Nghĩa của từ sacraments bằng Tiếng Đức

sacraments [sækrəmənts] Sakramente

Đặt câu có từ "sacraments"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sacraments", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sacraments, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sacraments trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist

2. He wrote that church sacraments, such as transubstantiation, were purely symbolic.

3. The principle of determinatio ex Adjunctis therefore does apply to the forms of the five aforementioned Sacraments, no less than to the Forms of the other two Sacraments

4. The Sacrament of Confession is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church

5. Like Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Anglo-Catholics, the Czechoslovak Hussite Church recognizes seven sacraments.

Wie Katholiken, Orthodoxe und Anglikaner erkennt die Tschechoslowakische Hussitische Kirche sieben Sakramente an.

6. Under Maritain's influence Cocteau made a temporary return to the sacraments of the Catholic Church.

7. Traditional Baptismal Robes Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church

8. Number of Anathemas: First: 0: Second: 0: Third: 0: Fourth: Canonical Scriptures and sacred books: 2: Fifth: Original Sin: 5: Sixth: Justification: 34: Seventh: Sacraments. Sacraments in general; baptism; confirmation: 30: Eighth: 0: Ninth: 0: Tenth: 0: Eleventh: 0: Twelfth: 0: Thirteenth: Eucharist; Safe conduct granted to protestants: 11: Fourteenth: Sacraments of penance and extreme unction: …

9. He summoned Presse to administer the Catholic Sacraments on his death bed in November 1944.

10. Savonarola thundered: “Church leaders, . . . at night you go to your concubines and in the morning to your sacraments.”

11. Bober, Laurie A., fortified with the Sacraments of the Holy Mother Church on April 24, 2021

12. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of saints

13. The Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist – are the foundation of the Christian life

14. Catholics are permitted to receive valid sacraments in other churches in similar circumstances of pastoral need.

15. The bad life of a prelate means that his subjects do not receive orders and the other sacraments.

16. To preach the word Authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent

17. On this Annotine Easter, my prayers and good wishes to readers who received the Sacraments of Initiation last year.

18. The Bogomils rejected the dominant Eastern Christian church and its hierarchy, temples, and the sacraments and ceremonies performed by the priests

19. Instead, the Catholic Catechism is a summary of the official teachings of Roman Catholic beliefs including creeds, sacraments, commandments, and prayers

20. Baptism, Christening, and dedication ceremonies serve as an introduction of the child to the church and follow the sacraments as ordered by God

21. They differ from the traditional churches (Catholic, Protestant, etc.) in terms of ritual, vestments, sacraments and access to membership of the hierarchy

22. Each Chasuble is finely hand-crafted and is intended to add inspiration, beauty and meaning to your worship services, masses and sacraments

23. Take part in your parish liturgies and be abundantly nourished by the word of God and your active participation in the Sacraments.

Nehmt an der Liturgie in Euren Pfarrgemeinden teil und stärkt Euch am Wort Gottes und an der aktiven Teilhabe an den Sakramenten.

24. 28 Likewise, a peek at a window framed by title bar and scroll bars is enough to evoke the sacraments of Mac.

25. 27 Likewise, a peek at a window framed by title bar and scroll bars is enough to evoke the sacraments of Mac.

26. 13 When Ambrose heard of this he excommunicated Theodosius and refused to give him the sacraments until he had done public penance.

27. Coptic Reader is a mobile application that contains the liturgical text, rites, psalmodies, hymns, melodies, services, and sacraments of the Coptic Orthodox Church

28. Anointing of the sick should be distinguished from other religious Anointings that occur in relation to other sacraments, in particular baptism, confirmation and ordination, and

29. OIL OF CatechumenS One of the three holy oils for the administration of the sacraments, prepared and blessed each year by bishops on Holy Thursday

30. Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.

31. The religious of Port-Royal were especially conspicuous for their obstinacy, and the Archbishop of Paris, after several fruitless admonitions, was forced to debar them from receiving the sacraments.

32. The Catholic Catechism covers four major areas of our faith life: The Profession of Faith (Apostles Creed); The Celebration of the Christian Mystery (the Sacraments); Life in Christ; and Christian Prayer.

33. Bishops’ ban on sacraments during pandemic violates Church law, priests can disobey: Canonist 'If the priest believes there is a violation of divine law by the bishop’s directive, he has an

34. Or who shall in the ministration of the Sacraments vnderstand what inuisible grace, is to be Craued of the hearer, to bee wrought in the inward man? Truely no man at all

35. Chrism, a mixture of oil of olives and balsam, blessed by a bishop in a special manner and used in the administration of certain sacraments and in the performance of certain ecclesiastical functions.

36. Banns They were the revenue which the parishioners paid for the administration of the sacraments, for baptism, marriage and death certificates and for the Banns. From the Cambridge English Corpus If the Banns …

37. In this video we will discuss the sacraments of Chrismation Timecodes of Topics Discussed Chrismation and the Old Testament - 1:06 What Happens in Chrismation - 2:06 What is the Holy Chrism - 2:38

38. The importance of significatio ex Adjunctis is a confusing issue insofar as the Church teaches that “form, matter, valid orders, and intention are all that are required for validity of the sacraments” (Council of Florence)

39. Chrism is used in the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, in the consecration of churches, chalices, patens, altars, and altar-stones, and in the solemn blessing of bells and baptismal water.

40. From the simplest wooden crooks to elaborate and ornate designs, our bishop's Croziers are handcrafted of the finest materials and serve to add beauty and dignity to a bishop's installation, liturgy or the conferring of sacraments

41. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Animadversion"): interdict (an ecclesiastical censure by the Roman Catholic Church withdrawing certain sacraments and Christian burial from a person or all persons in a particular district)

42. Even though the words baptism and Christening are used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference.Christening refers to the naming ceremony (to "christen" means to "give a name to") where as baptism is one of seven sacraments in the Catholic Church.

43. Even though the words Baptism and christening are used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference.Christening refers to the naming ceremony (to "christen" means to "give a name to") where as Baptism is one of seven sacraments in the Catholic Church.

44. Catechumen refers to a person who has entered into an intentional relationship with the Church in preparation for formal reception in the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation, and first Holy Communion; the Catechumenate is the period of learning and preparation for reception into the Church

45. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.

46. The oils that are generally kept in the Ambry are the sacred oils, known as Olea Sancta in Latin and used in sacraments— Oil of Catechumens (oleum catechumenorum indicated by the Latin letters O.C.), Oil of the Sick (oleum infirmorum, O.I.), and Sacred Chrism (sacrum chrisma, S.C.) for anointing the sick.

47. Scotus's system as opposed to Thomism: his formalism in the doctrine of God and the Trinity, his loose conception of the Hypostatic Union, his relaxation of the bonds uniting the sacraments with the humanity of Christ, his explanation of transubstantiation as an Adductive substitution, his emphasis on the supremacy of the will, and so on.

48. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.; people who already happen to be united in the struggle for justice, brotherly aid to the poor, human advancement.

Oder sie wollen, um das Wort Gottes zu hören und zu meditieren, die Sakramente zu empfangen oder die Agape zu feiern, Gruppen versammeln, die nach Alter, Bildung, Stand oder sozialer Lage in sich einheitlich sind, etwa Ehepaare, Jugendliche, bestimmte Berufsgruppen usw., oder Menschen, die im Leben ohnehin schon einander verbunden sind im Kampf für die Gerechtigkeit, in der brüderlichen Hilfe für die Armen, in der Förderung des Menschen.