Nghĩa của từ differed bằng Tiếng Anh

be unlike or dissimilar.
the second set of data differed from the first
synonyms:contrast withbe different frombe dissimilar tobe unlikevary fromdiverge fromdeviate fromconflict withrun counter tobe incompatible withbe at odds withgo againstcontradict

Đặt câu với từ "differed"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "differed", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ differed, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ differed trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Opinions differed about the Bombardon/tuba

2. Oospore germination differed significantly among different isolates.

3. We soon found that prices differed enormously.

4. The campaign tactics of the two contestants differed markedly.

5. Most differed from them also in wearing makeup.

6. Rostovtsev's last memorandum and Panin's first differed significantly.

7. The Archean world differed greatly from that of today.

8. This differed substantively from the ancient Greek emission theory.

9. Reaction to Japanese rule among the Taiwanese populace differed.

10. I thought temples differed from government offices or papers.

11. 3 In most practical aspects heritable copyhold differed little from socage.

12. Formerly the boundaries differed with the size of the ground .

13. Also, Aggregational behavior differed under different wavelengths (ANOVA, p < 0.0001)

14. She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism.

15. Both sides had a similar number of ships, but their design differed.

16. The rural hinterland which supported the two best known cities differed greatly.

17. After World War II, opinions differed about the value of Armour protection

18. The process of succession of these Caliphs to the Caliphate differed from

19. Bonapartism differed somewhat under Louis-Napoléon (Napoleon III from Dec

20. Their village structure and administration differed somewhat from the Russian population that surrounded them.

21. Throughout this era, Sassanid religious policy differed dramatically from king to king.

22. 20 She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism.

23. All autoradiographic parameters showed marked diurnal variations, the amplitudes of which differed individually.

24. The 50 clones differed on average from one another in 3 vegetative characters.

25. The results, on virtually every test, differed markedly from a control group of healthy adults.

26. Castles differed from earlier fortifications in that they were generally private fortified residences

27. The basis of disbursements and the accounting and recording treatments differed among organizations.

28. 21 RESULTS: The three periodontal index differed distinctively from those after the treatment.

29. No grouping had basal upper oesophageal sphincter pressure that differed significantly from any other.

30. [68: The actual purchase price differed for each delivery, ranging from $18.30 to $32.60 per barrel.]

31. 17 In the same task activation intensity of all activated brain areas differed insignificantly .

32. hile this pattern of strong economic activity was widely observed across countries, annual growth rates differed considerably

33. However, we observed that the accuracy of torque limitation differed greatly between individual devices across these groups.

34. In the 1990s, GDP growth performance has differed substantially across the major regions in ALA.

35. First, healthy and brain-damaged subjects differed in amplitude and latency values of the N1 and P2 components.

36. The YPs were substantially redesigned and differed greatly in detail from the hand-built XP-38.

37. Thalweg metrics differed between these undisturbed streams and reaches in streams affected by placer gold mining.

38. The relevance of other personality traits differed in the diagnostic subgroups of nonpsychotic and psychotic bipolars.

39. The manual and a semiautomatic analysis modes for CCT and ACD differed significantly (p<0.026).

40. Evidently, then, the requirements for lifetime Nazirites differed in some ways from those for voluntary Nazirites.

41. Another difference was that the context sensitive vowels and consonant items differed with respect to the Constraining …

42. Coition (he did not take up revolution at this point) differed from that due to other attractions

43. Their reasons for adopting this view differed somewhat, but we can take Galileo's position as not atypical.

44. Bacteriology During the decade earlier, the 1880s, their research on Bacteriology differed markedly in approach and methodology

45. Animals with Bs were present in all samples in frequencies that differed significantly at the 5% level.

46. Pain patients differed substantially from psychotherapy inpatients in terms of age, education, family status and symptom load.

47. But just about every skill in making and selling computers substantially differed from making and leasing copiers.

48. The Celtic Church, for example, had its own ordination rite for priests, and this differed markedly from Rome's.

49. Adipocyte fate differed, depending on the microenvironment: intact survival, replacement with a new adipocyte, or replacement with Cicatrization/oil cyst

50. Wang and colleagues noted, “Neuroanatomical Biotypes differed in symptomatology even at presentation before treatment, and thereafter progressed at different rates