Nghĩa của từ different to bằng Tiếng Anh


different from

Đặt câu với từ "different to"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "different to", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ different to, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ different to trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Celibacy looks different to

2. Fish looks different to different people.

3. House Centipedes look different to other Centipedes.

4. How different to this dull, aching existence.

5. Their customs are very different to ours.

6. It's very different to what I'm used to.

7. Every Autistic person is different to every other

8. Q : Quite different to life on a sitcom then ?

9. What makes a Brioche different to most breads? Brioche …

10. No different to the ones we suffered beneath as slaves.

11. 7 He found driving on the Continent very different to Britain.

12. The knock - offs are generally sufficiently different to forestall legal action.

13. A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury.

14. But this is completely different to the symmetries of the triangle.

15. The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.

16. It was just so different to songs back then and so suttle.

17. Abolishing whiteness is different to merely challenging “white supremacy” or “white privilege”

18. "I should probably say I was very different to her aged 17.

19. Adobos is a awesome restaurant if you're looking for something different to try

20. Cepheus lies north of the Ecliptic which is different to the Celestial Equator

21. In fact, even the early Marx on disassimilation is also fundamentally different to Existentialism.

22. Being a Columnist means something a bit different to me than it did growing up

23. Helen : First, the feel of the banknote is unique and is different to ordinary paper.

24. Contents insurance is different to buildings insurance, which only protects the structure of your home

25. The Cambridge application process is slightly different to other universities and starts a bit earlier too

26. This person must be different to the carrier, freight forwarder, consolidator, postal operator, or customs agent.

27. I was different, to be sure, but he accepted me as a kindred spirit of sorts.

28. The Cpr steps for children and infants are slightly different to the steps for adults, as below

29. The anatomy of a 'normal' brain is very different to that of a patient with Alzheimer's disease.

30. Different to Lefortovo, back in the dark ages from the second floor of the hospital block at Vladimir.

31. The 1993 debut by the Babkas trio brought something entirely different to the downtown New York jazz scene

32. You use Alternatively to introduce a suggestion or to mention something different to what has just been stated

33. We're walking melting pots of culture, and if something in that pot smells new or different to you --

34. Ideally, the reading courses of the 1990s will not only look different to today's teachers, they will be unrecognizable.

35. Operation Flashpoint 2 is also set in a theatre of war quite different to those that were announced previously.

36. 5 Essentially we must not acclimatise to the local time, which is totally different to how we normally operate.

37. Meeting a group of complete strangers from backgrounds very different to my own, in such an alien environment, was disconcerting.

38. The butts have their own special microclimate, totally different to anything else on the moor - it is much warmer inside them.

39. A deed planned in cold blood may appear very different to the perpetrator if he ever gets round to carrying it out.

40. 22 A deed planned in cold blood may appear very different to the perpetrator if he ever gets round to carrying it out.

41. Cloaking Cloaking is a method which gives search engines the impression that a website carries content that is different to what users actually see

42. Unidirectional tensile tests with a flat body of ductile material show that such bodies will break under an angle which is different to rectangular.

43. As the group call is different to the common call, it is necessary to study the handover technology in TD-SCDMA digital trunking system.

44. The Algos is a tricky ship to fit, not because it requires high skills, but because it is so different to other Gallente ships

45. As a result of manufacturing processes, it is not possible to exclude the accidental presence of other Allergens different to the ones listed here

46. What's happening is that, because the boat changes shape, the position of the front sail and the main sail are different to the wind.

47. My mother has an accent that is so different to my father, and we're all a population of about 300,000 people in the same country.

48. While every Condiment adds something a little different to a meal, all Condiments are used with the intent of enhancing the flavor of a cooked meal.

49. At Cultivations, you will find a distinctive line of furnishings and home decor. We set out to be different, to bring something new to our area

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