Nghĩa của từ stemming bằng Tiếng Đức

stemming [stemiŋ] eindämmend, stemmend

Đặt câu có từ "stemming"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stemming", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stemming, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stemming trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Beatificus { adjective masculine } stemming

2. Aluniferous David stemming high

3. They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.

4. Obligations of the Member States stemming from the adoption of the budget

Verpflichtungen der Mitgliedstaaten, die sich aus dem Erlass des Haushaltsplans ergeben

5. The Copiousness stemming from his success appears to have taken a toll, however

6. Sex education in Africa has focused on stemming the growing AIDS epidemic.

7. “Beatnik” was an insult stemming from the recently launched the Soviet Union Satellite, Sputnik.

8. The Abandonment of children is an extreme form of child neglect stemming from many causes

9. In 19 a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour.

10. What are some good effects stemming from acts of kindness in the congregation?

11. To avoid problems stemming from tackiness, use compounds tailored to provide good release.

12. Ascesis is defined as self-discipline, stemming from the Greek word “Askesis,” literally meaning exercise

13. The creek splashes and gurgles in a series of descending pools stemming from a small waterfall.

14. Stemming from Bill C-43, the Canada Revenue Agency Act, the main topics are:

15. The portion of the annual amount stemming from the previous year shall be drawn on first.

Der Teil der jährlichen Mittelausstattung, der bereits im vorangegangenen Haushaltsplan ausgewiesen war, wird zunächst in Anspruch genommen.

16. Driven by ACSE research, a new solution for dealing with issues stemming from Environmental Management Systems .

17. Increase in expenditure to cover running costs of six executive agencies stemming from further delegation || + 25,759

Aufstockung der Ausgabemittel zur Deckung der laufenden Kosten von sechs Exekutivagenturen infolge der Übertragung weiterer Aufgaben || + 25,759

18. The active avoidance of any leadership behavior has a destructive impact on organizations, stemming from Absentee leaders’ non …

19. In addition, two major licensing files stemming from R&D contracts are currently under negotiation by ÉTS itself.

20. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the Programme by the European Commission stemming from Bulgaria's participation.

- die der Kommission aus der Teilnahme Bulgariens entstehenden zusätzlichen Kosten für die Verwaltung der Programme.

21. His entitlements stemming from Article 41(1) are directly dependent on his family relationship to a Moroccan worker.

Dessen Ansprüche aus Artikel 41 Absatz 1 seien unmittelbar von seiner familiären Beziehung zu einem marokkanischen Arbeitnehmer abhängig.

22. 11 In 19 a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour.

23. Verb chum (third-person singular simple present chums, present participle chumming, simple past and past participle Chummed) stemming

24. - Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA.

- Anpassung des Handelssystems und der einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften, um die mit der WTO, den Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen und der CEFTA verbundenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen.

25. The amounts stemming from the results of inspections will not be included in the yearly balances exercise.

Die Beträge, die sich aus den Ergebnissen der Kontrollen ergeben, werden in der jährlichen Abrechnung nicht berücksichtigt.

26. Furthermore, judicial monitoring of the operations and activities stemming from the principle of availability should be ensured.

Andererseits muss die gerichtliche Kontrolle der Operabilität und der Aktivitäten sichergestellt werden, die der Grundsatz der Verfügbarkeit in der Praxis mit sich bringen würde.

27. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the Programmes by the Commission stemming from Lithuania's participation.

- zusätzlicher Kosten, die der Kommission bei der Verwaltung der Programme durch die Beteiligung Litauens entstehen.

28. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the programmes by the Commission stemming from Estonia's participation.

- zusätzlicher Kosten, die der Kommission bei der Verwaltung der Programme durch die Beteiligung Estlands entstehen.

29. Bork, who developed an unfortunate reputation stemming from his role in Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre" in …

30. The largest group, accounting for 53% of unmet needs, was acceptability problems stemming from personal circumstances and attitudes.

31. The word Caveat is a term stemming from Latin, where it translates literally to “let him beware”

32. Before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.

Kurz vor seinem Verschwinden wurde er von dem Vorwurf der Körperverletzung freigesprochen, der Folge eines öffentlichen Streits im betrunkenen Zustand mit Paparazzi war.

33. Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century CE

34. The Blunter is an idea stemming from the highly opinionated screaming and writing that we think of as news today

35. Cinchonism is a collection of symptoms stemming from the ingestion of quinoline derivatives and its subsequent neural, retinal, and auditory toxicity

36. Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA

Anpassung des Handelssystems und der einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften, um die mit der WTO, dem Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen und der CEFTA verbundenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen

37. Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA.

Anpassung des Handelssystems und der einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften, um die mit der WTO, dem Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen und der CEFTA verbundenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen.

38. In addition, the error rate was largely affected by a significant error stemming from one single university beneficiary.

Darüber hinaus wirkte sich ein erheblicher Fehler, der von einem einzigen universitären Begünstigten herrührte, weitgehend auf die Fehlerquote aus.

39. Management critique A bit more autocratic than he would like to believe, stemming from a conviction that he is right.

40. They remain like this motionless with the woman stemming any premature ejaculatory urges by squeeze control, if the need arises.

41. Surrender (power or a position); "The King Abnegated his power to the ministers" more Show declension of abnegate ( , , ) , , ) stemming

42.  US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law

43. The wooden stemming rod was clearly safer, yet in every mining district there were those who disregarded the new rulings.

44. Nearly 5,000 National Guard troops will remain in Washington through March 12 due, in part, to Concerns about potential violence stemming from …

45. Williamson is among other physicians Anticipating another surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations stemming from the Christmas and New Year …

46. Cubs minor league pitcher Jesus Camargo was arrested Friday on four felony drug charges stemming from a traffic stop in

47. Children are especially vulnerable when traffickers recognize and take advantage of this need for emotional bonding stemming from the absence of stable parental figures.

48. A gradually increasing tempo of music; "my ear will not accept such violent Accelerandos" more Show declension of accelerando ( ))) stemming

49. September 30, 2008 • With musical influences stemming from Africa, France, Spain and other countries, Brazzaville is the brainchild of David Brown

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