Nghĩa của từ spoofing bằng Tiếng Đức

spoofing [spuːfiŋ] Manipulation, reinlegend, Verschleierung

Đặt câu có từ "spoofing"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "spoofing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ spoofing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ spoofing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. This process is sometimes referred to as spoofing.

2. So why even worry about IP spoofing?

3. Managing access includes risk mitigation of identity theft or spoofing.

4. Host spoofing is just the tool we need.

5. But, this program can keep spoofing continuously with a periodic time.

6. This prevents an outside attacker spoofing the address of an internal machine.

Dies verhindert, dass ein externer Angreifer die Adresse einer internen Maschine fälschen kann.

7. Coifing coiffing coffining scoffing goofing coffins cuffing spoofing cooping gaffing

8. Think of it as a weaponized tablet preloaded with address resolution protocol spoofing.

Sieh es als ein zu einer Waffe umfunktioniertes Tablet, vollgeladen mit einer Address Resolution Protocol-Manipulation.

9. "Phishing" and "spoofing" are fraudulent attempts to access your personal information.

10. In addition, a spoofing detector allows further enhancing the precision and accuracy of positioning.

Darüber hinaus ermöglicht ein Spoofing-Melder weitere Verbesserungen bei der Präzision und Genauigkeit der Ortung.

11. Plus, this attack is far easier to launch than the more sophisticated spoofing attacks.

12. Some spammers use software programs to create random lists of email addresses to use in spoofing.

Viele Spammer benutzen Softwareprogramme, mit denen sie Zufallslisten mit gefälschten E-Mail-Adressen generieren, die dann für Spoofing-Angriffe verwendet werden.

13. Because these emails are created outside Gmail, Gmail isn't able to stop the spammers from spoofing your address.

Da diese E-Mails nicht in Gmail erstellt werden, kann Gmail Spoofing-Angriffe auf Ihr Konto leider nicht verhindern.

14. I made that call through a spoofing Web site that anyone with an Internet connection has access to.

Ich ließ den Anruf über die Spoofing-Seite laufen. Das kann jeder mit einem Internetanschluss.

15. 26 Internet security issues include DDOS attacks, domain name hijacking, Trojan program, control of zombie host, webpage defacement and network spoofing.

16. " Cyber-terrorists could also provoke a nuclear launch by spoofing early warning and identification systems or by degrading communications networks . "

17. Embodiments of the invention include, without limitation, disrupting communications using deauthentication and by spoofing Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) responses.

18. There was no victory in Scary Movie because it was spoofing a spoof that was cleverer than it was.

19. The basic principle behind ARP spoofing is to exploit the lack of authentication in the ARP protocol by sending spoofed ARP messages onto the LAN.

20. Email spoofing is when email content is changed to make the message appear from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.

21. Spoofing is the forgery of an email header by an attacker so that a message appears to have originated from someone other than the actual source.

22. IP address spoofing, where an attacker alters the source IP address in a network packet to hide their identity or impersonate another computing system.

23. Conventional TCP/IP network suffers some problems, such as simplex services, source address spoofing and implosion of negative acknowledgement in multicast, in the course of its development.

24. Shows spoofing your fame are piling up faster than celebrity magazines in a hair salon, and they include a stage musical and animated TV programs.

25. The new GCU, which controls most of the missile's functions, incorporates a Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to improve GPS security.

26. In computer networking, ARP spoofing, ARP cache poisoning, or ARP poison routing, is a technique by which an attacker sends (spoofed) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages onto a local area network.

27. You can enable additional protection against spoofing attacks based on similar domain names or employee names and choose what action to take based on the type of threat.

28. The fraud did by manipulating computer network is an example of Cybercrime Various types of Cyber crime attack modes are 1) Hacking 2) Denial Of Service Attack 3) Software Piracy 4) Phishing 5) Spoofing.

29. Because the token is changed each time the form is drawn, a would-be attacker would have to get an instance of the sending form, strip out the token, and put it in their spoofing version of the form.

30. In cryptography, an Adversary (rarely opponent, enemy) is a malicious entity whose aim is to prevent the users of the cryptosystem from achieving their goal (primarily privacy, integrity, and availability of data).An Adversary's efforts might take the form of attempting to discover secret data, corrupting some of the data in the system, spoofing the identity of a message sender or receiver, or