Nghĩa của từ sphincter bằng Tiếng Đức

sphincter [sfiŋktər] Schließmuskel

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sphincter", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sphincter, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sphincter trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Simultaneously, the internal urethral sphincter opens.

2. Sphincter paralysis plus shocks equals Miller Fisher Syndrome.

3. The sphincter electropotential mapping device is coupled to the support member and configured to detect aberrant myoelectric activity of the sphincter.

4. No significant differences in sphincter pressure were noted.

5. Could cause numbness, anal sphincter dysfunction, and the shocks.

6. That, with a simultaneous relaxing of the sphincter.

7. Achalasia originates from impaired relaxation of the gastroesophageal sphincter apparatus.

Die Achalasie resultiert aus einer gestörten Relaxation des gastroösophagealen Sphinkters.

8. The end of the respiratory bronchiole has a sphincter.

9. Passing through the lower esophageal sphincter, into the antrum of the stomach

10. ( A preemies's immature nervous system has trouble controlling the sphincter as well . )

11. In addition, we compared both techniques for anal sphincter thickness and length measurements.

Außerdem verglichen wir beide Techniken hinsichtlich der Dicke und Länge des analen Sphinkters.

12. These Constrictions are as follows: Cervical constriction – is caused by the cricoid cartilage and is constricted by the upper esophageal sphincter until the sphincter relaxes in response to a bolus.

13. Passing through the lower esophageal sphincter, into the antrum of the stomach.

Durch den unteren Speiseröhrenschließmuskel in die Bauchhöhle.

14. No grouping had basal upper oesophageal sphincter pressure that differed significantly from any other.

15. Individuals with achalasia are treated by implanting a stimulation device within the patient's lower esophageal sphincter and applying electrical stimulation to the patient's lower esophageal sphincter, in accordance with certain predefined protocols.

16. Muscle disorders which are suitable for such treatment include achalasia, isolated disorders of the lower esophageal sphincter, gastroparesis, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, short-segment Hirschsprung's, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, proctalgia fugax, irritable bowel syndrome, disorders of the upper esophageal sphincter, vasospastic disorders, and disorders of uterine and bladder spasm.

17. Nothing like a little 30-knot crosswind to exercise the old sphincter muscle.

18. Formation of multiple fistulas and destruction of the sphincter may necessitate abdomino-perineal resection.

Multiple Fisteln und die Zerstörung des Sphinkterapparates können die abdominoperineale Rektumamputation erforderlich machen.

19. This has been explained by an increased number of transient sphincter relaxations after a meal.

20. Operative mortality was 3.6 and 5.5% for sphincter saving resection and abdomino-perineal excision respectively.

Die Operationsletalität betrug 3,6% für sphinctererhaltende Resektionen und 5,5% für die abdomino-perineale Exstirpation.

21. The bursts of oesophageal contractions were not related to inappropriate lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations.

22. We developed intersphincteric resection of rectum and M. sphincter internus by a synchronous abdomino-peranal approach.

Wir haben dafür die intersphinktäre Resektion entwikkelt, bei der sychron abdomino-peranal das Rektum mit dem M. sphincter internus reseziert wird.

23. The striated sphincter contains fatigue - resistant , slow - twitch fibers that are responsible for passive urinary control.

24. Reality began to slide away outside, and a sphincter of darkness drew tight around the windows.

25. If she would've just gestated a little longer, her stomach sphincter would be fully mature.

26. 10 Tongue Twister J _ K _ L Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks!

27. Two women (ages 22 and 79 years) underwent endoscopic extraperitoneal implantation of the AMS 800 artificial sphincter.

Der Eingriff zur Implantation des artifiziellen Sphinkters (AMS 800®) wurde bei 2 Patientinnen (22 und 79 Jahre) durchgeführt.

28. Of the 87 patients with an anal fissure or a functional constipation, 83 had normal sphincter relaxation.

Von den 87 Patienten mit Analfissur oder funktioneller Obstipation hatten 83 einen regelrechten Dehnungsreflex, jedoch keiner der Patienten mit einer Aganglionose.

