Nghĩa của từ detractors bằng Tiếng Anh

a person who disparages someone or something.
Of course, detractors and critics emerged instantaneously out of the woodwork.

Đặt câu với từ "detractors"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "detractors", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ detractors, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ detractors trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The scheme is better than its detractors suggest.

2. This performance will silence many of his detractors.

3. Detractors claim the building will be ugly and impractical.

4. She put up a game fight against her detractors.

5. So the arrows of your detractors bounce off, do they?

6. We have our detractors and critics, as we have always had.

7. Their steep decline has given grim satisfaction to their legions of detractors.

8. He had to keep dazzling the crowds to hold off his detractors.

9. But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.

10. The detractors say they are relative newcomers who would have constituted a gamble.

11. Even the President's detractors admit that the decision was the right one.

12. His approach has won keen admirers and vociferous detractors in the United States.

13. His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership.

14. Time and again, his detractors predicted that he would cancel elections and referendums.

15. Antonyms for Benefactresses include oppositions, competitors, rivals, challengers, rebels, belittlers, critics, faultfinders, detractors and enemies

16. Despite lacking evidence, Marlborough's detractors claimed that it was he who had alerted the enemy.

17. His present-day detractors might well ponder what would have happened to the country had he died.

18. To its detractors Cockfighting is a brutal blood sport that has no place in a civilized society

19. The most cynical of his detractors did not doubt that; the President had got carried away.

20. Detractors then and now thought it was designed to satisfy the lustful desires of the lusty prophet.

21. But when it comes to moral Bizarrerie, not even his most violent detractors would claim that Mr

22. Before I suggest a path forward with church Cowards, let me identify nine of the most common detractors

23. And detractors question whether the allegations have been motivated by a search for justice or a search for money.

24. The Bronx-bred rapper took aim at her detractors with a Bristing, since-deleted Instagram video on Monday afternooon (Feb

25. The difference between her detractors and supporters could not be starker, as the former demonize and the latter Apotheosize her

26. He and his Southern colleagues unsuccessfully opposed the protectionist Tariff of 1828, known to its detractors as the "Tariff of Abominations".

27. As the most visible and voluble owner in the National Football League, Jones has more than his share of detractors.

28. The interesting thing is , his detractors too have a point : national duty does n ' t mean you are above the law .

29. 9 As the most visible and voluble owner in the National Football League,( Jones has more than his share of detractors.

30. The Peróns' followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labour, while their detractors considered them demagogues and dictators.

31. Their subtext was that this was a devoted husband and a decent chap, not the apprentice dictator that his detractors portrayed.

32. He warily gazed around at his detractors, fully aware that any slim camaraderie they shared was likely to smolder as well.

33. He contends that Arminianism is often misunderstood and misrepresented at both an academic and popular level by both its proponents and its detractors.

34. And that the latest You Tube "Adpocolypse" was the fault of his detractors and the Russians who are all pedophiles

35. In Quebec, detractors said the series is an Anglocentric take on history, and its depiction of the French in New France was stereotypical and insulting

36. You'd surely go for his first-rate brain, though you might pass on what his detractors consider the vainglorious temperament that comes bundled with it.

37. However, her storyline had its detractors, mostly due to the recurrence of the Mercedes versus Rachel plot, and the inconsistency of her characterization with past appearances.

38. Their books have proved highly controversial, yet their detractors, rather than disproving the points made by their writers, have resorted to ad hominem attacks such as 'He is crazy.'

39. Brutalism had its admirers, but there were detractors, a group whose voice swelled down the years as buildings fell into disrepair and the aesthetic became a byword for poverty, antisocial

40. Alexis Petridis wrote "It would be nice to report that Dido's second album is strong enough to reveal her detractors as snobs, who hate the notion that her music appeals to 'ordinary' people ...

41. Now that we know that the entire Church could have not Apostatized as detractors charge, and since the "Great Apostasy" has happened already, then who is responsible for this blatant crime against Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church?

42. His reputation as an accompanist tended to obscure his talents as a symphonic conductor, and later, his detractors in New York "damned him with faint praise by exalting his powers as an accompanist and then implying that that was where it all stopped."

43. Baka is a Japanese word that directly translates to “fool” or any of its synonyms such as “idiot” and “moron.” Online, the pejorative term has been used both ironically and unironically by Otakus and its detractors poking fun at anime culture alike.

44. When I come upon essays like this one, ostensibly defending Shakespeare from all of his many supposed detractors, I also come as close as I ever do to feeling sympathy for the academic critics who have rejected "Bardolatry" and used Shakespeare as one more opportunity to "depreciate the merely literary" (Sven Birkerts) and