries will preclude his full participation in the election campaign.

49. He was then faced during the presidential election campaign with an unexpected challenge by Ross Perot, a billionaire from Texas.

50. 20 Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush's re-election campaign.