Nghĩa của từ smears bằng Tiếng Đức

smears [smiəz] beschmiert, schmiert

Đặt câu có từ "smears"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "smears", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ smears, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ smears trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Managing Ascus and AGUS Pap smears

2. Skin smears provided successful cultures in 5/6 and 8/8 embryonal smears and appeared to be more suitable than the smears from the surface of amnion and umbilical cord.

Hautabstriche ergaben erfolgreiche Kulturen bei 5 von 6 und 8 von 8 embryonalen Abstrichen. Sie sind deshalb erfolgreicher als Abstriche von der Oberfläche von Amnion oder Nabelschnur.

3. In the classification based on skin smears, patients showing negative smears at all sites are grouped as pauciBacillary leprosy (PB), while those showing positive smears at any site are grouped as having multiBacillary leprosy (MB).

4. There were paint smears visible on the doorknob.

5. In cases with negative sputum smears bronchoscopy should be performed.

Bei negativer Sputumdiagnostik ist eine bronchoskopische Abklärung indiziert.

6. In this review, usual pattern of Atrophic smears and differential diagnosis of Atrophic smears along with mimics will be presented for decision making and particularly avoiding overdiagnosis.

7. Strategies for the management of AGUS readings on Pap smears are often confused with those used for Pap smears that have been read as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (Ascus).

8. The prime minister has dismissed the allegations as smears and innuendo.

9. His evidence was a blend of smears, half truths and downright lies.

10. Bumkins bibs protect your child and their clothing from smears and stains

11. These precautions should be maintained until three consecutive sputum smears are negative.

12. Synonyms for Besmears include smears, daubs, bedaubs, stains, sullies, dirties, soils, smudges, anoints and taints

13. Synonyms for splatters include Bespatters, spatters, dashes, marks, plashes, smears, splashes, stains, blotches and douses

14. In the instance of genital warts or abnormal smears, differential colposcopy was performed.

Bei Genitalwarzen oder auffälligen Abstrichen erfolgte eine Differenzialkolposkopie.

15. Eighteen milk bottles on the mantelpiece, some with milky smears and doubtless smelling cheesy.

16. The proportion of cervical smears overexpressing p16(INK4a) increased with the severity of Cytological abnormality

17. Atrophic smears and their diagnostic challenges should be included in pathology and cytotechnology training courses

18. Synonyms for Bedaubs include smears, besmears, daubs, spatters, stains, anoints, bespatters, smirches, soils and splashes

19. If done correctly, both Coverslips will have quality smears that will appear similar to a thumb print

20. Synonyms for Asperses include vilifies, disparages, maligns, defames, slanders, slurs, traduces, calumniates, smears and libels

21. Impression smears of the filters on glass slides were air dried, acetone fixed and Gram stained.

22. The pockets in the perfect grey limestone became smaller and more spaced, the footholds doubtful, sloping smears.

23. Acridine orange staining uses the rapid identification of Trichomonas vaginalis, yeast cells, and clue cells in vaginal smears

24. Performs more complex medical laboratory tests such as blood counts, general Bacteriologies - (cultures and smears) and some blood chemistries

25. She picks up a shard of glass, clenches it in her hand, and smears her blood on the note.

26. Coverslip smears are made on 22 x 22 mm Coverslips using a technique similar to the pull prep method

27. Mr Branson demanded his rival came up with a large compensation settlement for its three years of customer poaching and publicity smears.

28. Storing of fresh blood smears in air-tight sealed boxes below −30°C does not affect the activities of alkaline phosphatase and naphthylacetate esterase.

Nach luftdichter Aufbewahrung von Blutausstrichen in der Kühltruhe bis zu 30 Tagen bleibt die cytochemisch nachweisbare Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase und der Naphthylacetatesterase unverändert.

29. The letter intervention cost less than $140 per additional smear obtained, or $6,950 per abnormality detected early by screening, given that 1.94% of smears were abnormal.

30. In 353 women referred for colposcopy because of abnormal cervical smears, HR-HPV clearance preceded regression of cervical lesions by an average of three months.

31. Fecal leukocytes may be mistaken for Amebae, so fixed and stained fecal smears (iodine, trichrome, iron hematoxylin, or periodic acid-Schiff reaction) may be necessary for identification

32. As in other systems, hydrogen bond formation probably smears out the OH absorption bands so that only OH groups in the crystal interior yield sharp, unperturbed OH bands.

Wie in anderen Systemen verwischt die Wasserstoffbindung wahrscheinlich die OH-Absorptionsstreifen, so daß nur die OH-Gruppen im Inneren der Kristalle scharfe, unveränderte OH-Streifen liefern.

33. When seen in follow-up at 1 and 2 months, he was asymptomatic, all previous biochemical and hematologic abnormalities returned to normal, and smears for babesiosis were negative.

34. A method is described using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify defined nucleic acid strands in individual cellsin situ in conventional smears of bone marrow and peripheral cells.

Mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Methode können definierte Nukleinsäurestränge in Einzelzellenin situ amplifiziert werden.

35. A large mass of metaphase or interphase cells can be detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization on chromatosome and bone marrow smears to examine the number and structure of chromatosome .

36. Agglutinates can sometimes be distinguished from rouleaux by their characteristic appearance on blood smears (agglutination forms three-dimensional clusters, whereas rouleaux forms stacks), however this can be difficult with severe rouleaux

37. TABLE 4 Percentage of abnormal smears by geographic area and previous screening status (n = 360,587) Previous screening status Cape Breton Mainland NS Unscreened 3.92 1.92 Under-screened 1.25 1.27 Screened 2.03 1.51

38. Jejuni, were significantly associated with the sexual practice of Anilinctus and were usually associated with diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and hematochezia; proctocolitis seen at sigmoidoscopy; increased numbers of leukocytes seen on rectal smears; acute inflammatory changes

39. Although it was probably intended to improve on the accuracy of the Pap test, its main advantage has been to reduce the number of inadequate smears from around 9% to around 1%.

40. Diagnosis of kala-azar is accomplished either by demonstration of amastigotes (LD bodies; Aflagellar forms) in splenic or bone marrow smears or by culture of leishmania promastigotes (flagellar forms) from clinical specimen (most commonly in NNN media)

41. Basically it consisted of a fifteen-foot 5.7 slab ascent, a fifteen-foot 5.5 or so crack system, and another fifteen-foot slab at the top that was very sparse and Crimpy and required a couple of fairly technical smears and matches.

42. We report on the isolation of Actinobacillus equuli ssp. haemolyticus from wound smears of a 2-year-old girl who was admitted to the hospital due to partial amputation of the distal phalanx of her right middle finger caused by a horse bite.

Wir berichten über den Nachweis von Actinobacillus equuli ssp. haemolyticus aus Wundabstrichen eines 2 Jahre alten Mädchens, welches sich wegen eines Pferdebisses in der Klinik vorstellte.

43. Butterscotch or Butterscotching is when a male takes the sweat that forms under his balls after long strenuous activity and puts it on his fingers by reaching into his pants and then smears it on another individuals face (often their lips) and then exclaims "Butterscotch"!

44. Traces of lipstick, cosmetics, nail polish, or other smears could be found left on drinking cups, glasses, cigarette butts, and tissue papers and may all be significant forensic evidence in the investigation of a crime, especially in cases such as a sexual assault, homicide, and in government or corporate related corruption and controversies.