Nghĩa của từ registries bằng Tiếng Đức

egistries [redʒistriz] Registe

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "registries", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ registries, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ registries trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Additional processes in Chapter VI registries

Zusätzliche Vorgänge in Kapitel-VI-Registern

2. IANA allocates As Numbers to Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

3. There are three registries for the Quarter Pony, all with slightly different registration requirements.

4. Container registries are Bupkis view images and stats from the commandline

5. CERs transferred and the identity of the acquiring accounts and registries;

6. Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires, Social Security Administration death records, and state cancer registries.

7. After the contract has been signed, the change of the ownership will be noted in the appropriate registries.

Nach Vertragsunterzeichnung erfolgt die Eintragung des neuen Eigentümers in den entsprechenden Registern.

8. Registries manage the sale of all domains for the domain endings (top-level domain or TLD) they own.

9. Methods MITRA and MIR were multicenter registries of AMI patients in Germany.

Methoden MITRA und MIR waren Register von Patienten mit AMI in Deutschland.

10. Unlike the registries of the sport horses that followed them, their studbook is partly closed.

11. Clinical tumor registries can fill this gap by systematic documentation and analysis of the routine care setting.

Klinische Tumorregister können diese Lücke durch systematische Dokumentation und Analyse des Behandlungsalltags füllen.

12. Another alternative is to use provinces with established immunization and cancer screening registries as special pilot sites.

13. [[AAUs][PAAs], ERUs and CERs] [Assigned amount] acquired and the identity of the [transferring] accounts and registries;

14. CNDP officials inspected their registries once a week and forced them to share revenues

15. There is now a public access dataset for routine analysis and a research database for participating cancer registries.

Es gibt jetzt einen öffentlichen Zugangsdatensatz für die Routineanalyse und eine Forschungsdatenbank für die teilnehmenden Krebsregister.

16. There are some rare Breeds, who have also their own registries, but some new Breeds are still under development.

17. Our Bundles are always 15% off, and make perfect gifts for baby showers or baby registries! behind the brand

18. The breed is also recognized by a number of minor registries, hunting clubs, and internet-based dog registry businesses.

19. Additional information about registries and registrars is available through InterNIC and IANA, two organisations operated by ICANN.

20. The early clinical results of the Attune Knee are promising and include data from national registries, company initiated, independent studies, and investigator

21. Biomethane/renewable gas registries are important tools for the development of a Biomethane/renewable gas market as they document the respective produced, distributed and consumed volumes

22. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is at present responsible for coordinating the delegation of codes representing ccTLD to Registries.

Die Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Internet-Namen und -Adressen (ICANN — Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) hat gegenwärtig die Zuständigkeit für die Koordinierung der Delegierung der Kürzel, die ccTLDs verkörpern, an bestimmte Register.

23. The support of the European and North American Regional Internet Registries in the establishment of the African Regional Internet Registry is a good example.

Die Unterstützung der europäischen und nordamerikanischen regionalen Internet-Registrierungsstellen (Regional Internet Registries) bei der Errichtung der afrikanischen regionalen Internet-Registrierungsstelle ist dafür ein gutes Beispiel.

24. Use the links below to access registries and Clearinghouses that provide child and adolescent mental and behavioral health interventions, programs

25. (12)The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is at present responsible for coordinating the delegation of codes representing ccTLD to Registries.

(12)Die Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Internet-Namen und Adressen (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN) hat gegenwärtig die Zuständigkeit für die Koordinierung der Delegierung von Codes, die ccTLD verkörpern, an bestimmte Register.

26. IPv6 is currently in growing deployment around the world, since Internet address registries (RIRs) began to urge all resource managers to plan rapid adoption and conversion.

27. The early clinical results of the Attune Knee are promising and include data from national registries, company initiated, independent studies, and investigator

28. Registries such as the Bankruptcy Registry or the Lobbyist Registry must, for reasons of transparency and accountability, remain open to public inspection.

29. The initial focus of the registries was on keeping track of the rare V16s models produced between 1930 and 1940, the 1953 Eldorados, and the Eldorado Broughams

30. Our services include clinical data Abstraction of core measures from CMS and The Joint Commission, clinical registries, new bundled payment models, and annual quality

31. Each registries manages the administrative data for the domains and subdomains under its authority, including the zone files that contain the addresses of the name servers for each domain.

