Nghĩa của từ rioters bằng Tiếng Đức

ioters [raiətəz] Randaliere

Đặt câu có từ "rioters"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rioters", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rioters, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rioters trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Police and rioters clashed violently.

2. Rioters ransacked the shops.

3. The militia dispersed the rioters.

4. 25 Rioters ransacked the shops.

5. Capitol rioters Boasted on social media

6. Police turned water cannon on the rioters.

7. The rioters were taken away by force.

8. (adverb) Rioters running Amuck in the streets.

9. Rioters looted stores and set fires.

10. The rioters misinterpret the instructions of the police.

11. Rioters caused havoc in the centre of the town.

12. We saw rioters pelting police with bricks and bottles.

13. Rioters went on a/the rampage through the city.

14. The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres.

15. City authorities were quick to crack down on the rioters.

16. Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores.

17. Several rioters were forcibly removed from the town square.

18. The rioters overturned several cars and set them alight.

19. The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza.

20. Rioters were rushing pell-mell through the streets.

21. About 000 rioters vandalized buildings and looted stores.

22. Several of the rioters were imprisoned for causing a disturbance.

23. About [sentence dictionary]000 rioters vandalized buildings and looted stores.

24. Rioters armed with firebombs set light to police barricades.

25. They had to use tear gas to drive off the rioters.

26. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.

27. Police officers are being caught on the hop with all these rioters.

28. Visitors to the area were caught between police and the rioters.

29. 9 The rioters headed downtown, whereupon they attacked city hall.

30. The yeomanry arrived and carted forty-four rioters off to Oxford gaol.

31. The rioters attacked the NDTV channel's OB Van and injured an engineer.

32. Pelosi: Any lawmakers who ‘aided and Abetted’ Capitol rioters should be prosecuted

33. Capitol rioters included former High Point police officer, Alleges Department of Justice

34. Has released photos of some of the rioters who overwhelmed police and Breached the …

35. The Metropolitan Police Service has assigned 450 detectives to hunt for rioters and looters.

36. The Hunt report was thus seen on the Shankill as a craven cave-in to Fenian rioters.

37. Sister of Black woman killed by US Capitol police Angered by response to white rioters

38. Arrested rioters swore later that they had been paid forty Mexican dollars each by Japanese agents provocateurs.

39. Protestant rioters desecrated Hailsham parish church in 15 and the old practices were driven steadily underground.

40. According to Moscow radio reports there followed a renewed rampage by rioters through the city resulting in extensive damage.

41. The carnage lasted until midnight when a small detachment of federal troops intervened and the rioters scattered.

42. On the third night the rioters attacked the docks of the Pacific Steamship Company and set fire to a lumberyard.

43. Edward Dennis was needed to apply the penalties and so was reprieved in order that he could hang his fellow rioters.

44. Another charge, relating to the release of some rioters apprehended during an attack on a prison, was dropped.

45. As the House and Senate met separately to discuss an objection to counting Arizona’s certified election results, rioters Breached the …

46. Videos from the Attack and court documents in cases against rioters have clearly demonstrated that some people with White supremacist views …

47. December 16–25: Romanian Revolution: Rioters overthrow the Communist government of Nicolae Ceauşescu, executing him and his wife, Elena.

48. The rioters did make the occasional foray, but north of the Santa Monica Freeway the thin blue line swiftly grew thicker.

49. On the one hand, he bemoans the development of a political underclass as demonstrated by poll-tax refuseniks and Los Angeles rioters.

50. Capitol riot shows they were Armed with a wide variety of weapons, contradicting a false claim that rioters were not Armed.