Nghĩa của từ axonal bằng Tiếng Anh


(Anatomy) pertaining to the axon (part of the neuron that sends impulses away from the cell)

Đặt câu với từ "axonal"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "axonal", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ axonal, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ axonal trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. (1987), were systematically studied by looking at axonal swellings, axonal Balloonings, reactive astrocytes, maximum diameter of axonal enlargements and density of axonal

2. What stop axonal regeneration in Spinal Cord Injury?

3. Alkaline and acid phosphatase did not accumulate in axonal swellings.

4. Extended axonal Arborizations end in the striosome and matrix compartments

5. Anterograde transport is one of the two types of axonal transport

6. Although the axonal Arborizations of individual nRt neurons can vary significantly, the intrinsic

7. The significance of axonal dystrophy in these protracted forms of spongy degeneration is discussed.

8. Axonal Arborization and impaired sleep are correlated in Aβ42 and JNK kinase hemipterous mutant flies

9. Do olfactory ensheathing cells exhibit unique migratory or axonal growth - promoting after spinal cord injury in rats?

10. It is discussed that the difference might be related to changes of the axonal membrane after segmental demyelination.

11. As a reaction following exogenous lesion of the axonal cell process, these anabolic changes in the axoplasm far from the pericaryon (“primary retrograde axonal change” ofSpatz) reveal the neurons attempt to rebuild the lost distal part of the cell.

12. The axonal Arborization of individual TH-positive DA neurons was measured by semi-automated tracing from confocal image stacks

13. Within 8 weeks she developed a serious sensorimotor mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy and a granulomatous myositis.

14. All eight reconstructed tyrosine hydroxylase-positive dopaminergic neurons possessed widely spread and highly dense axonal Arborizations in the neostriatum.

15. The Axonal Arborization of SNc Neurons Is Larger and More Complex Than That of VTA and OB DA Neurons

16. The morphology of jaw‐muscle spindle Afferents in the rat has been studied by intra‐axonal injection of horseradish peroxidase

17. The focal axonal Arborizations could serve as an anatomical correlate for a precise topographical relationship between nRt and dorsal thalamus

18. Axonal Arborizations of a magnocellular basal nucleus input and their relation to the neurons in the thalamic reticular nucleus of rats

19. Isolated Axoplasms perfused with oA/3 showed bidirectional axonal transport inhibition as a consequence of endogenous casein kinase 2 (CK2) activation

20. (1) Both endogenous and heterologously expressed SERT were delivered to the extensive axonal Arborizations and accumulated in bouton-like structures

21. Differential Striatal Axonal Arborizations of the Intratelencephalic and Pyramidal-Tract Neurons: Analysis of the Data in the MouseLight Database Front Neural Circuits

22. The two hemispheres do communicate with one another through the corpus callosum, which is made up of some 300 million axonal fibers.

23. Contrecoup injury is a focal phenomenon and is unlike diffuse axonal injury or brain edema which are extensive and may also result from trauma

24. The axonal forms of GBS, particularly Aman, are more common in China, Japan, India, Korea, and Mexico than in the United States and Europe

25. When the injections were made close to the visual cortex, the enzyme diffused anterogradely and filled complete axonal Arborizations in area 17

26. Columnar neurons have Arborizations in single columns of the PB and send axonal projections to an area outside the CC, the lateral accessory lobe (LAL)

27. A detailed neurophysiological review is presented for the medullary respiratory neurons: their locations, morphology, firing patterns, afferent connections, axonal connections, and functional interrelations.

28. Although Axons of large motor neurons contain >99% of the cell’s volume, in most cases most axonal components are synthesized in the cell body

29. Contrecoup injury is a focal phenomenon and is unlike diffuse axonal injury or brain edema which are extensive and may also result from trauma

30. Anterograde (Orthograde) Axonal Transport is the mechanism whereby packets of chemicals and organelles are transported within the Axoplasm between the cell body and the synaptic boutons.

31. The extent of the axonal Arborization was observed in the striatum and measured thoughout the ventral and dorsal striatum for SNc (A) and VTA (B) targeted

32. Anterograde (Orthograde) Axonal Transport is the mechanism whereby packets of chemicals and organelles are transported within the axoplasm between the cell body and the synaptic boutons

33. Chloroquine is known to induce neural damage. Moreover, some other compounds (ergotamine. ethaverine, analgetic preparations) may also be responsible for the drug-induced axonal dystrophy described in this study.

