Nghĩa của từ chechen bằng Tiếng Anh

relating to the Chechen or their language.
The Chechen language is unique to the Caucasus region, and not related to any languages outside of this region.
a member of the largely Muslim people inhabiting Chechnya.
The Ingush, closely related to the Chechens , are predominantly Muslim.
the North Caucasian language of the Chechen.
Until 1991, Chechnya had two official languages, Chechen and Russian.

Đặt câu với từ "chechen"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "chechen", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ chechen, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ chechen trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Shall we start with a Chechen facelift?

2. During the war, the Chechen economy fell apart hard.

3. 2000 – Second Chechen War: Russia captures Grozny, Chechnya, forcing the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria government into exile.

4. Following two separatist armed conflicts in the 1990s—the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War—Chechnya "became increasingly conservative" under the leadership of President Akhmad Kadyrov and his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who is the head of the Chechen Republic.

5. Sheikh Mansur led a major Chechen resistance movement in the late 18th century.

6. ASLAN m Turkish, Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Chechen, Ossetian, Circassian From Turkic arslan meaning "lion"

7. Three simultaneous hostage crises involving Chechen rebels added to a sense of unease.

8. The Chechen rebels can still mount hit-and-run attacks, mining roads and ambushing convoys.

9. Our investigations confirm that Issa Karpov is a member of a militant Salafi group of Chechen jihadists.

10. Other articles where Chechen is discussed: Chechnya: People: …main ethnic group is the Chechens, with minorities of Russians and Ingush

11. The court was told that they had been promised $ 000 to carry out the attack by a Chechen rebel warlord.

12. Maskhadov left Grozny and moved to the separatist-controlled areas of the south at the onset of the Second Chechen War.

13. A Russian man, an evacuee from the Chechen Capital Grozny, reaches out for a final pat of his dog, Jan. 19

14. As the limos leave the Kremlin and head for the airport, it is back to the business of Chechen eradication.

15. But while those hotspots are continuously monitored by diplomats and the media, the Chechen misery prompts nothing but a deafening silence.

16. On 10 April 1905, the Ottoman governor issued a decree that allowed the Chechen immigrants to own lands which they settled on.

17. The cohesion of the Russian Federation was also threatened when the republic of Chechnya attempted to break away, leading to the First and Second Chechen Wars.

18. Before the start of the main military activities of the First Chechen War the FSK was responsible for the covert operations against the separatists led by Dzhokhar Dudayev.

19. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, founder of the strongly nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, accused Masyuk in 1996 of being on the payroll of Chechen separatists.

20. When he's hired by a Chechen kingpin to kill a guy who's having an affair with the wife of one his men, Barry tails the guy to an L.A

21. Most alarmingly, Chechen rebels enjoyed considerable freedom of operation in Georgia, creating supply bases on its territory and receiving medical help in Georgian hospitals before slipping back into Russia.

22. Angered by Chechen raids, Yermolov resorted to a brutal policy of "scorched earth" and deportations; he also founded the fort of Grozny (now the capital of Chechnya) in 1818.

23. The gunmen were led by Movsar Barayev, nephew of slain Chechen rebel militia commander Arbi Barayev, and threatened to kill the hostages unless Russian forces were immediately and unconditionally withdrawn from Chechnya.

24. 9 People Detained Over Beheading Of Teacher In Paris Suburb Authorities say an 18-year-old Chechen refugee attacked the teacher after a lesson in which caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad were

25. The decay of the military, resulting from decreased funding and the spread of corruption (both of which Yeltsin Abetted: he had no interest in maintaining or strengthening an institution that was at best lukewarm toward his rule), was popularly perceived to have led to Russia's humiliating defeat during the first Chechen war, in 1994-1996.

26. A Burka (Russian: бурка Burka, Chechen: верта verta, Georgian: ნაბადი nabadi, Svan: ღა̈რთ ghärt, Abkhazian: ауапа awápa, Adyghe: кӏакӏо chakwe, Kabardian: щӏакӏуэ shakwe, Armenian: այծենակաճ aytsenakach, Ossetian: нымӕг nymæg, Ingush: ферта ferta, Avar: буртина burtína) is a coat made from felt or karakul (the short

27. Babushka refers to a series of jokes and references to an image of an elderly Chechen woman wearing a eastern European head wrap commonly known as a "Babushka." The term is also the collequial word for grandmother with "baba" being the Russian word for grandmother, similar to the English-language word "granny."