Nghĩa của từ stochastic bằng Tiếng Đức

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stochastic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stochastic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stochastic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Games with dice, for example, like backgammon, are stochastic.

2. Bioprospector uses a stochastic Gibb's sampling alignment algorithm

3. Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions

4. Convergence rate of moments for stochastic perturbation gradient approximation.

5. A stochastic part of the quotient is derived by extrapolation.

Es läßt sieh eine extrapolierte Restarrhythmie angeben, die der stochastischen Komponente der Arrhythmie entspricht.

6. The happening of regional desertification system is stochastic, complicated and multicomponent.

7. Various entropy rates of stochastic processes with statistical dependencies are shortly presented.

Es werden verschiedene Entropieraten für stochastische Prozesse mit statistischen Abhängigkeiten erklärt.

8. Her dissertation, Stochastic Differential Equations In A Hilbert Space, was supervised by Peter Falb.

9. These filters may be nonlinear, stochastic, logic, non-stationary, or even non-analytical.

10. The paper presents a new method of the stochastic a.c. load flow calculation.

In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wird eine neue Methode zur Berechnung des stochastischen Leistungsflusses bei Wechselstrom beschrieben.

11. The resulting model, in terms of a stochastic differential equation, is solved analytically.

12. The amount of the tolling fee was evaluated using a stochastic forecasting model.

Der Betrag der Tolling-Gebühr wurde auf der Basis eines stochastischen Prognosemodells berechnet.

13. This translates into better, faster electronics, thanks to a discipline known as stochastic resonance.

So rückt dank einer Disziplin, die als stochastische Resonanz bekannt ist, bessere und schnellere Elektronik in greifbare Nähe.

14. In contrast, most synthetic polymers have much simpler and more random (or stochastic) structures.

15. By modelling employment patterns the stochastic elements of individual decision making are taken account of.

Bei der modellhaften Erfassung von sozialen Verhaltensmustern werden stochastische Elemente berücksichtigt.

16. It is stochastic because you're being dealt cards that are kind of coming at random.

17. To account for soil variability, the Richards equation is solved within deterministic and stochastic frameworks.

18. In the theory of finance one studies stochastic dominance decision models for the choice among risky alternatives.

In der Finanztheorie werden Modelle der stochastischen Dominanz für die Entscheidung zwischen risikobehafteten Alternativmöglichkeiten untersucht.

19. The fluctuations in the system are assumed to be described by a Gaussian white noise stochastic process.

20. The hydrology and water resources alignment simulated by the stochastic simulation method is an effective method.

21. Based on the theory of stochastic differential equation, the physical property of price model was proved.

22. The topic of the article is a method for time planning in networks with stochastic durations of activities.

Gegenstand des Beitrages ist ein Verfahren zur Zeitplanung in Netzplänen mit stochastischen Vorgangsdauern.

23. A method of “stochastic parameters optimisation” has been utilized for the optimisation of the parameters of active suspension.

Zur Optimierung der Parameter aktiver Stützensysteme wurde die Methode “stochastischer Parameteroptimierung” benutzt.

24. Accuracy of the estimators was quantified using median bias and interquartile ranges of the stochastic growth rate estimates.

25. Well, I'm monitoring the derived units of ionizing radiation to measure the stochastic effects on human tissue... whoa.

26. Time-dependent solutions of stochastic and deterministic 3D neutron transport will be provided to model heterogeneous core configurations.

Zeitabhängige Lösungen des stochastischen und deterministischen 3D-Neutronentransports werden zur Verfügung gestellt, um heterogene Kern-Konfigurationen zu modellieren.

27. Through the stochastic simulation of inflow flood in Zhelin Reservoir and flood regulating calculation, we obtain the possible highest water level.

28. In order to meet the technical requirement nowaday, this paper represents how to perform stationary stochastic signal analysis with microcomputer.

29. 11 The inventory control system with continuous and stochastic demands is simulated with computer and analyzed with statistic method.

30. The comprehensive optimization problem of transit operations with stochastic OD demands is studied by using a chance-constrained programming method.

31. 8 In this paper, A study of the computation of the ships capsizing probability in stochastic beam sea is made.

32. COCONET scientists developed and applied advanced mathematical models of non-linear stochastic systems to studies of brain interconnectivity and signal processing.

Die Wissenschaftler von COCONET entwickelten erweiterte mathematische Modelle nichtlinearer stochastischer Systeme und analysierten die Interkonnektivität und Signalverarbeitung im Gehirn.

33. A periodic model and an auto-regressional model of stationary stochastic process were respectively proposed for carrying out extrapolation and prediction.

34. 3 Consider the stochastic displacement process of a tagged partical X(t) in random porous medium and scaling-up problem.

35. Radioiodine exposure can result in both deterministic effects (hypothyroidism and acute thyroiditis) and stochastic effects (thyroid cancer and benign thyroid nodules).

36. Secondly, a double stochastic interchange minimization algorithm is used to whiten the Gaussian sequence under the criterion of minimum mean-square error.

37. For the classification system, an analytic model, based on the theory of stochastic processes (especially Poisson processes and Markov chains), has been developed.

Für das System der Einstufung wird auf der Grundlage der Theorie stochastischer Prozesse (insb. Poissonprozesse und Markoffketten) ein Analysemodell entwickelt.

38. Finally, during the last stages of planet building, a stochastic process of protoplanetary accretion can randomly alter the spin axis of the planet.

39. To attenuate the vibration of a rotor system subjected to random excitation, a stochastic optimal control strategy for the vibration control was presented.

40. Finally, we demonstrate the networks have special advantages by simulations, stochastic wavelet neural networks can be considered as a generalisation of wavelet neural networks in essence.

41. In this paper,[] the existence and uniqueness theorems of solution of a class Non-monotonic parametric stochastic operator equation with piecewise contraction property is discussed.

42. Project partners helped develop a novel technique to measure the shot-to-shot timing jitter of the inherently stochastic self-amplified spontaneous emission FEL pulses.

Die Projektpartner trugen zur Entwicklung eines neuartigen Verfahrens bei, mit dem der Jitter der einzelnen, vom Zufall abhängigen selbstverstärkten spontanen FEL-Impulse gemessen werden soll.

43. The Convergence of sequences of random variables to some limit random variable is an important concept in probability theory, and its applications to statistics and stochastic processes.

44. A minimal stochastic dynamical model of the free energy transduction and force generation in non-processive motor protein complexes such as Actomyosins will be discussed

45. The Cubature Kalman filter (CKF) has poor performance in strongly nonlinear systems while the Cubature particle filter has high computational complexity induced by stochastic sampling

46. Biostatistics provides stochastic models and methods, algorithms, and graphical tools for the analysis of data from genetics, bioinformatics, and the medical, biological, agricultural, and environmental sciences.

47. A multi-echelon inventory stochastic model of supply chain was proposed. Maximizing the gross profit of supply chain is regarded as an objective of the model.

48. 27 The theoretical solution is a limiting sequence and the computer solution is a stochastic digital oscillating system induced from the theoretical solution by truncation error.

49. He also gave essential contributions to the development of areas such as p-adic functional and stochastic analysis as well as to the singular perturbation theory for differential operators.

Er leistete überdies wesentliche Beiträge zur Entwicklung der Gebiete p-adischer Funktional- und stochastischer Analysis einerseits und andererseits der singulären Störungstheorie für Differentialoperatoren.

50. Bernt Øksendal We combine stochastic control methods, white noise analysis and Hida-Malliavin calculus applied to the Donsker delta functional to obtain new representations of semimartingale