32. The list includes established Breeds recognized by various cat registries, new and experimental Breeds, landraces being established as standardized Breeds, distinct domestic populations not being actively developed and lapsed (extinct) Breeds.

33. The goals of this study were to assess the epidemiologic characteristics of Acardia from birth defect registries in the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research

34. It's also a way to unite all registries, ( American Bashkir Curly horses, Curly Sporthorses, ICHO, ABCR & CSI) and all owners and provide a universal place to congregate

35. Evidence-based Registries and Clearinghouses As part of the System of Care State Plan, the Interagency Directors Team (IDT) compiled a list of resources for behavioral health providers and consumers

36. On occasions when the use of a mon is required, one can try to look up their families in the temple registries of their ancestral hometown or consult one of the many genealogical publications available.

37. When it comes to birthdays and special days, housewarming gifts, gift registries, and other best gift ideas, people know that Artisans is their one stop go-to place to be! Come see what everyone is talking about!

38. All registrars with direct access to the .aero, .biz, .com, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, .net, ,.org, and .pro registries are accredited for this purpose by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Alle Registrierungsstellen mit direktem Zugriff auf die Registrys für .aero, .biz, .com, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, .net, .org, und .pro besitzen für diesen Zweck eine Genehmigung der ICANN.

39. The published lists differ in which top-level domains (TLDs) they use; in the frequency of updates; and in whether their basic data is absolute numbers provided by registries, or daily changes derived from Zone files.

40. Non-existent in European registries, where most of these Breeds are classified as working dogs, this group was created in 1983 by the AKC to honor what is one of the oldest of dog professions: herding livestock.

41. You can use Business Registration Online (Bro) to: get a business number (BN) register for some types of program account; link to other business online registries for some provincial programs, such as British Columbia, Ontario, and Nova Scotia; CRA program accounts you can register for using Bro

42. Members of the EOM #OASinStLucia met with Alymphia Lionel, Assistant of the Head of Registration Section and Head of Civic and Voter Education, to talk about electoral organization and technology, electoral registries and political participation of women, among other topics.

43. 1. After the end of the 2008-2012 period, in order to ensure that transfers of Chapter III allowances between accounts administered by national administrators of different Member States are followed up with an equal amount of Kyoto units transferred between KP registries, paragraphs 2 to 4 shall apply.

(1) Nach Ablauf des Verpflichtungszeitraums 2008-2012 werden die Bestimmungen der Absätze 2 bis 4 angewendet, um sicherzustellen, dass nach Übertragungen von Kapitel-III-Zertifikaten zwischen Konten, die von den nationalen Verwaltern unterschiedlicher Mitgliedstaaten verwaltet werden, eine entsprechende Menge Kyoto-Einheiten zwischen KP-Registern übertragen wird.

44. Examples (non-exhaustive list): Services for passport or driving licence applications; health insurance applications; documents from official registries, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates or company registrations; exam results; tax calculators; paid for directory/call forwarding/call recording services advertising contact numbers for unaffiliated businesses (in ads and/or keyword content) as opposed to their directory services/call forwarding services

45. However, where, under law relating to intellectual property, a document or notice of a security right in intellectual property may be registered in an intellectual property registry and, at the same time, under the law recommended in the Guide, that security right may also be registered in the general security rights registry, there is a need to address the issue of coordination between these two registries.

46. Calls on the African governments to promote agrarian reform in their countries in order to allow the rural population secured access to land and to production resources, particularly in the case of country families who have no property title; in this context, calls for the Action Plan accompanying the Joint EU-Africa Strategy to put a high priority on the establishment and improvement of land registries, and on the strengthening of legal systems to allow tribunals to effectively enforce property law;

fordert die afrikanischen Regierungen auf, sich in ihren Ländern für Agrarreformen einzusetzen, um der Landbevölkerung sicheren Zugang zu Grund und Boden sowie zu Produktionsressourcen zu gestatten, vor allem Familien auf dem Lande, die keinen Eigentumstitel besitzen; fordert in diesem Zusammenhang, dass der Aktionsplan, der die gemeinsame Strategie EU-Afrika flankiert, der Einrichtung und der Verbesserung von Katastern sowie der Stärkung der Rechtssysteme, damit die Gerichte Eigentumsrechte wirksam durchsetzen können, hohe Priorität einräumt;