Nghĩa của từ dissected bằng Tiếng Anh

having been cut up for anatomical study.
This leads King into an extended digression on Michelangelo's use of nudity, including the evidence that the artist had studied dissected corpses in great detail.
having a divided form or structure, in particular.
Our analysis of dissected stems and the outer anatomy of fossil logs indicates that the Eocene Metasequoia were strongly self-pruning.
methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts.
In order to paint the human form better, he studied anatomy, dissecting many cadavers at a time when this was unusual, and drawing them in painstaking detail.
synonyms:anatomizecut up/opendismembervivisect

Đặt câu với từ "dissected"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dissected", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dissected, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dissected trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Scarbroughs spagyrical Anatomizer dissected

2. 5 Each specimen is carefully dissected.

3. A modified Amphiphloic siphonostele with dissected scale

4. Lancewood - Bendee - rosewood Landform Uplands, ranges and dissected ridges

5. Carrot foliage is finely dissected, with fern-like compound leaves

6. METHODS: The internal thoracic artery was dissected in 5 adult Cadaveric specimens

7. Large DNA molecules are first dissected with restriction enzymes to produce specific fragments.

8. The biloma cavity was careful dissected, opened and anastomosed with a jejunal loop.

9. To this end, we stained pieces of dissected squid axon and extruded Axoplasm …

10. Dissected distal Aortas increased by a mean of 0.3 ± 0.5 mm/year

11. 🔊 Under the Auspices of their teacher, the students dissected a pig

12. It remained the chief subject of the editorial pages,( dissected and analyzed ceaselessly.

13. Delamination strength (Sd) was lowest in dissected Aortas and highest in normal Aortas, and

14. The abdominal cavity is opened, and the liver is dissected out and weighed.

15. 9 Flaccid, deeply dissected, submerged foliage closely resembling an out-stretched bird's foot.

16. / A comprehensive Workflow and Framework for immersive Virtual Endoscopy of dissected Aortae from CTA Data

17. Results on several direct observables, e.g. ionization potentials, electron affinities, bond lengths are similarly dissected.

18. Barfed out Today, I threw up in bio when we dissected cow hearts

19. This dissected the special feature of liberalism ideology and its inextricable inner contradiction and complexity respectively.

20. Cochleae were dissected out, enzymatically digested, and triturated gently using fire-polished Pasteur pipettes

21. Experimental electrophysiological results using afferent fibres dissected from forearm nerves of monkeys are described.

22. "All things are naked, and opened unto his eyes," tetrachlidmena, dissected or Anatomised

23. Suitable increment of dissected lymph node number would not increase the post-operative complication rate.

24. And then comes October, when every pitch and every swing is magnified, hits and outs Ceaselessly dissected

25. Southern Missouri rises to the Ozark Mountains, a dissected plateau surrounding the Precambrian igneous St. Francois Mountains.

26. 12 Willis Hot Rod '33 sedan delivery body is dissected and the use of the assembly.

27. On the west is the Hatton Plateau, a deeply dissected series of ridges sloping downward toward the north.

28. Debris infilled the postglacial gorges of the streams and spread across a partly dissected alluvial fan.

29. The “Africanization” of Venezuela has been widely written about and dissected ad nauseam in many books and articles.

30. Synonyms for Anatomized include dissected, analyzed, assayed, broke down, broken down, cut, deconstructed, divided, examined and resolved

31. This tough igneous rock is highly resistant to erosion and forms the dissected highland plateau which is the Cairngorms

32. Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.

33. Incision of retinaculae preparing a lengthening. The vastus medialis muscle is dissected from the intermuscular septum from distal to proximal.

34. Cumin, small, slender annual herb of the family Apiaceae with finely dissected leaves and white or rose-colored flowers

35. When Cadavers are utilized for medical purposes, they may be dissected for education purposes, or used for cadaveric donation

36. Dissection was given the green light by the 1752 Murder Act which allowed prisoners to be "hung by the neck until dead and then to be dissected and Anatomised (a body cut open to be studied)." SENTENCED TO BE DISSECTED! The barbaric punishment handed out to …

37. Glycoproteins extracted from the dissected ciliary body were separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and analyzed by protein Blottings with 8 different lectins

38. 14 The ureter and gonadal ein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero- laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

39. The key phenomenon is the radiation pressure of light; this pressure can be dissected down into optical gradient and scattering forces.

40. Fifteen 100 m long transects were placed using random coordinates within two soil–geomorphology units (flat alluvial terraces and dissected ridge-slope-swale terrain).

41. KHN and Crooked Media’s “America Dissected” have teamed up for a recurring conversation about the policies that make health care seem so tangled

42. Bloodwarm is a collection that explores what it’s like to live in a Black body that is constantly scrutinized and dissected beneath the white gaze

43. Methods: In 43 New Zealand rabbits anaesthetised with urethane, the aortic nerve was dissected and partly placed in a double-lumen perfusion chamber (Fig.

44. Methods 5 skulls examined for canal relationship of infratemporal fossa and 10 cadaver heads dissected step by step under the microscope for photographs.

45. That is an uncontroversial view in continental Europe, especially in Belgium and France, where cartoon strips are reviewed in critical essays and dissected in academic theses.

46. Laryngotrachea tissues from the fowl dead by fowl pox of diphtheritic type were dissected, fixed, embedded, strained and ultrastructural changes of morphology were observed by EMS.

47. Of all the depots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat.

48. Methods:The nerve branch from the lnterfemus muscle and superior articular branch to knee joint were dissected and measured on 35 sides of adult cadaver′s lower limbs.

49. The dissected tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen, and RNA was prepared from isolated Coleorhizae and roots using the hexadecyltrimethylammonium procedure described by Chang et al

50. Coreopsis definition is - any of a genus (Coreopsis) of widely cultivated composite herbs with showy often yellow flower heads and pinnately lobed or dissected leaves.