Nghĩa của từ severest bằng Tiếng Đức

severest [siviəst] strengste

Đặt câu có từ "severest"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "severest", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ severest, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ severest trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. I am my own severest critic.

2. From apostates the faithful have received the severest persecutions.

3. The severest toil was child's play compared with this.

4. 8 Silence is sometimes the severest criticism. 

5. 1 Silence is sometimes the severest criticism. 

6. 9 Silence is sometimes the severest criticism. 

7. Even under the severest stress, Jesus did his Father’s will

8. The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat.

9. Synonyms for Austerest include sternest, severest, strictest, harshest, coldest, hardest, grimmest, flintiest, gravest and seriousest

10. Synonyms for Achiest include painfullest, sorest, tenderest, nastiest, rawest, sharpest, severest, prickliest, stiffest and reddest

11. However, many of the severest critics of the RAWP formula seem to have adopted fallacious lines of argument.

12. The battles began in 1553, and the best known and severest among them was fought on September 10, 1561.

13. Antonyms for Balmiest include harshest, roughest, coarsest, hardest, severest, sternest, winteriest, wintriest, barmiest and stormiest

14. LD **Afaring men say that the present winter on the Atlantic (oast has be*n the severest in twenty years

15. He is about to present his own answer to the severest test of Godship —the ability to foretell the future accurately.

16. (Philippians 2:8) Jesus also proved that a perfect man could maintain perfect integrity to Jehovah despite the severest of trials.

17. Hence, even during the severest of droughts, there is an acacia “seed bank” lying safe in the ground, just waiting to regenerate.

Auch während der schlimmsten Dürre ruht somit eine Akazien-„Samenbank“ unversehrt im Boden und wartet nur darauf, aufgehen zu können.

18. After transethmoidal revision of the optic nerve of 9 patients with severest posttraumatic impairment of vision or amaurosis a significant improvement of the functional defects could be registrated.

Nach transethmoidal er Revision des N. opticus konnte bei 9 Patienten mit schwerster posttraumatischer Visusminderung bzw. Amaurose eine deutliche Besserung der Funktionsausfälle beobachtet werden.

19. I come as a brother in the faith to embrace all the Christians who, amid the severest of tribulations, have persevered in their fidelity to Christ.

Ich komme als Bruder im Glauben, um viele Christen zu umarmen, die inmitten schlimmster Leiden an ihrer treuen Verbundenheit mit Christus festgehalten haben.

20. Such ones can be absolutely confident that Jehovah and his loyal Son Jesus Christ will stand by them in sickness, family problems, discouragement, pressures and tensions, even the severest persecutions.

Solche können das unbedingte Vertrauen haben, daß ihnen Jehova und sein loyaler Sohn Jesus Christus in Krankheit, bei Familienproblemen, bei Entmutigung, wenn unter Druck und Spannungen gesetzt und auch in den schwersten Verfolgungen beistehen werden.

21. Though incomparable in scale with the two world wars, the Korean War was the first hot war during the cold-war period, and was also one of the severest conflicts between the East and the West.

22. Paul had spoken (Titus 1:10-11) in the severest terms of certain influential members of the Cretan Church; he had even alluded to their disastrous teaching ruining whole families, evidently implying that he had perceived among the Cretans a readiness to welcome a teaching which countenanced a laxer moral tone, the invariable

23. The “ Babylonian Captivity” The severest difficulties faced by the medieval church involved the papacy.The most extreme and inflexible advocate of papal authority, Boniface VIII, initiated a struggle with the French king, Philip IV, over Philip’s attempts to tax and judge the clergy.After Boniface issued the bull Unam sanctam (“One Holy”), which asserted the unity of the church and