Nghĩa của từ blackpoll bằng Tiếng Anh

a North American warbler, the male of which has a black cap, white cheeks, and white underparts streaked with black.
A palm warbler is sighted in a patch of willows, which also teems with catbirds, warbling vireos, yellow warblers, and a blackpoll or two.

Đặt câu với từ "blackpoll"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "blackpoll", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ blackpoll, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ blackpoll trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Blackpoll synonyms, Blackpoll pronunciation, Blackpoll translation, English dictionary definition of Blackpoll

2. Blackpoll Fleet International, Inc

3. Blackpoll Fleet International, Inc

4. Blackpoll Warbler (Dendroica striata)

5. Distinctive orange feet help distinguish Blackpoll from

6. The Blackpoll can also be seen in fall migration

7. The Blackpoll warbler is a fairly large wood warbler

8. The Blackpoll war-bler is a fairly large wood warbler

9. We sure have learned a lot about tiny Blackpoll Warbler recently

10. The Blackpoll Warbler is primarily found in Tennessee only during spring migration.

11. In migration and on the breeding grounds the Blackpoll

12. Blackpoll warblers are common transient migrants in the state

13. Blackpoll Warbler’s preference for high-elevation breeding habitat in the northeastern U.S

14. Blackpoll Warbler is known as the longest distance migrant of the warbler species

15. Blackpoll Warblers are not alone in exploiting this brief bonanza

16. Blackpoll Warbler at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary, Chicago, Illinois, by spiecks.

17. Blackpoll Warbler: Black-and-white Warbler has striped crown and back

18. Ex "Blackpoll Warbler" of Latham 1783 and Pennant 1785 (syn

19. The Blackpoll Warbler is a common bird of concern because it is experiencing sharp declines

20. The song of the Blackpoll Warbler is so high pitched, some people have trouble hearing it

21. The Blackpoll warbler is a small bird best known for its ability to travel expansive distances

22. On a blackpoll netted just before its long overwater flight, half the bird’s weight was stored fat.

23. The blackpoll warbler makes the trip from North to South America, staying aloft for over 80 hours nonstop.

24. Blackpoll Capital is a Washington, DC-based private equity firm that invests in middle-market healthcare companies in the U.S

25. Blackpoll Warbler: Medium-sized warbler with black-streaked, gray upperparts, white underparts, and black-streaked white sides

26. Like the Bay-breasted Warbler, the Blackpoll Warbler has a totally and unrecognizable look when seen in its non-breeding plumage

27. Blackpoll Warblers make the longest migration of any North American songbird, an annual round trip of eleven to twelve thousand miles

28. Blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata) that breed in western North America migrate up to 12,400 miles (20,000 km) roundtrip each year, some crossing …

29. The sharply marked Blackpoll Warbler is nature’s hearing test, with a high-pitched, almost inaudible song that floats through the boreal forests of Canada

30. The Blackpoll Warbler, named for the black forehead and crown of the breeding male, is a species of superlatives

31. Blackpoll Warblers breed in boreal forests and can be found in Denali in the late spring, summer, and early fall.

32. Blackpoll definition is - a North American warbler (Dendroica striata) with the male having a black cap when in breeding plumage.

33. The Blackpoll warbler, or Dendroica striata, is a small, active, insect-eating bird with white wing bars, a thin, pointed bill and yellow legs

34. The Blackpoll Warbler nests in taiga and boreal forests from Alaska across northern Canada to Labrador, south on mountaintops into New England and upstate New York

35. The breeding range of the Blackpoll Warbler stretches across the northern coniferous forests of Alaska and Canada where it is a very common breeding bird

36. The astute will have already noted that all of these species are in decline and none more so than the Blackpoll

37. Under most climate change scenarios, Blackpoll Warbler ranges are predicted to move steadily northward and to disappear from New England by the end of this century.

38. Blackpoll warbler migration is monitored through the park's Critical Connections program, which uses tiny geolocator tracking devises to learn more about species migration paths

39. The sharply marked Blackpoll Warbler is nature’s hearing test, with a high-pitched, almost inaudible song that floats through the boreal forests of Canada

40. The Blackpoll is among the most numerous warblers in far northern forests in summer, and perhaps the most impressive migrant of all our small birds

41. The plumages of Blackpoll and Bay-breasted Warblers are indeed very similar, with both species looking substantially different than they did during the month of May

42. Blackpoll Warbler: Song is a rapid series of high lisping notes on same pitch, increasing and then decreasing in volume "seet-seet-seet-seet-seet-seet-seet-seet." Similar Species

43. A male Blackpoll warbler is easily identified by the black cap that makes it resemble Moe from the Three Stooges or, arguably, me, intermittently, from 1970 to 1982, though I was a less snappy dresser

44. Every fall, most Blackpoll Warblers make an over-water migration from our northeastern coast to northern South America; some may pause in Bermuda or the Antilles, but others apparently fly nonstop for more than 72 hours.

45. ‘Without my Binocs, it looked like a chickadee, but as I raised them, I realized it was a Blackpoll Warbler - a bright male with white cheeks, streaked sides, and neon legs.’ ‘It continued coming closer, and I lowered Binocs.’

46. Attentions piece of evidence a small number, one of a very few شركة يسيطر عليها فرد واحد ولا يزيد ‏الشركاء فيها عن خمسة the bridge across the river precipitation answer back trefoil resourceful woman verktaki arse ribarstvo repudiation to groove seaway blackpoll warbler Zheng Junli (u.E.) (Pers

47. His study revealed a truly epic migration story: Blackpoll Warblers breed in the northeastern United States and travel nonstop more than 2000 kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean to winter in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico—quite a feat for a bird weighing as much as a AAA battery