Nghĩa của từ tendering bằng Tiếng Đức

tendering [tendəriŋ] anbietend

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "tendering", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ tendering, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ tendering trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Amount of tendering guarantee: EUR 15 per tonne

Höhe der Bietungsgarantie: 15 EUR/t

2. Appendix 1 explains what is entailed by competitive tendering.

3. Web Electronic RFP / Tendering systems are often used for initial selection projects.

4. On the contrary, operators continue to submit acceptable bids during tendering procedures.

Im Gegenteil, die Wirtschaftsbeteiligten geben bei den Ausschreibungen nach wie vor akzeptable Angebote ab.

5. In the above example, the advertising cost for re-tendering was approximately $16,300.

6. Imprest accounts are held with local banks selected by a simplified tendering procedure.

Zahlstellenkonten werden bei lokalen Banken gehalten, die in einem vereinfachten Ausschreibungsverfahren ausgewählt werden.

7. Weaknesses in tendering, awarding bids, exceeding thresholds, administrative control and taking over own contribution

Mängel bei den Ausschreibungen, der Auftragsvergabe, der Einhaltung von Schwellenwerten, der Verwaltungskontrolle und der Übernahme des Eigenbeitrags

8. Synonyms for According include granting, awarding, giving, presenting, tendering, vouchsafing, bestowing, conceding, assigning and ceding

9. The cost of the project can be ascertained only after completion of the tendering process.

10. (b) in Cameroon, technical cooperation did not address the cumbersome tendering procedures; and

b) In Kamerun befasste sich die technische Zusammenarbeit nicht mit den langwierigen Ausschreibungsverfahren.

11. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain (1) (2)

12. The Commission fixes a maximum aid rate for each tendering procedure up to which bids are accepted.

Für jedes Ausschreibungsverfahren legt die Kommission einen Beihilfehöchstbetrag fest, der über die Annahme der Angebote entscheidet.

13. For example, some Health Authorities tried to obstruct the competitive tendering process for ancillary services.

14. The NCBC has been tendering advice to the Central Government from time to time.

15. Notification of refusal or acceptance of lots in connection with tendering procedures for the export of wine alcohol

Mitteilung über Ablehnung oder Annahme von Partien im Rahmen einer Ausschreibung für die Ausfuhr von Weinalkohol

16. • Established systems and procedures for planning, cost analysis, scheduling, estimating, cost control, tendering, purchasing and construction administration;

17. In the on-farm buying option, the increase in competition could come through the tendering process.

18. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain (1) (2) ( 3)

19. Mr. Kenneth Carlisle Equipment procurement including development is already subject to competitive tendering wherever practicable.

20. Compulsory competitive tendering provides better services at lower cost to the charge payer in London.

21. In addition, some formal errors, such as non-compliance with tendering and contracting rules were found.

Darüber hinaus wurden einige formale Fehler ermittelt, wie Nichtbeachtung von Ausschreibungs- und Vertragsvergaberegeln.

22. (b) where the tender submitted for the tendering procedure is accepted, on the issue of the import licence.

b) bei Ausstellung der Einfuhrlizenz, wenn dem bei der Ausschreibung eingereichten Angebot stattgegeben wurde.

23. • MERX, the electronic tendering service is an online service that advertises government bidding opportunities to potential suppliers

24. Actualise Design is a digital and visual communications design consultancy spanning the web, mobile, print, branding and tendering.

25. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain and Grade (1) (2)

26. Holders tendering Notes will also receive accrued and unpaid interest up to, but not including, the payment date.

27. Interested firms of interior decorators have been tendering for the work of which Mrs Lamont is expected to take charge.

28. The continuity of a successful outcome of the tendering process is the springboard of a company's future growth and prosperity.

29. Subsequently, the contract agreement was signed in March 2011 with the implementing agency after following the due process of tendering and necessary approvals.

30. This notice was delivered ahead of the ship by a tender—a small boat—and hence the process became known as tendering.

31. Essentially this concept formalizes previously applied precedents and strengthens the protection afforded to those who submit bids in the tendering process.

32. ISLAMABAD: With relaxed procurement rules, Pakistan has sought eight import Cargoes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at fixed dollar price and tight tendering schedule for …

33. As many Contracts A are formed between the owner (person, company or organization tendering the project) and the bidders as their bids are received.

34. (Public service contracts - Community tendering procedure - Programme for creation of land use models - Rejection of tenderer’s bid - Action for annulment - Interest in bringing proceedings - Admissibility - Award criteria)

(Öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge - Gemeinschaftliches Ausschreibungsverfahren - Programm zur Raumplanungsgestaltung - Ablehnung des Angebots eines Bieters - Nichtigkeitsklage - Rechtsschutzinteresse - Zulässigkeit - Zuschlagskriterien)

35. ((Action for annulment - Public service contracts - Tendering procedure - Ranking of a tenderer in the cascade procedure - Period allowed for commencing proceedings - Delay - Inadmissible))

((Nichtigkeitsklage - Öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge - Ausschreibungsverfahren - Einstufung eines Bieters im Kaskadenverfahren - Klagefrist - Verspätung - Unzulässigkeit))

36. (Public supply contracts – Community tendering procedure – Acquisition of software products and licences – Rejection of a tender – Abnormally low tender – Duty to state reasons)

37. (Public supply contracts - Community tendering procedure - Acquisition of software products and licences - Rejection of a tender - Abnormally low tender - Obligation to state reasons)

38. (Public supply contracts – Community tendering procedure – Acquisition of software products and licences – Rejection of a tender – Abnormally low tender – Obligation to state reasons)

39. Whereas experience shows that certain technical adjustments are necessary to improve the tendering procedures and to avoid imposing unnecessary burdens on operators which are then reflected in the price tendered;

Erfahrungsgemäß sind jedoch, damit die Ausschreibungsverfahren verbessert und unnötige, die Angebote verteuernde Ausgaben der Ausführer vermieden werden, bestimmte technische Anpassungen erforderlich.

