Nghĩa của từ relegating bằng Tiếng Đức

elegating [religeitiŋ] verweisend, zurückversetzend

Đặt câu có từ "relegating"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "relegating", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ relegating, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ relegating trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 24 The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles and tasks.

2. 20 This is, unashamedly, a policy of relegating by expediency rather than by any stated objectives.

3. This is, unashamedly, a policy of relegating by expediency rather than by any stated objectives.

4. Relegating poverty to history is possible, and it is within human reach if we act in concert.

5. So, for instance, Taylor and Urquhart found that the cost of relegating by expediency rather than by stated objectives.

6. 22 She had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less.

7. 26 So, for instance, Taylor and Urquhart found that the cost of relegating by expediency rather than by stated objectives.

8. 30 China's car market exploded in 200 propping up an ailing global industry and relegating the U.S. to the second spot.

9. 29 One of the objectives of introducing MakeConnection is to limit its impact on nontransport code, thus relegating MakeConnection to simply another transport mechanism.

10. Similarly, digital automation has emancipated painter, composer and architects, by relegating repetitive task to computer and by saving their time to expand creative possibilities.

11. Several UMNO leaders seriously discussed the possibility of governing alone; one, Abdullah Ahmad, publicly espoused permanent Malay supremacy and relegating non-Malays to second-class citizenship.

12. 27 In 1987 the state announced plans to renovate the bridge, which would have smote the smoot, relegating the stripes to the stuff of nonmap legend.

13. In 1987 the state announced plans to renovate the bridge, which would have smote the smoot, relegating the stripes to the stuff of nonmap legend.

14. 28 Similarly, digital automation has emancipated painter, composer and architects, by relegating repetitive task to computer and by saving their time to expand creative possibilities.

15. 25 For the accepted. the psychological factors in relegating literature makes them feel less sad emotion, because of the same feeling and their own encouragements.

16. 23 SOAP 2 has somewhat relaxed the dependence on the special encoding (relegating it to a separate "adjuncts" section), and most players are now on board with SOAP, including ebXML.

17. From August 1916 Hindenburg, adjointed by Ludendorff, was Chief of Staff of the German Armed Forces, creating what was effectively a military-industrial dictatorship , the Third Supreme Command, largely relegating the Kaiser , Wilhelm II , to he periphery.

Nach der Entlassung Erich von Falkenhayns als Chef des Generalstabs im August 1916 avancierte Ludendorff als 1. Generalquartiermeister neben Hindenburg zum eigentlichen Kopf der dritten OHL.