Nghĩa của từ action potential bằng Tiếng Anh

the change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell.
An outstanding example of the success of this approach is the experimental analysis of the resting potential and the action potential (nerve impulse) by Hodgkin and colleagues in the late 1940s.

Đặt câu với từ "action potential"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "action potential", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ action potential, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ action potential trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. That's an action potential.

2. We get a beautiful action potential.

3. Method and apparatus for suppressing neuron action potential firings

4. We've even seen an action potential in a human.

5. That is an action potential that is happening inside the plant.

6. OK. So here we see an action potential encoding information to move.

7. We get a second action potential, but again, the leaf doesn't close.

8. Given its conservation throughout evolution, the action potential seems to confer evolutionary advantages.

9. After fenestration of the lateral semicircular canal in pigeons, a vestibular whole nerve action potential (VAP) could be recorded during acoustic stimulation. The cochlear whole nerve action potential (CAP) was recorded simultaneously.

10. An electrical restitution condition is determined from the measured action potential duration related parameter.

11. The fundamental unit of communication of neurons is, electrically, at least, the action potential.

12. This is a group of pacemaker cells which spontaneously depolarize to create an action potential.

13. The application of 20 mM Nao resulted in hyperpolarization and the action potential duration was reduced.

14. This is a way that the brain encodes information in the form of an action potential.

15. Persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with shortened action potential duration (APD) and reduced atrial refractoriness.

16. One's base2, the other one's based on action potential, so you have dramatically more computational power.

17. So now we've paused on one motor action potential that's happening right now inside of your brain.

18. Key words: primary afferent fibres, sciatic nerve-dorsal root preparation, dorsal root compound action potential, capsaicin, ontogeny.

19. The resting potential prior to the action potential is typically −90mV, somewhat more negative than typical neurons.

20. After crushing or cooling nerve segments and thus blocking the action potentials, he showed that an action potential arriving on one side of the block could provoke another action potential on the other, provided that the blocked segment was sufficiently short.

21. This is the mechanism that prevents an action potential from traveling back the way it just came.

22. Matteucci's work inspired the German physiologist, Emil du Bois-Reymond, who discovered the action potential in 1843.

23. It is well established that the cardial contraction is initiated when action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma.

24. The sodium channels close at the peak of the action potential, while potassium continues to leave the cell.

25. During the depolarization of the afferent produced by GABA, the size of the orthodromic action potential was decreased.

26. Our results show that action potential alterations depend on the nature, duration, and severity of the work load.

27. After 60 min of hypoxia, recovery of action potential duration at normal and reduced resting potentials was accelerated.

28. It has touch receptors that are sending that information back down in the form of an action potential.

29. Antidromic conduction: the “Opposite Way” The action potential travels through the accessory pathway; in order for this to happen, this pathway must be well away from the AV node (at least 4cm away, so the action potential gets to the pathway first)

30. This accelerating effect of isoproterenol on the regeneration of the Ca-mediated action potential was mimicked by theophylline.

31. Aconitine can inhibit non-quantal acetylcholine release and can induce neuromuscular blockage, specifically blocking the nerve compound action potential

32. Resting potential, height of action potential, maximum rate of rise of depolarization and effective and absolute refractory period were normal.

33. Bernstein's hypothesis was confirmed by Ken Cole and Howard Curtis, who showed that membrane conductance increases during an action potential.

34. This sets up the possibility for positive feedback, which is a key part of the rising phase of the action potential.

35. It was found that the duration of the action potential (within limits of about 20%) depends on the mode of contraction.

36. Antidromic method was used in which recording of compound nerve action potential was done distally and stimulation of the nerve proximally

37. You stimulate the axon of the neuron, and an action potential propagates backwards (Antidromically) to the cell body, where recordings are occurring.

38. The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the transient outward current (I to,f) and Abbreviates the action potential duration and the QT interval

39. Additionally, there is strong evidence for significant alterations in the dynamics of action potential duration restitution in patients with structural heart disease.

40. In peripheral afferent nerve fibres there is a decrease of the conduction velocity and of the amplitude of their mass action potential (AP).

41. The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the transient outward current (I to,f) and Abbreviates the action potential duration and the QT interval Sci Rep

42. Stimulation with a short tone pip elicits an acoustic nerve compound action potential (I) and different waves (II–VII) in the initial 10 ms.

43. The reason is that: 1) the Baroreceptor neuron function is to convey the excited electrical signal (action potential) to the central nervous system, and the Na v channel is responsible for the action potential initiation and propagation in the Baroreceptor neurons; 2) our previous study has shown that reduced expression and activation of the Na

44. Combined, these changes in sodium and potassium permeability cause Vm to drop quickly, repolarizing the membrane and producing the "falling phase" of the action potential.

45. Action potential, the brief (about one-thousandth of a second) reversal of electric polarizAtion of the membrane of a nerve cell (neuron) or muscle cell

46. And so what would happen if we took the action potential from the Venus flytrap and sent it into all the stems of the mimosa?

47. Both drugs depressed excitability and the rising phase of the action potential by inhibiting the specific increase in sodium conductance which normally follows an adequate stimulus.

48. An S-shaped relationship was found to exist between the duration of the action potential and the duration from the beginning to the maximum of contraction.

49. Finally, the time during which a subsequent action potential is impossible or difficult to fire is called the refractory period, which may overlap with the other phases.

50. In addition to the prolongation of the latency, a splitting of the sensory action potential and reduction of amplitude are sure signs of injury of the nerve.