Nghĩa của từ reversed the polarity of bằng Tiếng Đức

eversed the polarity of [rivəːstðpəlæritiːɔf] umgepolt

Đặt câu có từ "reversed the polarity of"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reversed the polarity of", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reversed the polarity of, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reversed the polarity of trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Well, that is assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed...

2. An alternative apparent polar wander path is suggested after adopting the reversed polarity option for pre-Devonian poles.

3. Polarity of pulse amplitude

Polarität der Impuls-Amplitude

4. When dating and tracking the evolution of oceanic crust, plate tectonics research usually relies on a combination of knowledge about periods when the polarity of the planet's geomagnetic field was reversed, alongside magnetic anomalies.

Wenn es darum geht, die Entwicklung der ozeanischen Erdkruste zu datieren und nachzuvollziehen, stützt man sich bei der Erforschung der Plattentektonik für gewöhnlich auf Wissen über die Zeiträume, in denen die Polarität des Erdmagnetfeldes umgekehrt war, sowie auf magnetische Anomalien.

5. They reversed the flow of water.

6. Decision of the Court of Appeal reversed.

7. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision.

8. Dielectric constants are not the only measure of polarity.

9. A magnet has polarity.

10. Paid treasure respect to make the response of polarity.

11. Another car reversed out of the drive.

12. He reversed the car.

13. He reversed around the corner.

14. before the change in polarity of the alternating voltage (U¿L?)

vor dem Umpolen der Wechselspannung (U¿L?)

15. A fixed polarity of power means fixed alliances.

16. Polarity is inherent in a magnet.

17. In this mode, the Model 6220 automatically alternates the polarity, then triggers the nanovoltmeter to take a reading at each polarity.

18. The results suggest that each individual pair of one nucleus and one Centrosphere contributes, in a process of vectorial addition, its individual polarity to the polarity of the syncitium

19. The car reversed into a hedge.

20. The film is based on the polarity of the two main characters.

21. Bidirectional electrowetting actuation with voltage polarity dependence

22. VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction.

23. The car reversed into the loading bay.

24. The car was reversed through the gate.

25. The decision was reversed on appeal.