Nghĩa của từ axons bằng Tiếng Anh

the long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conducted from the cell body to other cells.
In contrast to the innervation of the proximal esophagus, axons from vagal neurons synapse within ganglia of the myenteric plexus.

Đặt câu với từ "axons"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "axons", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ axons, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ axons trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. What are Unmyelinated Axons? Those Axons which are not protected by myelin sheath are known as unmyelinated Axons

2. The nucleus geniculatus medialis receives axons from auditory axons.

3. Axons (Yellow & Green; Neurofilament stain) Absent, or Reduced large Axons: Axons inside Myelin basic protein stained myelin (Schwann cells) Areas where Axons are lost are black Small Axons are relatively preserved Myelin basic protein stain (Red) Abundant Shapes: Variable and irregular No associated Axons Central dark areas where Axons are lost

4. The first category is the unmyelinated axon, which describes all invertebrate Axons and small Axons of vertebrates, typically Axons with a diameter below 1 μm.

5. Ensheathed Axons express low …

6. Arbour The axons of these cells are partially myelinated, unlike the local Arbours of pyramidal axons

7. Unlike peripheral nervous system ( PNS ) axons, severed central nervous system ( CNS ) axons are unable to regenerate.

8. Synonyms for Axons in Free Thesaurus

9. Axons are in effect the primary

10. Antidromic Stimulation of Axons Induces LTD

11. Fine processes at the end of Axons

12. Yet when Axons in the adult mammalian central …

13. The neural stimulation delivery system is adapted to non-selectively stimulate both afferent axons and efferent axons in a vagus nerve.

14. Axons I Object to Everything coming in 2021

15. The Axons are a race of semi-humanoid beings

16. Larger diameter Axons tend to be myelinated (covered by a myelin sheath), which allows them to conduct action potentials at greater velocities than smaller diameter, unmyelinated Axons

17. These Axons are usually thinner, less than one micron in

18. Axons in boxed area in E is enlarged in F

19. How do electrically active axons signal oligodendrocyte precursor cells to divide?

20. For example, axons lack ribosomes and thus rely on Axoplasmic transport

21. These Axons protected by myelin sheath are not easily damaged by the external environment and the rate of nerve impulse is also high in comparison to Unmyelinated Axons

22. Myelinated Axons: 35 to 75 M/s; Unmyelinated Axons: 0.1 to 5 M/s; Axon diameter Larger diameter Axons: Conduct at faster velocities; Axon atrophy: Reduces rate of axonal conduction; Myelin thickness: Thickly-myelinated fibers conduct more rapidly Myelin layers "insulate" axon: Depolarization occurs only at nodes of Ranvier

23. The length and diameter of Axons vary among the different types of neurons

24. Objective To explore the number change of optic nerve axons in rabbits with chronic ocular hypertension(OHT) and the protective effect of crocus sativus extract on the optic nerve axons injury.

25. Once Axons begin to project longitudinally, they tend to fasciculate into bundles

26. Axons stays ahead of the curve by spearheading new trends and technology

27. Rather, the axons of the sensory neurons carry impulses back into the spinal cord.

28. The nerve cell has two very distinct and important components called Axons and dendrites

29. Retinal axons and Arborizations were observed on tectal whole mounts with a light microscope.

30. The HRP filled the axons' terminal Arborizations in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (l.g.n.)

31. Axons are the fine cylindrical processes that originate from the cell body of neurons

32. Draxin knockout mice showed defasciculation of spinal cord commissural axons and absence of all forebrain Commissures

33. Axon terminal; synaptic Boutons are small swellings that are found at the terminal ends of axons

34. Astrocytes have many cytoplasmic processes that terminate on blood vessels, neuronal cell bodies, axons and …

35. Thus a sequence of openings follows with alternately three and five cross sections of axons (Fig.

36. Axons are long, finger-like projections of neurons that transmit critical signals throughout the nervous system

37. Axons are long, finger-like projections of neurons that transmit critical signals throughout the nervous system

38. (43) These tools enabled researchers to discover novel regulators of axon regeneration by mutAgenizing worms and looking for mutants that were unable to regenerate their axons, or alternatively, that regenerate axons better than the wild-type controls.

39. The subgemmal axons are likewise AChE-positive and -negative, a part of the latter shows Butyrylcholinesterase activity.

40. These synapse with six motor cells, whose axons cause the muscles which withdraw the gill to contract.

41. Aka synaptic Boutons, axon terminals are small swellings that are found at the terminal ends of axons

42. Astrocytes have many cytoplasmic processes that terminate on blood vessels, neuronal cell bodies, axons and synaptic terminals

43. Axons fall into two major categories depending on the structure of the glial cells that envelop them

44. Many Axons are covered by a myelin sheath formed from the cell membrane of a glial cell

45. Arborizations of Single Corticofugal Axons in the Feline Cuneate Nucleus Stained by Iontophoretic Injection of Horseradish Peroxidase

46. The signals that determine whether Axons are ensheathed or myelinated by Schwann cells have long been elusive

47. Some Axons may be quite long, reaching, for example, from the spinal cord down to a toe.

48. We now report that threshold levels of neuregulin-1 (NRG1) type III on Axons determine their ensheathment fate

49. (H) Images showing that ChR2-mCherry-positive regenerated Axons are not co-stained with anti-MAG immunoreactivity signal (labeling myelin)

50. For example, Axons of motor neurons that innervate muscles in the foot have a length of about 100 cm.