Nghĩa của từ effluents bằng Tiếng Anh

liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea.
the bay was contaminated with the effluent from an industrial plant
synonyms:(liquid) wastesewagewaste watereffluviumoutflowdischargeemission

Đặt câu với từ "effluents"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "effluents", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ effluents, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ effluents trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Industrial treatment of effluents

2. Liquid effluents from various activities

3. • Characterization of biologically active compounds in effluents

4. These include: urban sewage and industrial effluents.

5. Table 2 Types of Effluents Discharged by Industries No .

6. This method can be used for treating tannery effluents .

7. Blasting process of acidic gases in gaseous effluents

8. f) Waste water management and re-use of treated effluents;

9. Affluent affluents fluently effluent effluents plentifully Affluentness bafflement opulently flauntiest

10. f)Waste water management and re-use of treated effluents;

11. Motility was recorded during infusion of each set of effluents.

12. Occurrence of alkylphenoxyacetic acids in Canadian sewage treatment plant effluents.

13. Method for cultivating marine microalgae using effluents from a nuclear power plant

14. , including mining and post-mining activities and dumping of effluents in coastal areas.

15. Transportation activities contribute to water pollution through the discharge of effluents and waste.

16. • Ecotoxicology and environmental fate of pulp mill effluents Ongoing Studies/Current Activities

17. It means the control of emissions and effluents into air, water or soil.

18. • Transportation activities contribute to water pollution through the release of effluents and solid wastes.

19. Distilleries also discharge hot effluents at temperatures ranging between 60 C and 80 C .

20. Most paper mills in India utilise their effluents for raising paddy , sugarcane , etc .

21. All kinds of industries , founded during the past four decades , discharge effluents of varied nature .

22. Every day, effluents and garbage in a large quantity flow into Ganga through drains.

23. • Direct measurement - most accurate and most applicable in determining concentration of substances released as effluents

24. As a result, effluents may require a polishing step with activated carbon units. 3.5.2 Steam Stripping

25. The holdings' effluents would run into these, where the wind and temperature would aid their evaporation

26. Effluents from nearby factories are also a threat to all forms of life in the park.

27. The effluents we pour heedlessly into its waters are a threat to its delicate ecological balance.

28. Acids : Both organic and inorganic acids are discharged into rivers in the form of industrial effluents .

29. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution The principal contributors of water pollution are industrial effluents and sewage .

30. The major pollutants threatening the sanctity of our water resources are industrial effluents , sewage and farm wastes .

31. Of course, no treaty is capable of shielding Antarctica from the effluents of the modern, industrialized world.

32. Conversion of Sludge into Useful Products : The sludge obtained on treatment of effluents is also a problem .

33. Extracts and perfusate effluents of lungs of the rainbow lizard (Agama agama) were assayed for prostaglandin-like activity.

34. In addition to the economical benefit there is also less effluents (carbon dioxide, nitrate, ammonia) per production unit.

35. Effluents discharged into Cauvery from these industries is estimated to be about 110 million litres per day .

36. They included air emissions, waterborne effluents, solid wastes and other environmental releases quantified throughout the entire life cycle.

37. Location and description of effluents; emissions; waste disposal methods; noise; adverse impact on aesthetic factors, etc., during construction.

38. Age was increased in both types of effluents, although this difference was not significant for aerated stabilization basin treatment.

39. • Developing laboratory fish bioassays to predict effects of chemicals and effluents in wild fish Ongoing Studies/Current Activities

40. Water pollution has acquired dangerous dimensions ever since sewage and industrial effluents are being disposed into the rivers .

41. For instance , in our country distilleries are engaged in setting up bio - gas plants which are fed by their effluents .

42. 6 A fifth of Britain's sewage works contravene state standards on effluents because the owners refuse to invest in them.

43. Advantageously, fine adjustment means for the drainage flow rate are provided, which reduces the hydrogen losses in the drained effluents.

44. Or would he perhaps look upon a clear mountain stream and complain about the absence of raw sewage or Industrial effluents?

45. Let us consider the effluents of a starch industry which has mixed up with a local water body like a lake or pond.

46. Also monitor and adjust, if necessary, to within ± 10 %, the flow-rates of influents, effluents and sludge wastage frequently, e.g. twice per day.

47. The discharge of hot trade effluents from electricity generating stations may cause a temperature rise of several degrees in a river or a canal .

48. With proper design and operation, Aerated lagoons can deliver effluents that meet limits of 30 mg/L, both for TSS and CBOD 5

49. One who travels in that area can see the frothy colourful pools of effluents stagnating on either side of the road and emanating a foul odour .

50. Arsenic enters water courses via the discharge of sheep - dipping effluents and through the use of fungicides and weedicides , thus affecting the process of heredity .