Nghĩa của từ albedos bằng Tiếng Anh

the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon.
Taking characteristic values for the average albedo (the fraction of sunlight reflected), size limits could be calculated.

Đặt câu với từ "albedos"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "albedos", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ albedos, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ albedos trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Asteroid Albedos; Asteroid Albedos This data set comprises a compilation of asteroid Albedos for the convenience of the user

2. The emissivities and Albedos were smallest and

3. Bright surfaces have high Albedos (close to 1), while dark surfaces have low Albedos (close to 0)

4. References for comparison Albedos: a (Spencer,

5. Geometric Albedos, phase coefficients, phase integrals, and Bond Albedos are presented at all wavelengths, excluding any opposition effect

6. They have very high Albedos of up to 90%

7. The table below lists some representative Albedos for Earth surface materials.

8. Aged Albedos falling within a very restricted range: 0.02–0.06, and possibly even narrower

9. Geometric Albedos of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in the optical (from Karkoscha 1994)

10. This PDS data set represents a compilation of published diameters, optical Albedos, near-infrared Albedos, and beaming parameters for minor planets detected by NEOWISE during the fully cryogenic, 3-band cryo, post-cryo and NEOWISE-Reactivation Years 1 …

11. The Albedos of planets, moons, and asteroids provide valuable information about the structure and composition of their surfaces

12. Question: Rank The Following Surfaces By Their Albedos, From Most Reflection First To Least Reflective Last

13. Comparison of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedos Derived by Diverse Techniques in Two North Atlantic Experiments P

14. Most but not all of the Albedos compiled here also appear in other PDS data sets

15. Bond Albedos – total radiation reflected from an object compared to the total incident radiation from the Sun.Geometric Albedos – the amount of radiation relative to that from a flat Lambertian surface which is an ideal reflector at all wavelengths.

16. Deserts, ice, and clouds, however, have high Albedos; they reflect a large portion of the sun's energy

17. The method to determine satellite derived surface albedos as already described by Preuß and Geleyn [1] is applied with some minor modifications to the longer and denser data set of planetary albedos measured by NOAA-4 from June 1975 to May 1976.

18. Modification of urban Albedos reduces summertime urban temperatures, resulting in a better urban air quality and building air-conditioning savings

19. Similarly, clear-sky and surface Albedos have been derived from the same datasets at 0.64 and 1.64 µm

20. Dwarf planet Haumea and objects from its collisional family have much higher albedos and much deeper water absorption bands than Orcus.

21. THN-PSL data-based Albedos are denoted with solid lines for uncontaminated data and with an asterisk and gray line if contaminated.

22. As an indicator of habitability, this leaves much to be desired, because Albedos of other planets can be very different, and because …

23. THN-PSL data-based Albedos are denoted with solid lines for un-contaminated data and with an asterisk and gray line if contaminated

24. I find median geometric Albedos A[subscript g] in the Kepler bandpass ranging between 0.16 and 0.30, once decontaminated from thermal emission

25. This ratio depends on the wavelength of the light: unqualified, it usually means visible light. Fresh snow albedos are high: up to 0.9.

26. The effects of refractive indices and scattering albedos on the hemispherical reflectivity and transmissivity of a three-layer medium with Fresnel interfaces are discussed.

27. A comparison of geometric Albedos for the solar system bodies in our catalog between published values and the albedo calculated from the THN-PSL data

28. These super-Earth geometric Albedos are statistically larger than for hot Jupiters, which have medians A[subscript g] ranging between 0.06 and 0.11.

29. Furthermore, increasing urban Albedos has the added benefit of reflecting some of the incoming global solar radiation and countering to some extent the effects of global warming

30. Albedos have increased (top panel) indicate a decrease in surface temperature (middle panel) and an increase in outgoing shortwave radiation (OSR) (bottom panel) as expected

31. A comparison of geometric Albedos for the solar system bodies in our catalog between published values and the albedo calculated from the THN-PSL data

32. Asphalt and soil, on the other hand, are unlikely to make you shield your eyes because they don't reflect much sunlight, having low Albedos in the 5 to 10% range

33. The current total of 187 TNOs and Centaurs with measured diameters/Albedos compares to 174 in 2014, 129 in early 2013, 91 in 2011, 55 in 2008, 34 in 2006, and 16 in 2004

34. Plausible estimates for the effect of soot on snow and ice Albedos (1.5% in the Arctic and 3% in Northern Hemisphere land areas) yield a climate forcing of +0.3 W/m2 in the Northern Hemisphere

35. Albedos, Sizes, and Impact Hazards of the Near-Earth Asteroids by Joseph Scott Stuart BSE Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Pennsylvania, 1993 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC AND PLANETARY SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF