Nghĩa của từ amblyopic bằng Tiếng Anh


suffering from poor visio

Đặt câu với từ "amblyopic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "amblyopic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ amblyopic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ amblyopic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. As amblyopic observers suffer from stereoblindness, the proposed training will improve the recovery of their binocular vision and increase amblyopic eye acuity.

2. No significant abnormality in P - ERG waveform of anisometropic amblyopic eyes was found.

3. The dark adaptation of the cones of the amblyopic eye is somewhat reduced.

4. Autologous keratoplasty from an amblyopic eye to the fellow oculus ultimus is a rarely used procedure.

5. The function of amblyopic eyes (visual acuity and Haidingerbrushes) will not improved by inverse occlusion.

6. 667 amblyopic patients are classified in age and localisation of fixation and evaluated statistically (x2).

7. The general principle behind the treatment of Amblyopia is to blur the image in the non-amblyopic eye, therefore forcing the amblyopic eye to be used for visual tasks. This has most commonly been accomplished with occlusion therapy (patching) or atropine penalization therapy.

8. The contrast for the good eye is reduced thus aiming at a balance with the amblyopic eye.

9. The visual acuity of the amblyopic eye is all the more reduced as the test is more searching.

10. In light-adapted amblyopic eyes, the coefficient of spatial summation in the macular region is significantly higher than in normal eyes.

11. Interrupted peripheral fusion is followed by eccentric fixation; bifoveal stimulation may lead to fluctuations of the squinting angle and escape movements of the amblyopic eye (viz.

12. The flicker fusion frequency of the central and paracentral areas of the visual field of the amblyopic eye is not reduced.

13. Objective To study the amplitude of accommodation, heterophoria and the effect of corrective lens on it in amblyopic children with hyperopia .

14. A 30-year-old patient presented with an amelanotic tumor of the iris and the anterior chamber angle of her right amblyopic eye.

15. Already during the first examination it is possible to prevent an opto-cinetic nystagmus produced by the apparatus of Ohm-Romberg in the majority of the squint-amblyopic persons.

16. The following article reports the case of a graft rejection after autologous keratoplasty, while the homologous graft on the amblyopic fellow eye remained clear.

17. Amblyaphia amblygeustia amblygon: amblygonal amblygonite amblygonites amblyope amblyopes amblyopia (current term) amblyopia ex anopsia amblyopias amblyopic amblyopy: amblyoscope amblypoda amblypygid amblypygids ambo ambo-amboceptor amboceptor unit ambodexter ambodexters

18. The relationships between anomalous retinal correspondence, the angle of deviation, and the fixation behavior were carefully studied in a selected group of 20 amblyopic patients with fixation anomalies.

19. The neurophysiological and morphological anomalies described by us in the afferent visual pathways of amblyopic monkeys have been further delineated in recent years and could be confirmed for human amblyopia.

20. In the present case, Mr Glatzel, who was able to detect only a hand movement with his amblyopic eye, has a visual acuity of less than 0.1 in that eye.

21. Bien que cette correction puisse ne pas compenser entièrement la vision Amblyope, elle peut soulager une partie du dysfonctionnement.: Although this may not compensate entirely for amblyopic vision, it may alleviate part of the dysfunction.: Il devient Amblyope, ce qui est tout de même une lésion sérieuse (un œil est inutilisable).: It becomes amblyopic, which is a serious lesion: one eye

22. Neither the studies reported in the literature nor the studies presented in this paper have given evidence of significant or reliable differences in electrical response between the amblyopic and the normal fellow eye.

23. The study of the dark adaptation and of the critical frequence of fusion of amblyopic patients leads to the conclusion that the causal lesion of amblyopia is situated over the calcarine fissure, probably in the superior centers of vision.

24. Amblyopia (am-blee-OH-pee-a) is also known as "lazy eye" or “lazy vision.” The vision in the amblyopic eye is weaker than the vision in the "good eye.” There are many causes of Amblyopia

25. Usually the after-images seen by squint-amblyopic persons move in opposite direction to the moving stripes, just as after-images observed in normal persons do. 25 to 50% of persons of all fixation types see fluctuations of after-images.

26. Thus under binocular conditions there is macular fixation, improved visual acuity up to six times the monocular acuity as well as reduced suppression scotoma of the amblyopic eye; this only occurs, however, if the macula of the fixing eye is barred from seeing.

27. In themesopic and scotopic state the threshold of amblyopic eyes is virtually normal, foveally and peripherally, in rods and cones; fixation is as steady as in the normal eyes; visual acuity and contrast function approach the normal, or are even better, for a given level of adaptation.

28. Clinically, the characteristics are (a) retino-peripheral fusion while correcting the angle of squint and (b) the rivalry of the retinal centres: despite deep amblyopia, peripheral fusion — either spontaneously or as a result of strabotomy — evokes a parallel position of the eyes and hence a central adjustment of the amblyopic eye.

29. In eyes with parafoveolar to perifoveal fixation mode measurements of CVMs and of hue discrimination gave better results than could be expected with regard to the position of the fixating area as determined by visuscope. The values correspond to those obtained in retinal areas at least as close to the foveola as the amblyopic fixation point, but usually of an even more central position.