Nghĩa của từ solvency bằng Tiếng Đức

solvency [sɔlvənsiː] Solvenz, Zahlungsfähigkeit

Đặt câu có từ "solvency"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "solvency", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ solvency, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ solvency trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. There are serious doubts as to the company's solvency.

2. Even wealth and solvency seem to be drawbacks.

3. Their targets, including profitability ratios, solvency ratios, asset management ratios.

4. • Air Canada Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations Guidance

5. The Effect of Ceded Reinsurance on Solvency of Primary Insurers

6. Financial solvency can be a reflection ofyour sense of responsibility.

7. But accomplishing solvency is no different from accomplishing any other goal.

8. Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Equity risk –qualifying infrastructure equities

Absolute Werte nach Schock — Netto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Aktienrisiko — qualifizierte Eigenkapitalinvestitionen in Infrastruktur

9. A large boost to their independent solvency has been the Friday night allowance.

10. Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.

11. Article 53Report on solvency and financial condition: updates and additional voluntary information

Artikel 53Bericht über Solvabilität und Finanzlage: Aktualisierungen und zusätzliche freiwillige Informationen

12. The reasons of penetrating stone are solvency, large proportion of ubiquity and duration.

13. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

Absolute Werte nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Verbriefungspositionen — garantierte STS-Verbriefungen

14. The government issued revised estimates on the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

15. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities

Absolute Werte nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Aktienrisiko — qualifizierte Eigenkapitalinvestitionen in Infrastruktur

16. Supervision should move to a focus on solvency ratios, capital adequacy and appropriate modern accounting practices.

17. After receipt of the request to open an account, check on the customer's solvency at Coface

Nach Erhalt des Antrags auf Eröffnung eines Kundenkontos Überprüfung der Solvenz des Kunden bei der COFACE.

18. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

Absolute Werte nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Verbriefungspositionen — sonstige Verbriefungen

19. Such regulation should not separate maintaining solvency from setting rates and reviewing market conduct.

20. So the supervision of the solvency is the nucleus of the government insurance supervision.

21. Silverfinch has been Collaborated with Fundsquare to boost their Solvency II solutions throughout Europe.

22. The company said in statement was uncertainty over planned new rules , called Solvency II .

23. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (qualifizierte Infrastrukturinvestitionen)

24. Some smaller commodity-exporting economies will need to take steps to increase their fiscal solvency.

25. But the end of the day Monday, about bank solvency and the weak economy returned.

26. The Shareholders will procure that the Directors first make a declaration of solvency (if applicable).

27. Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Netto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (qualifizierte Investitionen in Infrastrukturunternehmen)

28. Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Spread risk — bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investments)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Netto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (qualifizierte Infrastrukturinvestitionen)

29. (b) the proportional share of the Solvency Capital Requirement of the related insurance or reinsurance undertakings.

b) dem Anteil der Solvenzkapitalanforderung des verbundenen Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsunternehmens.

30. Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

31. Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

Absolute Werte nach Schock — Netto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Verbriefungspositionen — vorübergehende Typ-1-Verbriefungen

32. To achieve this in an efficient manner, it is essential that the ratio captures actual solvency.

33. Non-Cuban passport holders must also provide proof of financial solvency of at least US$50 per day.

34. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (qualifizierte Investitionen in Infrastrukturunternehmen)

35. Solvency Ratio One of many ratios used to gauge a company's ability to meet long-term obligations.

36. After the sale of the transmission network, the TV2 solvency ratio is [...] % at the end of 2010.

Nach dem Verkauf des Übertragungsnetzwerks beträgt der Solvabilitätskoeffizient von TV2 Ende 2010 [...] %.

37. Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

38. It has to be optimized as a high leverage can bring a higher profit but create solvency risk.

39. Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Brutto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (mit Ausnahme von qualifizierten Infrastrukturinvestitionen)

40. Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Spread risk — bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investments)

Absoluter Wert nach Schock — Netto-Solvenzkapitalanforderung — Spread-Risiko — Anleihen und Darlehen (mit Ausnahme von qualifizierten Infrastrukturinvestitionen)

41. Even if they launch a new pension scheme with less generous benefits they face maintaining the solvency of the old fund.

42. The second part uses simple financial index to explain and analyse the operating status in terms of solvency, managerial efficiency and profitability.

43. - profit reserves and future profits arising in a related life assurance undertaking of the insurance undertaking for which the adjusted solvency is calculated, and

- Gewinnreserven und künftige Gewinne eines verbundenen Lebensversicherungsunternehmens des Versicherungsunternehmens, für das die bereinigte Solvabilität berechnet wird, und

44. The intermediate body shall guarantee its solvency and competence in the domain concerned, as well as its administrative and financial management capacity.

Die zwischengeschaltete Stelle garantiert, dass sie solvent ist und über Sachkenntnis in dem betreffenden Bereich sowie über die erforderliche administrative und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit verfügt.

45. The intermediate body shall provide guarantees of its solvency and competence in the domain concerned, as well as its administrative and financial management.

Die zwischengeschaltete Stelle weist nach, dass sie solvent ist und über Sachkenntnis in dem betreffenden Bereich sowie über die erforderliche Verwaltungs- und Finanzkompetenz verfügt.

46. The actual premium is the median average for the five different categories of foreign buyers depending on their solvency and risk of default.

Als tatsächliche Prämie wurde der mittelfristige Durchschnitt in Bezug auf fünf nach Solvabilität und Ausfallrisiko gestaffelte Kategorien ausländischer Abnehmer veranschlagt.

47. Investment is an important business for life insurers, which has an great influence on their profit, the future solvency and the long term stability.

48. profit reserves and future profits arising in a related life assurance undertaking of the insurance undertaking for which the adjusted solvency is calculated, and

Gewinnreserven und künftige Gewinne eines verbundenen Lebensversicherungsunternehmens des Versicherungsunternehmens, für das die bereinigte Solvabilität berechnet wird, und

49. — profit reserves and future profits arising in a related life assurance undertaking of the insurance undertaking for which the adjusted solvency is calculated, and

— Gewinnreserven und künftige Gewinne eines verbundenen Lebensversicherungsunternehmens des Versicherungsunternehmens, für das die bereinigte Solvabilität berechnet wird, und

50. ‘concentration risk’ means all risk exposures with a loss potential which is large enough to threaten the solvency or the financial position of insurance and reinsurance undertakings;

„Konzentrationsrisiko“ sämtliche mit Risiken behafteten Engagements mit einem Ausfallpotenzial, das umfangreich genug ist, um die Solvabilität oder die Finanzlage der Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsunternehmen zu gefährden;