Nghĩa của từ symptomatic bằng Tiếng Đức

symptomatic [simptəmætik] symptomatische

Đặt câu có từ "symptomatic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "symptomatic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ symptomatic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ symptomatic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Simultaneous symptomatic ACL insufficiency and symptomatic varus osteoarthritis.

Gleichzeitige symptomatische VKB-Insuffizienz und Varusgonarthrose.

2. Deagreez / Getty Images Symptomatic Bradycardia

3. Symptomatic Bradycardia may cause a

4. Bacteriuria can be symptomatic or asymptomatic

5. Indications Symptomatic acetabular dysplasia with closed physes.

Indikationen Symptomatische Pfannendysplasie bei sich schließender oder geschlossener Wachstumsfuge.

6. His presence among them was highly symptomatic.

7. They are symptomatic of a Classist incentive structure

8. Ent therapeutic strategies or Antiemetic agents as symptomatic therapy

9. Management of symptomatic Attrited molar teeth presents various challenges

10. Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets provides symptomatic relief from excess stomach acid

11. Aneurysms may be asymptomatic (no symptoms) or symptomatic (with symptoms)

12. Adnexal masses are frequently found in both symptomatic and asymptomatic women

13. (ii) significant functional or symptomatic abnormality of any of the heart valves;

14. Strip-Cankering of beech (Fagus sylvatica): Pathology and distribution of symptomatic trees

15. Treatment with Antacids alone is symptomatic and only justified for minor symptoms

16. Treatment with antacids alone is symptomatic and only justified for minor symptoms.

17. Patients usually become symptomatic after a latency period of hours to days.

18. Symptomatic edema or increased intracranial pressure should therefore initially be treated with osmotherapeutics.

Ein symptomatisches Ödem oder Hirndruck sind deshalb zunächst osmotherapeutisch zu behandeln.

19. But most symptomatic of job dissatisfaction, as well as most costly, is absenteeism.

20. Currently, therefore, the only clear recommendation for treatment is in symptomatic patients.

21. Of Bacteriuria in ambulatory men, but most of these patients were symptomatic [18]

22. Conclusion: Radiotherapy with 30 Gy for symptomatic vertebral angioma as primary therapy is indicated.

Schlußfolgerung: Wir empfehlen eine Bestrahlung von 30 Gy bei symptomatischen Angiomen als primäre Therapie.

23. Azidothymidine (AZT) in the treatment of symptomatic HIV-1-infected hemophiliacs Thromb Haemost

24. This Catholic work continues: “If the question is symptomatic of confusion on the part of the students, perhaps it is no less symptomatic of similar confusion on the part of their professors.

25. Hepatitis B can be either without symptoms or acute or chronic symptomatic infection.

Hepatitis B kann ohne Symptome, aber auch als akute oder chronische symptomatische Infektion verlaufen.

26. Giant AMLs are usually symptomatic and the treatment of choice is total nephrectomy.

Gigantische AML sind symptomatisch, und das Verfahren der Wahl ist die totale Nephrektomie.

27. The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society.

28. Acute aortic syndrome includes aortic dissection, intramural haematoma ( IMH ), and symptomatic aortic ulcer.

29. The diagnosis of Byssinosis for compensation purposes is entirely dependent on the symptomatic history

30. • The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control Convulsions

31. We report two cases of giant symptomatic colonic lipomas including a case of colocolic intussusception.

32. However, symptomatic eosinophilic peritonitis can benefit from short courses of therapy with steroids or antihistamine.

33. STEIN 263 Blackleg is known also as black qiiarter, quarter theill, and symptomatic anthrax

34. Brachiocephalic or subclavian artery obstruction accounts for about 15% of symptomatic, extracranial, cerebrovascular disease

35. The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control convulsions.

36. Symptomatic hypermagnesemia is rare and can be induced by exogenous magnesium-containing Cathartics or antacids

37. The efficacy of clenbuterol as symptomatic treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has not been proved.

Clenbuterol wurde als mögliche symptomatische Therapie der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose bisher nicht auf Wirksamkeit überprüft.

38. Reactive and symptomatic accompanying arthritis may lead to irreversible cartilage destruction especially in chronic courses.

Eine vergesellschaftete reaktive Begleitarthritis kann bei verzögerter Diagnostik zu einer irreversiblen Destruktion des Gelenkknorpels führen.

39. Unrealistic decelerations or accelerations could be symptomatic of switching on or off a manipulation device.

Unplausible Verzögerungen oder Beschleunigungen könnten für das Ein- oder Ausschalten eines Manipulationsgeräts symptomatisch sein.

40. Lack of acceptance, unrealized benefits and dissatisfied users and managers are symptomatic of this issue.

41. In summary, women with occult or symptomatic stress incontinence benefit from additional suburethral tape insertion.

Frauen mit symptomatischer oder larvierter Stressinkontinenz profitieren von einer gleichzeitigen suburethralen Bandeinlage.

42. Congenital Coxa vara is not symptomatic, as the infant is unable to walk and express themselves

43. Further, the researchers found that Asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients

44. Treatment is symptomatic and the condition can be prevented by housing animals on clean, dry bedding.

45. Unrealistic decelerations or accelerations could be symptomatic of switching on or off a manipulation device

Unplausible Verzögerungen oder Beschleunigungen könnten für das Ein- oder Ausschalten eines Manipulationsgeräts symptomatisch sein

46. Amylovora in asymptomatic Budwood collected from symptomatic trees and those up to 20 m from them.

47. Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners.

48. The examination procedure was repeated after a three week period of inpatient treatment and significant symptomatic improvement.

Der Untersuchungsgang wurde nach 3 Wochen stationärer Behandlung und signifikanter Besserung der Symptomatik wiederholt.

49. This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's commendable interest in and support of, the arts.

50. B. If clinical findings ( epidemiologic, symptomatic, and physical examination ) suggest PID empiric treatment should be initiated.