Nghĩa của từ socialists bằng Tiếng Đức

socialists [souʃəlists] Sozialiste

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "socialists", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ socialists, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ socialists trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.

2. 24 The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms.

3. The neo-Socialists were a small right wing group.

4. Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the Socialists.

5. The Socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.

6. The socialists performed impressively in the legislative elections.

7. The party combined socialists with liberal democrats and progressive Christians.

8. Price fixing is a tool of socialists and destroys production.

9. 14 She defected from the Liberals and joined the Socialists.

10. White nationalists are the favorite Bogeymen of 2020s American socialists

11. The Bolsheviki were first to use violence against other Socialists.

12. The socialists saw themselves as true heirs of the Enlightenment.

13. 3 The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists.

14. The Socialists now have a commanding lead over their opponents.

15. The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

16. In 1912, Luxemburg was the SPD representative at the European Socialists congresses.

17. He has attempted to align the Socialists with the environmental movement.

18. But some of Britain's leading socialists were ready to follow a similar trajectory.

19. The Socialists will win hands down if the election is free and fair.

20. You Can Still Trust the Communists: To be Communists, Socialists, Statists, and Progressives Too

21. However, it would be inadvisable for revolutionary socialists to base themselves on this unlikely variant.

22. It doesn't look to me as if the Socialists will win the election.

23. While calling themselves socialists, the founders of the anarchist movement, Proudhon and Bakunin, denounced communism.

24. Even for the socialists the road to proletarian triumph ran through a fully developed capitalism.

25. Even the devout socialists of Alcove 1 believed in the free market of abilities.

26. So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority?

27. 13 How many socialists have abandoned attempts to come to grips with Marxism after such experiences!

28. It is estimated that over 25% of socialists were removed from power or expelled from political life.

29. 27 So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority?

30. The Socialists wanted to dissociate themselves with the republican government, which was losing its strength and unity.

31. 22 hours ago · Zionists were the favorite Bogeymen of 1930s German socialists

32. Witches, devils, demons, In the USA, communism, communists, socialism and socialists were also used as Bogeymen

33. In 1987 the Socialists took the unprecedented step of appointing a civilian to command the force.

34. You Can Still Trust the Communists: To be Communists, Socialists, Statists, and Progressives Too [Frederick Schwarz, David A

35. Almost everybody , including the socialists , accepted this ' as the national policy and realised that there was no alternative .

36. 27 The socialists were not alone at the banquet of graft, but they had a particularly voracious appetite.

37. The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists.

38. More evidence that Communists — not merely “democratic socialists” — are hijacking the Democratic Party is the emergence of California Rep

39. But Mr Melding says he is happiest standing on municipal benches with his megaphone, annoying the socialists of Abertillery.

40. The Fascisti formed armed squads of war veterans called squadristi to terrorize anarchists , socialists and communists . The government rarely interfered.

Zunächst engagierte er sich ab 1901 beim sozialistischen Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI) und stieg dort bis 1912 in das Exekutiv-Komitee auf.

41. Some libertarian socialists see violent revolution as necessary in the abolition of capitalist society while others advocate non-violent methods.

42. All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.

43. Democratic socialists earned some ridicule this weekend after video clips from their annual convention—which showed attendees objecting to Clapping…

44. Mr President, with their implausible, verbose, confused, ambiguous, hypocritical joint resolution, the Socialists, the Greens and the Liberals have folded completely.

Herr Präsident, mit ihrer unglaublichen, langatmigen, verworrenen, unklaren und verlogenen gemeinsamen Entschließung haben sich die Sozialisten, die Grünen und die Liberalen völlig unterwürfig gezeigt.

45. The phrase Fifth International refers to the efforts made by groups of socialists to create a new Workers' International.

46. SL/ICL on Puerto Rico: Annexationist “Socialists” When the Communist International was founded after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution led by V.I

47. 28 All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.

48. The leaders of the Majority Socialists regarded the revolutionary legitimation of their authority not as a springboard but as a stigma.

49. The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.

50. If the Socialists are tactful and want to win favour with the centre-right, there will be no clean-out in June.