Nghĩa của từ deep concern bằng Tiếng Anh

great worry

Đặt câu với từ "deep concern"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "deep concern", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ deep concern, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ deep concern trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. She has deep concern for her son's.

2. In addition, they expressed deep concern at the issuance by Israel of Military Order 1650.

3. The lack of references to gaps in technology access and transfers was of deep concern.

4. Today transparency in financial transactions is an issue of deep concern for the whole world.

5. In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.

6. 9 Deep concern and a loving desire to help interested ones are important factors contributing to successful and enjoyable field activity.

7. Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.

8. * The two sides expressed deep concern over the international economic and financial crisis and agreed that the current situation demands restructuring of the international financial and monetary system.

9. Expresses deep concern at the programmes and agendas pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating stereotypes about certain religions, in particular when condoned by Governments;

10. which expresses deep concern about the continuing high levels of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, and notes the need for sustainable development strategies to proactively address youth employment at all levels,

11. We express deep concern about the continuing high levels of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, and note the need for sustainable development strategies to proactively address youth employment at all levels.

12. Marshall never faced a judicial election herself (judges in Massachusetts are Appointed for a single term, lasting until they turn 70), but her interest in the topic comes from her deep concern for justice

13. The Committee notes with deep concern that the increasing rate of malnutrition is affecting, according to the most recent statistics, more than # million children, in particular newborn babies and those living in the northern provinces

14. Expresses deep concern at the reports of serious abuse and violations of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen by all parties, including indiscriminate attacks resulting in the killing and injuring of civilians, and expresses deep concern specifically at the role of militias, including in the continued recruitment of children contrary to international law, the abduction of political activists, the detaining of journalists, the cutting of electricity and water supplies, and the attacks against hospitals and ambulances;

15. New York, May 20 (Petra)-- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern about the military escalation at the Brak al-Shati air base in southern Libya and called on all parties to exercise restraint and restore calm

16. On developments in Syria, the two sides strongly expressed deep concern on the continuing and unabated violence and called upon all sides in Syria to abjure violence and resolve all issues peacefully through discussions taking in to account the aspirations of people of Syria.

17. That visit was an effective expression of the deep concern of the European Union at the situation in Algeria, of the strong sympathy of the peoples of the European Union with their Algerian neighbours, and of the hope that the suffering of the Algerian people should come quickly to an end.

18. The Ministers noted with deep concern that the lack of effective implementation of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, remains the Achilles heel of the development agenda and stressed that securing the effective and full implementation of the agreed goals and commitments must be the highest priority

19. * The two sides expressed deep concern over the international economic and financial crisis and agreed that the current situation demands restructuring of the international financial and monetary system so that this can become a truly efficient tool for the promotion of sustainable development that would contribute to the reduction of inequalities and promote social inclusion.

20. Also expresses deep concern at the increasing violence, particularly in the tri-State area of Lakes, Unity and Warrap, and in Jonglei and Western Bahr el Ghazal States, and the resulting loss of hundreds of lives, incidents of abduction of women and children, and displacement of tens of thousands of civilians, and in this regard underlines the need to address the underlying causes of intercommunal violence in South Sudan;

21. The Government and the people of Ecuador would like once again to express their solidarity with all of the innocent victims of the disproportionate Israeli aggression and to reiterate their deep concern regarding the humanitarian crisis in the area due to the abominable closure of border crossings to and from the Gaza Strip, which blocks the unhindered access of humanitarian assistance, including food and medicine, and the normal delivery of fuel and electricity.

22. Expresses its deep concern, in this regard, about the negative impact on the realization of the right to development due to the further aggravation of the economic and social situation, in particular of developing countries, as a result of the ongoing international energy, food and financial crises, as well as the increasing challenges posed by global climate change and the loss of biodiversity, which have increased vulnerabilities and inequalities and have adversely affected development gains, in particular in developing countries;

23. “The Security Council reiterates its deep concern at the continuing Israeli violations of Lebanese air space, appeals to all parties concerned to respect the cessation of hostilities and the Blue Line in its entirety, to refrain from any act of provocation, and to abide scrupulously by their obligation to respect the safety of the UNIFIL and other United Nations personnel, including by avoiding any course of action which endangers United Nations personnel and by ensuring UNIFIL is accorded full freedom of movement throughout its area of operation.

24. 12. Voices concern at the difficulties experienced in 2008 in migrating the old accounting system to ABAC and the late implementation of a proper accounting system which still put at risk the quality of the financial information concerning the carry-overs from the previous year, the use of assigned revenue and the link with certain figures in the balance sheet for 2007; expresses its deep concern about the fact the College’s actions are now delayed until 2011 due to the resignation of two key actors in the financial circuit: the Accounting Officer and the Finance and Budget Officer;

25. Voices concern at the difficulties experienced in 2008 in migrating the old accounting system to ABAC and the late implementation of a proper accounting system which still put at risk the quality of the financial information concerning the carry-overs from the previous year, the use of assigned revenue and the link with certain figures in the balance sheet for 2007; expresses its deep concern about the fact the College’s actions are now delayed until 2011 due to the resignation of two key actors in the financial circuit: the Accounting Officer and the Finance and Budget Officer;