Nghĩa của từ sepsis bằng Tiếng Đức

sepsis [sepsis] Blutvergiftung, Fäulnis [med.]

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sepsis", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sepsis, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sepsis trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. It's sepsis.

2. Antipyretic therapy in sepsis Sepsis is a condition characterized by multiple organ dysfunction

3. What is sepsis ?

4. Amputations can be the result of sepsis or be a trigger for sepsis

5. He'll die of sepsis.

6. Sepsis and bleeding caused numerous deaths.

7. Cause: Gravidic toxemia, haemorrhaging, miscarriages, sepsis.

8. Seven patients received antibiotics for sepsis.

9. This combination is frequently seen in sepsis.

10. opportunistic infections (including tuberculosis, histoplasmosis), sepsis, abscess

Sepsis, opportunistische Infektionen (einschließlich Tuberkulose, Histoplasmose), Abzess, Gelenkinfektion, Wundinfektion

11. During the hospitalization, recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred.

12. An abdominal infection causes sepsis, low blood pressure.

13. Bacterial myocarditis has also been reported secondarily to sepsis.

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15. Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutropenic sepsis, purpura

16. Complete protection against burn wound sepsis was achieved with flagellar antisera.

17. Symptoms of the disease are conjunctivitis, purpura, petechiae and occasionally sepsis.

18. Sepsis after colorectal surgery is caused by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

19. It is uncertain whether high-volume hemofiltration improves prognosis in sepsis.

20. Commonly used in pathology, Asepsis indicates an individual is free of sepsis

21. Untreated Bedsores can ultimately lead to other infections, sepsis or even cancer

22. Another typical combination is DKA, dehydration, and hyperventilation from pneumonia or sepsis.

23. Sepsis had lowered her BP so much, she got clots in her liver.

24. Patienter med tuberkulos eller andra allvarliga infektioner såsom sepsis, Abscesser, och opportunistiska infektioner (se avsnitt Patients with tuberculosis or other severe infections such as sepsis, abscesses, and opportunistic infections (see section

25. Early or late stage infections after birth may lead to pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis.

Infektionen in einem frühen oder späten Stadium nach der Geburt können zu Pneumonien, Sepsen und Meningitis führen.

26. Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus) is the leading cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis.A current surveillance study in Germany indicates an incidence of 0.5 per 1000 live births. GBS early-onset sepsis presents with a fulminant clinical course within the first 24 h of life.Late-onset sepsis presents as meningitis with a delayed onset.

Streptococcus agalactiae (Gruppe-B-Streptokokken, GBS) ist der häufigste Erreger der neonatalen Sepsis.Zurzeit liegt die Inzidenz blut- bzw.liquorkulturpositiver GBS-Erkrankungen in Deutschland bei etwa 0,5/1000 Geburten.Bedrohlich ist die Fulminanz der sich in den ersten 24 Lebensstunden manifestierenden“Frühsepsis”.

27. Asepsis, on the other hand, is the normal state of not being in sepsis

28. Glomerular filtration rate falls in sepsis and improves after hemoglobin administration. Urinary output increases.

Die glomeruläre Filtrationsrate, während Sepsis vermindert, wird verbessert und die Urinausscheidung gefördert.

29. Neurobehavioral Abnormities in sepsis survivors, we thus focused our research on LPS-induced animals

30. Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of carboxymethyl - ? ? - 3 - glucan ( CMG ) on sepsis in mice.

31. The prognostically most important complications of acute cholangitis include biliary sepsis, renal failure and liver abscesses.

Die prognostisch wichtigsten Komplikationen der akuten schweren Cholangitis stellen neben der biliären Sepsis, das Nierenversagen und Leberabszesse dar.

32. On 23 January, Suharto's health worsened further, as a sepsis infection spread through his body.

33. Patients with tuberculosis or other severe infections such as sepsis, abscesses, and opportunistic infections (see section

34. Due to severe sepsis, the first patient died on day 73 after emergent fasciotomy and debridement.

35. None of these studies were conducted a priori in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock.

Keine dieser Studien wurde a priori bei Patienten mit schwerer Sepsis bzw. septischem Schock durchgeführt.

36. The ruptured blister may become infected with bacteria, leading to tetanus, sepsis, arthritis, or an abscess.

37. Treat him for sepsis, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and I want a Cort-stim test and an echocardiogram.

38. 24 Such individuals, as in patients who have undergone splenectomy are predisposed to infections and overwhelming sepsis.

39. At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.

40. Fluid Bolus therapy is widely administered to patients with undifferentiated hypotension and for patients with severe sepsis

41. The main causes of maternal mortality are complications of induced and unsafe abortions, toxemia, hemorrhages and sepsis.

42. 21 It has been suggested that emergency colectomy and postoperative sepsis may predispose to the development of pouchitis.

43. The diagnosis included sepsis, septic abortion, peritonitis, pneumonia, Appendicle abscess, pelvic abscess, wound infection, septicemia, and similar conditions

44. IPA then detected eight network proteins and interpreted them in the context of established protein alterations for sepsis.

Mithilfe der IPA konnten 8 Netzwerkproteine detektiert und ein Zusammenhang zu bekannten Proteinveränderungen der Sepsis konnte hergestellt werden.

45. There was no difference regarding anastomotic leaks, bleeding from the pouch or pelvic sepsis between the 2 groups.

Es gab keine Unterschiede in Bezug auf Anastomoseinsuffizienzen, Blutungen aus dem Pouch oder Beckensepsis zwischen den beiden Gruppen.

46. It may also occur as a result of sepsis , and is usually a sign of the beginning of refractory sepsis . Lastly, in the case of metabolic acidosis , the body uses hyperventilation to counter the increased acidity of the blood; this is known as Kussmaul breathing .

Mit den Krämpfen und dem Kribbeln steigt meist auch die Panik .

47. Can also be caused by cancer or sepsis (toxins form Gram -) as inflammatory mediator will also trigger Clotting factors.

48. These findings provide previously unrecognized evidence that human and murine sepsis similarly Alters the platelet transcriptional and translational landscape

49. In some cases, untreated Cellulitis can lead to shock or can spread to the blood and cause fatal sepsis

50. Other complications of generalized sepsis are septic pulmonary emboli, which frequently gives rise to pulmonary abscesses, and splenic abscesses.