40. Public service contracts – Community tendering procedure – Programme for creation of land use models – Rejection of tenderer’s bid – Action for annulment – Interest in bringing proceedings – Admissibility – Award criteria

„Öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge – Gemeinschaftliches Ausschreibungsverfahren – Programm zur Raumplanungsgestaltung – Ablehnung des Angebots eines Bieters – Nichtigkeitsklage – Rechtsschutzinteresse – Zulässigkeit – Zuschlagskriterien“

41. The wide difference between estimated costs and actual bids received are on account of the peculiar and extraordinary conditions in Afghanistan and different threat perceptions of tendering parties.



43. Within a very short period AGAMA was again viable. Proof of this was the sale of AGAMA to the private sector at the end of 1996 by a public tendering procedure to the highest of four tenderers;

a) zur Wiederherstellung der Lebensfähigkeit Ernest & Young einen umfassenden Umstrukturierungsplan mit allen erforderlichen Details erarbeitete, der vollständig umgesetzt wurde; in sehr kurzer Frist konnte die Lebensfähigkeit von AGAMA SA wiederhergestellt werden, das beweist die Tatsache, dass AGAMA SA Ende 1996 über eine öffentliche Ausschreibung an das beste der vier vorgelegten Angebote an den Privatsektor verkauft wurde;

44. This would be the case, for instance, when two or more ship-owners set up a shipping pool for the purpose of tendering for and performing contracts of affreightment for which as individual operators they could not bid successfully or which they could not carry out on their own.

Dies gilt beispielsweise für Frachtpools zwischen zwei oder mehreren Reedereien, die gegründet werden, um gemeinsam Angebote für Frachtverträge zu unterbreiten und Letztere gemeinsam ausführen zu können, weil sie als Einzelbewerber mit ihren Angeboten nicht erfolgreich wären oder die Aufträge allein nicht ausführen könnten.

45. Therefore, according to PWGSC, this procurement process was entirely consistent with the provisions of the limited tendering provisions of the trade agreements, specifically Articles 506(12)(a) and (b) of the AIT, Articles 1016(2)(b) and (d) of the NAFTA and Articles XV(1)(b) and (d) of the AGP.

46. 18 The origin of the dispute in the main proceedings is Decree No 1158/2015, which was issued on 30 December 2015 by the Director General of the ASST of Valcamonica for the purposes of acceding to the initial contract, without a new public tendering procedure, in respect of the period from 1 February 2016 to 15 February 2021.

18 Der Ausgangsrechtsstreit hat seinen Ursprung im Dekret Nr. 1158/2015, das am 30. Dezember 2015 vom Generaldirektor der ASST Valcamonica erlassen wurde, um ohne Durchführung eines Verfahrens zur Vergabe eines öffentlichen Auftrags dem ursprünglichen Vertrag für den Zeitraum zwischen dem 1. Februar 2016 und dem 15. Februar 2021 beizutreten.

47. Having carefully examined the complainant's allegations dealing specifically with the RFSO, the Tribunal is of the view that such allegations raise the question as to whether the Department has complied with the requirements of NAFTA set forth in Article 1008, "Tendering Procedures" and Article 1015(4)(c), "Submission, Receipt and Opening of Tenders and Awarding of Contracts."

48. The studio execs Bastardized your beloved green spirit and turned him into a pop culture punchline.: Le studio a corrompu votre bien-aimé "green spirit" Et l'a tourné en un élément de la culture populaire.: Further on in the article, many of the rural route couriers talk about the tendering process and how it has been Bastardized.: En outre, bon nombre d'entrepreneurs postaux des régions

49. Must Article 30(4) of Council Directive 93/37/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts (OJ 1993 L 199, p. 54) be interpreted as meaning that, in the case of a tendering procedure such as that described in the grounds hereof (offers not accompanied by a justificatory report, indicating the specific discount percentages applied to each group of prices and verification as to whether discounts are at a normal level), the contracting authority is required to give a specific content to the document in which it requests a bidder to provide explanations concerning an offer which has been adjudged abnormally low in regard to a threshold determined by application of a mathematical method having characteristics analogous to those of the mathematical method described in the grounds of this order?

Ist der öffentliche Auftraggeber bei der Durchführung eines Vergabeverfahrens im Wege einer Ausschreibung wie der in der Begründung dieser Entscheidung beschriebenen (Abgabe von Angeboten ohne Erläuterung mit separaten Preisnachlässen für einzelne Preisgruppen und Kontrolle der Ordnungsmäßigkeit der separaten Preisnachlässe) nach Artikel 30 Absatz 4 der Richtlinie 93/37 des Rates vom 14. Juni 1993 zur Koordinierung der Verfahren zur Vergabe öffentlicher Bauaufträge (1) verpflichtet, der Entscheidung, mit der er den Bieter auffordert, sein Angebot zu erläutern, das im Hinblick auf einen durch Anwendung einer mathematischen Methode, die gleichartige Merkmale wie die in den Gründen der vorliegenden Entscheidung beschriebene mathematische Methode aufweist, ermittelten Schwellenwert als ungewöhnlich niedrig qualifiziert wurde, einen bestimmten Inhalt zu geben?