Nghĩa của từ deems bằng Tiếng Anh

regard or consider in a specified way.
the event was deemed a great success
synonyms:considerregard asjudgeadjudgehold to beview assee astake forclass ascountfindsupposereckonthinkbelieve to befeel to beesteem

Đặt câu với từ "deems"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "deems", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ deems, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ deems trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. 19 It cherishes that which it deems valuable and cheapens what it deems close to worthless.

2. Cley's closest acquaintance was Councillor Deems.

3. Court deems 'Chalking' equivalent to an illegal search

4. As such, labor begins when God deems it so.

5. The civil law deems that the victim did not intend.

6. This habitual quietness had earned Deems the reputation for subtlety in his dealings.

7. In addition, refoulement of individuals whom a State deems undesirable is a sovereign act.

8. What is the maximum number of hops OSPF allows before it deems a network unreachable?

9. It shall, if it deems necessary, mandate consultants to audit the Livret bleu's analytical accounts.

10. If it deems necessary, the Court can convene a hearing to deal with the preliminary objections.

11. Secondly, their eyes are on eternal truth, of which each party deems itself the sole defender.

12. Synonyms for Adjudges include adjudicates, determines, judges, pronounces, decides, deems, finds, considers, declares and rates

13. The Anatomical donation program reserves the right to decline any donation that it deems unsuitable

14. Wa State comprises seven districts (townships) of what the Myanmar government officially deems as the Shan State.

15. It can request from national administrations any information it deems necessary for appropriate accomplishment of its tasks.

16. The Chinese Government deems it necessary to reiterate its position and policy on the following matters.

17. It can request from national administrations any information it deems necessary for appropriate accomplishment of its tasks

18. However, in certain cases, Medicare deems it appropriate to develop a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for an item or

19. Carte Blanche The freedom to do whatever one wants or deems necessary, especially with a particular task or assignment

20. After this time, the reported clicks will not be adjusted, however, credits may be given to advertisers if Google deems it appropriate.

21. But tiresome authority deems that tickling a trout or two or felling the odd wild duck for the supper table is illegal.

22. The Republic of Cyprus deems business conducted in the north as illegal, which has hampered concerts by international bands or singers.

23. The Constitutional Court can strip the public financing of political parties that it deems anti-secular or separatist, or ban their existence altogether.

24. • Receiving all documents and any materials that it deems useful such as contracts, books, accounting documents, registers of minutes, and audit and oversight reports

25. A Balk occurs when a pitcher makes an illegal motion on the mound that the umpire deems to be deceitful to the runner (s)

26. Calling to certain destinations may be temporarily blocked without prior notice if Verizon deems it necessary to prevent unlawful or fraudulent use of its services

27. Receiving all documents and any materials that it deems useful such as contracts, books, accounting documents, registers of minutes, and audit and oversight reports;

28. The human Cuteness detector is set at such a low bar, researchers said, that it sweeps in and deems cute practically anything remotely resembling a human baby or a …

29. If an umpire deems the pitcher pretended to do either, without clear intention of following through, the Balk is called and each of the runners move up one base.

30. Article 2 provides that Parliament may by law admit new States into the Union of India or establish new States on such terms and conditions as it deems fit .

31. Each Apiary shall be inspected by FDACS at such intervals as the agency deems best for the detection of honey bee pests and unwanted types of honey bees

32. [5] With respect to the jurisdictional question, the Agency has carefully examined the question and deems it appropriate to leave it in abeyance until such time as it issues its final decision.

33. Administrations; Administrations (Permanent and Temporary) When an individual has not made a Will, or if the Court deems the Will to be invalid, the Estate can be handled through an Administration

34. In addition , the court may , if it deems fit , order payment on the part of the court of reasonable expenses of any complainant or witness attending for the purpose of enquiry .

35. Carousell reserves the right to delegate, sub-contract or otherwise arrange for any related corporations, service providers, partners, subcontractors and/or agents to perform any part of the Services as Carousell deems appropriate

36. Velasco deems Amaretto a “very versatile ingredient with a lot of missed potential” and especially likes the way it plays with chocolate, red and dark fruits, and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla

37. An Aggravating factor is a circumstance or set of circumstances that makes the crime more heinous or intense and, as such, deems it a more egregious offense to society than simply the crime itself.

38. 30 A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes "Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go."

39. A rule in paragraph 66.7(10)(j) deems the corporation to own its percentage share of the properties owned by a partnership of which it was a member at the time of the acquisition of control.

40. A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes "Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go."

41. Although Tilg includes a discussion on Xenophon of Ephesus, whom he deems the only other ‘big five’ author to rival Chariton for this coveted position, it is clear through his critique of O’Sullivan that Xenophon’s higher proportion of Atticisms (16% vs

42. 1Ships shall be provided with means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships for use in port and in port related operations, such as gangways and accommodation ladders, in accordance with paragraph 2, unless the Administration deems that compliance with a particular provision is unreasonable or impractical.

43. The Bank of Korea may, when the Monetary Policy Committee deems it necessary for the implementation of monetary and credit policies, request the FSS to perform an examination of a bank and/or other financial institutions, or ask that its staff jointly participate in an FSS-led examination.