Nghĩa của từ accelerated depreciation bằng Tiếng Anh

substantial depreciation of a property's worth in its early active years (Accounting)

Đặt câu với từ "accelerated depreciation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "accelerated depreciation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ accelerated depreciation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ accelerated depreciation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Accelerated depreciation

2. - accelerated depreciation

3. - Accelerated depreciation

4. Scheme for accelerated depreciation

5. the accelerated depreciation of assets

6. accelerated depreciation on fixed assets;

7. An accelerated depreciation and amortization;

8. Accelerated depreciation to reflect abnormal actual usage.

9. Measure 1 — Accelerated depreciation (11) of leased assets

10. (10) deferred tax provisions (reserves, free or accelerated depreciation);

11. Accelerated depreciation (Article 115(6) TRLIS (34) ) — Measure 1

12. Accelerated depreciation of ships not intended for maritime transport

13. Special accelerated depreciation for assets that are environmentally beneficial, etc.

14. Scheme for accelerated depreciation of ships not intended for maritime transport

15. Accelerated depreciation on Rental Housing built by Corporates for the poorer sections.

16. In addition, the Spanish corporate tax system allows alternative arrangements for accelerated depreciation.

17. This accelerated depreciation is combined with degressive depreciation (at the maximum rate of 30%).

18. Tax Benefits The aid under the scheme is granted by means of accelerated depreciation.

19. Commission Decision concerning a special accelerated depreciation scheme for ships operated under the German flag.

20. Tax benefits like accelerated depreciation, and investment allowance have created an artificial bias against labour.

21. (106) The accelerated depreciation provisions under Article 5 of the SUI constitute a countervailable subsidy.

22. These incentives can include tax holidays, credit rebates and various accounting procedures such as accelerated depreciation.

23. These incentives can include tax holidays, credit rebates and various accounting procedures such as accelerated depreciation

24. What we are advocating is to revise the Revenue Canada leasing regulations concurrently with accelerated depreciation

25. Accelerated depreciation of assets under a government agreed programme should be considered as a tax reduction.

26. Furthermore, the effect of this measure can be clearly separated from the effect of accelerated depreciation.

27. The complainant also alleged that Article 15.1 of the same law authorises accelerated depreciation for capital goods.

28. Accelerated depreciation (and/or investment allowances) can yield substantially the same aggregate tax benefits as replacement cost depreciation.

29. Acrs Defined Acrs consists of accelerated depreciation methods and an alternate Acrs method that could have been elected

30. The number of asset classes with accelerated depreciation rates was reduced significantly when changes were introduced in 1988.

31. Participants thought that tax credits and mechanisms such as accelerated depreciation could be used as risk management tools.

32. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates

33. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates;

34. Conditions attached Accelerated depreciation is permitted for the production expenditure of films which are meant for presentation in cinemas.

35. The business lobby has been squealing for everything from accelerated depreciation allowances to a Business Development Board to grant cheap loans.

36. In principle, this provision applies, under certain conditions, to all leased assets covered by a leasing contract and eligible for accelerated depreciation.

37. As it is a method of applying accelerated depreciation, if it considered to be aid, it should be regarded as existing aid.

38. Accedences acceder acceders accedes (current term) accedie acceding accel accelerable: accelerando accelerandos accelerans accelerant accelerants acceleratable accelerate accelerated accelerated conduction accelerated depreciation: Literary usage of : 6.

39. The amount of subsidy is the difference between the amount of tax that would have been paid during the investigation period under the normal depreciation schedule for the assets concerned, and the amount actually paid under accelerated depreciation.

40. Their introduction for that period had been approved by the Commission in 1991, under an agreement between Germany and the Commission on the abolition of specific aid for the promotion of west Berlin, as a transitional measure replacing the scheme of accelerated depreciation in the Promotion of Berlin Law (whose aid intensity was higher), which was valid in accordance with Article 92 (2) (c) of the EC Treaty until the end of June 1991; the special depreciation scheme for west Berlin was abolished at the end of 1994 (last eligible investment: investment carried out in 1994) in accordance with the timetable agreed in 1991 between the German authorities and the Commission.