29. Anal sphincter laceration was the primary outcome[Sentence dictionary], defined as third - and fourth - degree perineal lacerations.

30. 18 The threshold of phasic sphincter contraction reverted to normal in the three patients with abnormal values.

31. Anismus, paradoxical external sphincter function, spastic pelvic floor syndrome, rectoanal dysnergia, abdomino-levator incoordination for abdominopelvic asychronism, are all due to paradoxical contraction of the striated sphincter apparatus during oviding and is characterised by prolonged and excessive straining at stool.

32. You also may experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus (Anal sphincter).

33. Several studies have shown the association of reflux oesophagitis with lower oesophageal sphincter dysfunction and impaired oesophageal peristalsis.

34. The lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was measured as the difference between the sleeve pressure and the fundic pressure.

35. In C. hepatica a common muscle sphincter surrounds the vas deferens and intestine at their point of juncture.

36. Primary motility disorders of the esophagus are achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and the hypertonic lower esophageal sphincter.

Die primären Motilitätsstörungen des Ösophagus sind die Achalasie, der diffuse Ösophagusspasmus, der „Nussknackerösophagus“ sowie der hypertone untere Ösophagussphinkter.

37. Achalasia of the gastro-oesophageal sphincter results from a lack of nitric-oxide synthase in the myenteric plexus.

Die Achalasie des gastroösophagealen Sphinkters beruht auf einem Fehlen von NO-Synthetase im Plexus myentericus.

38. Patients received a full explanation of the relevance of the external sphincter in controlling anorectal functioning before starting biofeedback.

39. Other possible indications for BTX injection such as sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia or cervical achalasia remain to be further established.

Bei anderen Erkrankungen, wie z. B. spastischen Zuständen des Sphincter Oddi, der tubulären Speiseröhre und des oberen Ösophagussphincters, ist der Einsatz sicher noch als experimentell anzusehen und bedarf der weiteren klinischen Evaluation.

40. The oesophageal distention caused by gastro-oesophageal reflux is a potent stimulus of transient upper oesophageal sphincter relaxations in children.

41. Fistulotomy with primary sphincter reconstruction is an important adjunct to the surgical armamentarium for the treatment of anal fistula.

Fistelspaltung mit primärer Sphinkterrekonstruktion ist eine wichtige Ergänzung in der Palette chirurgischer Verfahren bei analen Fisteln.

42. Three pairs of muscles are inserted on the larynx cartilage: M. dilatator laryngis, M. sphincter and M. hyo-laryngeus.

An den Kehlkopfknorpel inserieren drei Muskelpaare: M. dilatator laryngis, M. sphincter und M. hyo-laryngeus.

43. A person vomits Bile as a result of a malfunctioning pyloric valve, a ring-shaped sphincter muscle in the stomach.

44. A Biliary endoscopic sphincterotomy is a procedure that cuts the muscle (sphincter) between the common bile duct and pancreatic duct

45. Background: Coloanal Anastomosis (CAA)/intersphincteric resection (ISR) is a promising method of sphincter-preserving surgery for very low rectal cancer

46. Assholes Anonymous or AA – A 12-step program for Assholes in an attempt to recover from its horrible sphincter grip into recovery

47. The outer sphincter we all know, we can control it, we know what's going on there; the inner one, we really don't.

48. It could be shown that the internal sphincter plays the decisive role in the involuntary reflex closure of the anal canal.

Dabei hat sich gezeigt, daß für den reflektorischen unwillkürlichen Verschluß des Analkanals der interne Sphinkter von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.

49. The so-called stromal endometriosis is regarded as an angioblastic growth which originates from the sphincter structures of the uterine veins.

Stromaendometriose als angioplastische Wucherung aufgefaßt, welche von den Sperreinrichtungen der metranen Venen ihren Ausgang nimmt.

50. Tobacco : Tobacco prevents the oesophageal sphincter from working properly, reduces the rate at which the stomach empties and increases stomach acid production.