34. Real-time analysis of vesicle mobility in isolated Axoplasms perfused with oAβ showed bidirectional axonal transport inhibition as a consequence of endogenous casein kinase 2 (CK2) activation.

35. Component in Axoplasms, synaptosomes, and mitochondria, and plays an important role in maintenance of cell membrane stability, exerting physiologically protective actions on nervous cells, especially axonal membranes and other tissues [14]

36. Localization of parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies innervating the pancreas within the vagal nucleus and nucleus Ambigus of the rat brain stem : evidence of dual innervation based on the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase

37. The axonal Arborization of SNc or VTA DA neurons was selectively visualized using AAV injections in adult DAT IRES-Cre/+;DRD2 LOX/LOX mice to express eYFP in either SNc or VTA DA neurons

38. Conclusions: A newly formulated Abhd is effective at regulating the production of inflammatory cytokines and promoting axonal regeneration after nerve transection and may be considered to develop therapeutic strategies for peripheral nerve injury disorders.

39. Distribution: Asymmetric; Mononeuritis or Multiple mononeuropathies Cranial & Motor-sensory nerves Course: Progressive or Relapsing-Remitting Treatment: Temporary improvement may occur with corticosteroids Laboratory CSF: Cells often increased Nerve pathology Axonal loss Lymphoma: Angiocentric, in vessel walls

40. Moreover, it was once suggested that IT axonal Arborizations are extended whereas PT axons are primarily focal, based on intracellular labeling of IT and PT neurons identified by antidromic activation from the contralateral striatum (contra-Str) or the …

41. Real time analysis of membrane-bound organelle mobility in isolated extruded Axoplasms perfused with Aß indicates that bidirectional axonal transport is inhibited through endogenous casein kinase 2 activation, suggesting that pharmacological regulation of CK2 activity represents a promising target for therapeutic intervention in AD.

42. Clinical Abnormalities consistent with peripheral neuropathy were common and were observed in about half (50.5 percent) of those treated with neurotoxic chemotherapy (mean Total Neuropathy Score increase, 2.1); these Abnormalities correlated with lower limb predominant sensory axonal neuropathy (mean amplitude reduction, 5.8 [micro]V).

43. Myelinated Axons: 35 to 75 M/s; Unmyelinated Axons: 0.1 to 5 M/s; Axon diameter Larger diameter Axons: Conduct at faster velocities; Axon atrophy: Reduces rate of axonal conduction; Myelin thickness: Thickly-myelinated fibers conduct more rapidly Myelin layers "insulate" axon: Depolarization occurs only at nodes of Ranvier

44. This line of research culminated in the five 1952 papers of Hodgkin, Katz and Andrew Huxley, in which they applied the voltage clamp technique to determine the dependence of the axonal membrane's permeabilities to sodium and potassium ions on voltage and time, from which they were able to reconstruct the action potential quantitatively.

45. (A) Axonal trauma induces a cessation of normal trophic retrograde transport (blue arrows), a rapid influx of cations resulting in an Antidromal train of action potentials (red), and exposure to injury signals transported retrogradely via proteins containing nuclear localization signals (green), that may act in synergy to induce the biochemical

46. We hypothesized that the underlying structural basis for axonal radial contractility is the subcortical Actomyosin network, which is organized into specialized structures called membrane-associated periodic cytoskeletal structures (MPSs), as revealed with super-resolution microscopy along the shafts of mature axons (Xu et al., 2013).F-actin, together with adducin and spectrin, forms a

47. Axoplasm contains both the mRNA and ribonuclearprotein required for axonal protein synthesis.; In Axoplasmic transport, materials are carried through the Axoplasm to or from the soma.; Axoplasm is integral to the overall function of neurons in propagating action potential through the axon.; Furthermore, Axoplasm contains the pre-synaptic vesicles of neurotransmitter which are eventually

48. The propriety preparation of AxoGen allografts is a combination of detergent processing, enzyme digestion to remove axonal growth inhibition by chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, and gamma irradiation. 92,94 The decellularization process alters the molecular and structural properties of the nerve, and the specific method of preparing the acellular nerve Allografts can actually affect the overall …