Nghĩa của từ sanctification bằng Tiếng Đức

sanctification [sæŋktifikeiʃən] Heiligung

Đặt câu có từ "sanctification"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sanctification", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sanctification, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sanctification trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Consecration is not sanctification; but it is the human side of sanctification

2. 3 Both justification and sanctification are faith transactions.

3. Sanctification is a process of mortification and vivification.

4. 2 What is the difference between regeneration and definitive sanctification?

5. 1 Sanctification is a process of mortification and vivification.

6. 5 Sanctification begins with a definite breach with sin.

7. 4 The sanctification of the believer is in view.

8. Anonymous giving gives the gift a higher form of sanctification.”

9. 24 For God has not called us for uncleanness but in sanctification.

10. – Sanctification, vocation, and stewardship-themed bulletin Blurbs keyed to the lectionaries

11. 10 Pattern of sanctification . Holiness of divine nature Image of Christ.

12. February 2021 – Sanctification, vocation, and stewardship-themed bulletin Blurbs keyed to the lectionaries.

13. 16 The way of the cross is the inevitable way of sanctification.

14. 12 Science could offer both sanctuary and its own brand of sanctification.

15. 11 Moral belief has the features of sanctification, centralization and integration in its practice.

16. 21 Thes. 7 For God has not called us for uncleanness but in sanctification.

17. 18 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but sanctification.

18. Williams The entire sanctification of the heart and the Holy Ghost baptism are Coetaneous …

19. 22 Under the strength of that spiritual baptism, power is available for complete sanctification.

20. * Justification and sanctification through the Savior are just and true, D&C 20:30–31.

21. 20 A long theological title has been attached to this experience by the scholars - sanctification.

22. 19 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification.

23. 17 Our loving God intended that this divine principle would operate for man's total sanctification and perfection.

24. 6 He also grants us sanctification separating us from sinners so that we can be His children.

25. Conversion is not a gradual change that occurs over a period of time, like sanctification

26. Antonyms for Befouling include adoration, glorification, sanctification, worship, consecration, honor, honour, praise, respect and reverence

27. 7 This verse omits sanctification. Here, the application of redemption is viewed from eternity to eternity.

28. See how your actions can actually defend the greatest cause of all time —the sanctification of Jehovah’s name!

29. 15 NASB: Pursue peace with all men , and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.

30. 9 John Wesley was assured of both justification and sanctification because he had experienced them in his own life.

31. 8 Have you longed for victory over sin, for sanctification, holiness, Christlikeness, purity, and perfection of character?

32. WILLIAMS The entire sanctification of the heart and the Holy Ghost baptism are Coetaneous experiences, and must not be divorced.

33. 14 In the strength of that conversion experience ( early rain ) second level of preparation is made possible - sanctification.

34. Firstly, there is a very strong emphasis in Adventist teaching on sanctification as a necessary and inevitable consequence of salvation in Christ.

35. As the promise of sanctification is never given to sinners, so the call to Consecration is never given to sinners

36. The "gifts and fruits of the Holy Ghost", being given for personal sanctification, are not to be numbered among the Charismata

37. The area of theology where the principle that "all theology is Christology" is most frequently undermined is probably sanctification

38. Briefly: Commixture (as expounded on here) takes place during the sanctification of the elements by the priest, before calling communicants to the table

39. 23 He compounded also the oil for the ointment of sanctification, and incense of the purest spices, according to the work of a perfumer.

40. Theologians distinguish the Charismata from other graces which operate personal sanctification: they call the former gratiae gratis datae in opposition to the gratiae gratum facientes

41. The Memorial reminds us of the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty, the sanctification of his name, and the fulfillment of his purpose, including the salvation of mankind.

42. This is why one of the leading symbols for Opus Dei is a simple cross within a circle--the symbolism Betokens the sanctification of the world from within

43. More generally, in Irenaeus' teaching, the dignity of man, body and soul, is firmly anchored in divine creation, in the image of Christ and in the Spirit's permanent work of sanctification.

Allgemeiner gesagt: In der Lehre des Irenäus ist die Würde des Menschen, Leib und Seele, fest in der göttlichen Schöpfung, im Bild Christi und im ständigen Heiligungswirken des Geistes verankert.

44. May all of us pray earnestly for the sanctification of Jehovah’s name, for his Kingdom to come, and for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

45. This was clearly evident to the author of the Liturgy of Saint James: in the epiclesis of the Anaphora, God the Father is asked to send the Holy Spirit upon the faithful and upon the offerings, so that the body and blood of Christ “may be a help to all those who partake of it ... for the sanctification of their souls and bodies”.43 The Church is fortified by the divine Paraclete through the sanctification of the faithful in the Eucharist.

Dies ist dem Verfasser der Liturgie des heiligen Jakobus wohl bewußt: Denn in der Epiklese der Anaphora wird Gott Vater gebeten, daß er den Heiligen Geist auf die Gläubigen und auf die Gaben herabkommen lasse, damit der Leib und das Blut Christi »all denen, die daran teilhaben, [...] zur Heiligung der Seele und des Leibes gereichen«.43 Die Kirche wird vom göttlichen Beistand gefestigt durch die Heiligung der Gläubigen in der Eucharistie.

46. As “Authenticity” has become a Christian buzzword, I believe we’ve fallen for the fallacy that Authenticity is the goal rather than the means God uses to achieve his real goal for our lives on earth: transformation by way of sanctification.

47. Answer: In the Bible the word Consecration means “the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God.” Consecration also carries the connotation of sanctification, holiness, or purity.

48. 13 It was no wonder that so long as the foundation had to be relaid in the full truth of conversion and faith,[] there was delay in the building itself on the true foundation —a life of sanctification.

49. However, God’s Word clearly says: “This is what God wills, the sanctifying of you, that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor.” —1 Thessalonians 4:3, 4.

50. Basil the Great, which are the foundation of the "Basilian Way of Life." The purpose of the Order of St Basil consists in pleasing God in all things and seeking the Sanctification of the Religious through the practice of the