Nghĩa của từ renaming bằng Tiếng Đức

enaming [riːneimiŋ] umbenennend, Umbenennung

Đặt câu có từ "renaming"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "renaming", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ renaming, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ renaming trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The Registry Editor cannot rename % Error while renaming value.

2. City Commemorates renaming of Bridge Blvd

3. City in New York “Abolishes” police by renaming them

4. Additionally, in 1936, Stalin banned renaming places after him.

5. AlsoEnergy announces the renaming of the skytron business groups in Europe and Asia …

6. If she wants to peddle her renaming suggestion in China, she would have company.

7. We’re renaming Assigners to Entry Products to make it easier to sell an entry to your event

8. In 1804, Lacépède shifted the humpback from the family Balaenidae, renaming it B. jubartes.

9. Deportivo La Coruña signed a sponsorship contract with Abanca for renaming their stadium as Abanca-Riazor.

10. Now to my neutral stance on the subject of the renaming of Fort Bragg to something, anything, less Fort Braggish

11. Columbite is named after its niobium content, which was previous known as columbium prior to its renaming.

12. No more re-auto tuning, renaming, or sorting channels after you’ve used your tuner in a different place.

So kann der Benutzer an verschiedenen Orten einfach Fernsehen, indem er die für den Ort gespeicherte Senderliste aufruft. Ein erneuter Sendersuchlauf bei einem Ortswechsel entfällt dann.

13. That means the save state needs to be called “ Alcahest_ [T+Eng1.0].000 ” (note: renaming the '000' file extension doesn't matter)

14. The Artemis program is a renaming of several earlier activities NASA was already undertaking to return humans to the moon

15. The renaming of GNP as GNI was a refinement of product and income concepts and did not entail a change in the actual coverage of the concept

16. A Merseyside pub has taken a ‘tongue in cheek’ swipe at key members of the Government by renaming itself ‘The Three Bellends’

17. The Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources (FAFR) was established under this name in year 2002 by renaming the Faculty of Agronomy

18. CRAX Commander makes possible browsing archives as folders, connecting to FTP / SFTP, multi-renaming files, navigating in app using TC shortcuts and much more

19. The renaming of GNP as GNI was a refinement of product and income concepts and did not entail a change in the actual coverage of the concept.

20. Alternative ways: Instead of renaming it you also can move the preferences folder of your sequencer from the User/Library/Prefences folder to another place, for example the Desktop.

Alternativen: Anstatt ihn umzubenennen, können Sie den Voreinstellungsordner des Sequenzers aus dem Preferences-Ordner von Mac OS X an einen anderen Platz bewegen, z.B. auf den Desktop. Sie können ihn auch einfach löschen, wenn Sie sicher sind, dass die Einstellungen leicht wieder herzustellen sind.

21. The integer register file is 64 bits wide and contains 64 entries, of which 32 are architectural registers and 32 are rename registers which implement register renaming.

22. The renaming of GNP to GNI is just a refinement of product and income concepts and does not entail a change in the actual coverage of the concept

23. Secondly, we learned there was a proposal for renaming this body because many people feel the current name is honestly speaking unpronounceable or is not a fitting acronym.

24. You have instructed your reader to take a different parse in which there is a simple subject Both (meaning "Both parties") followed by a compound appositive "A and B" renaming the two parties

25. ANP, PML-N disagree over renaming Province Now, it's merely a case of sitting in a house under 24-hour camera surveillance, Abasing yourself on a freakish talent show, or stabbing your rivals in the back in the boardroom.

26. Hello ~Augh, I don't know if your still active or not, but would you kindly upload a Akuma version of your Midnight Bliss Akuma Ibuki mod? I don't know if it's easy as renaming the files or hard as completely rigging up the skeletons again, but could you give me a reply on the possibility of you doing this?

27. There are currently 29,417 HLA and related Alleles described by the HLA nomenclature and included in the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database.It is now established procedure for authors to submit the sequences directly to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database for checking and assignment of an official name prior to publication, this avoids the problems associated with renaming

28. The working titles of this film were SS 111 and Submarine School.On August 25, 1942, after Crash dive had been selected as the film's title, Twentieth Century-Fox announced that it was considering renaming the picture again, because of fears that "the ticket buyers might connect the title with an airplane story." After the opening credits, a written prologue reads: "The cooperation and

29. The influence of the media brought many changes in sports including the admittance of new 'trend sports' into the Olympic Games, the alteration of competition distances, changes of rules, animation of spectators, changes of sports facilities, the cult of sports heroes who quickly establish themselves in the advertising and entertaining business because of their media value and last but not least, the naming and renaming of sport stadiums after big companies.

Hierzu zählen die Aufnahme von Trendsportarten in die Olympischen Spiele, die Veränderung von Wettkampfdistanzen, Regeländerungen, Animation der Zuschauer, Veränderungen in den Sportstätten, der Starkult um Sportler, die aufgrund ihres Medienwertes rasch in der Werbung und im Unterhaltungsgewerbe reüssieren und nicht zuletzt die Umwandlung von Sportstadien in Konzernarenen.