Nghĩa của từ defenses bằng Tiếng Anh

the action of defending from or resisting attack.
they relied on missiles for the country's defense
the case presented by or on behalf of the party being accused or sued in a lawsuit.
It is clear law that in any context in which consent of the injured party is a defence to what would otherwise be a crime or a civil wrong, the consent must be real.
one or more defendants and the counsel in a trial.
the defense requested more time to prepare their case

Đặt câu với từ "defenses"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "defenses", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ defenses, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ defenses trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Your defenses* are as fragile as defenses of clay.

2. Battle plans, defenses.

3. They broke through our defenses.

4. Let's take these defenses down.

5. Looking for weaknesses in our defenses.

6. How did this scum penetrate our defenses?

7. Okay, missile defenses are almost down.

8. I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer defenses..... defenses that your brother long held intact.

9. No, that will only diminish our defenses.

10. Japanese defenses against Allied submarines were ineffective.

11. I broke down her defenses and stormed the citadel.

12. So, we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength.

13. The Bible provides some strong defenses against negative feelings.

14. 8 The Oilers managed to neutralize the other team's defenses.

15. 6 Either side could then deploy defenses against missiles.

16. Japan's air defenses were unable to stop the Allied air attacks.

17. The body has defenses to rid itself of unwholesome food.

18. If that goes in a missile, air defenses can't stop it.

19. Alcohol can undermine our moral defenses, resulting in spiritual disaster.

20. Political Correctness is a poison to our security and defenses

21. We will after Bellamy lowers their defenses, turns off the acid fog.

22. After the war both China and Vietnam reorganized their border defenses.

23. (Ephesians 6:11-17) Christians must fortify their defenses against wicked spirits.

24. Yes, the Nomad will be able to build multiple stationary defenses.

25. Headed North: The Su-34 Is Beefing Up Russia’s Arctic Defenses

26. Cysticerci are able to survive in the human brain by disarming host defenses

27. Carrier aircraft destroyed a French truck convoy bringing reinforcements to the beach defenses.

28. Cliquishness and intolerance of differences are: normal adolescent defenses against identity confusion

29. Gessler maintains that fear and heat of passion are not mutually exclusive defenses.

30. Being abstemious at the table will in particular help your immunological defenses.

31. The Saints broke camp and headed for home to prepare their defenses.

32. Indianapolis spent 7 days pouring 8-inch shells into the beach defenses.

33. 11 He ruminated on his defenses before he should accost her father.

34. The brief account does not state just how the city’s defenses were breached.

35. I want all anti-aircraft defenses ready, so we're secured from the skies.

36. The monks dug ditches in the roads, and build many forms of improvised defenses.

37. War between Boppist and anti-Boppist factions was almost political in its defenses

38. Afformative From the web: what affirmative action; what affirmative defenses must be pled

39. The situation inside the city, however, was far less stable than its defenses.

40. Self-defense, entrapment, insanity, necessity, and respondeat superior are some examples of Affirmative defenses.

41. Bivalves are endowed with an effective and complex innate immune system (humoral and cellular defenses).

42. The airdrome had no defenses against air raids other than the regional antiaircraft artillery.

43. Historically, Caltrops were ideal as defenses to slow troops’ advance, especially horses, chariots, and war elephants

44. As German bombers had not been designed for long-range strategic missions, they lacked sufficient defenses.

45. Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons.

46. Dustin said on BlizzCast # 8 that Banshee is a very powerful air - ground unit vs . ground defenses.

47. Bivalves are endowed with an effective and complex innate immune system (humoral and cellular defenses)

48. Rescind and defenses were different, but they are the way to achieve the observant party rights.

49. Any type of barrier or other physical attributes a plant might have are considered Constitutive plant defenses

50. It was this methodology that made it possible for Freud to discover transference, countertransference , defenses, and resistance.