Nghĩa của từ reflux bằng Tiếng Đức

eflux [riːflʌks] Rückfluss

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reflux", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reflux, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reflux trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. This meal was designed to include many reflux provoking foods to maximise postprandial reflux in normal subjects.

2. Where's the cure for acid reflux?

Wo ist das Mittel gegen Sodbrennen?

3. The most frequent cause is gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is also known as reflux-chest pain syndrome.

Häufigste Ursache ist eine gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit.

4. Endoscopic confirmation of Bile reflux and documentat …

5. This meal was designed to include many reflux provoking foods to maximise postprandial reflux in normal subjects.

6. ( Because the stomach makes acid to help a person digest food , gastroesophageal reflux is also known as acid reflux . )

7. Supplements for Acid Reflux Angstrom Re-Flux

8. This feeling is common with reflux (acid reflux) or vomiting, which contain bile.The terms Biliousness or “Bilious attack” are less commonly used

9. Betaine HCl Dosage for Acid Reflux and Poor Digestion

10. Gaviscon products are alginate-based compounds that are used to treat acid reflux (heartburn), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and dyspepsia.

Gaviscon-Produkte sind alginatbasierte Verbindungen, die zur Behandlung von saurem Reflux (Sodbrennen), gastroösophagealer Refluxkrankheit (GÖRK) und Dyspepsie eingesetzt werden.

11. The indirect effects escalate exponentially as minimum reflux is approached.

12. There is reflux of barium into the terminal ileum.

13. Indeed, the persistence of a major inguinal reflux is accompanied, in 62% of cases, by a saphenous vein accepting the reflux, and the persistence of a flow-back residual saphenous vein is accompanied by a major inguinal reflux in 76% of cases.

14. Belching is common in people with heartburn or acid reflux

15. Oesophageal contractions not associated with acid reflux have been reported.

16. We developed a novel lumen-Apposing metal stent (LAMS) with an anti-reflux valve to prevent infectious complications caused by food reflux into the cyst cavity.

17. Aerophagia patients are sometimes misdiagnosed as having Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD).

18. The truth about reflux or gourd and how the body Alkalises

19. Acid-suppressant drugs predominate in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

In der Therapie der Refluxkrankheit dominieren heute säurehemmende Pharmaka.

20. Composition containing chlorogenic acid for preventing or treating gastroesophageal reflux disease

21. Pepsin remains in the larynx (pH 6.8) following a gastric reflux event.

22. Antacids only continue the cycle of heartburn, acid reflux, and drugs

23. Acidity or acid reflux is a very common condition affecting many Indians

24. Flatulence Oral pain Constipation Glossodynia Dry mouth Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease

25. Canales include GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disorder), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and

26. Other causes of Burping include: food allergy, gallbladder diseases, esophageal reflux, H

27. An Adjustable bed can help with some issues, however, including: Acid reflux

28. Duodenogastric reflux is indicated when sodium concentrations rise above 50 mmol/l.

29. Burping (or belching) is one of the most frequent symptoms of acid reflux

30. Proton pump inhibitors are widely used in gastroesophageal reflux and various acid-peptic disorders.

31. The voiding cystourethrogram confirms the diagnosis and documents vesicoureteral reflux and accompanying bladder changes.

Zeitpunkt und Schwere der Obstruktion bestimmen, welche Veränderungen reversibel sind (Muskelwandhypertrophie, Hydronephrose) und welche nicht (renale Dysplasie). Das Miktionszystourethrogramm bestätigt die Diagnose.

32. The addition of cisapride ed to a further reduction of postprandial reflux after lunch.

33. Nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) and functional dyspepsia are common in the general population.

Die nichterosive Form der gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (NERD) und die funktionelle Dyspepsie haben eine hohe Prävalenz in der Bevölkerung.

34. If anatomical conditions allow, fundophrenicopexy is preferred in surgical treatment of reflux esophagitis.

Deswegen sollte, wenn die anatomischen Voraussetzungen gegeben sind, zur operativen Behandlung der Refluxkrankheit die Fundophrenicopexie gewählt werden.

35. The fatty matter undergoing analysis is heated under reflux with methanol-hexane-sulphuric acid.

Das zu analysierende Fett wird unter Rückfluss mit einem Gemisch aus Methanol, Hexan und Schwefelsäure erhitzt.

36. The operations had been done because of dumping, reflux gastritis and afferent loop syndrome.

Die Interpositionen waren vor 1 1/2 bis 9 Jahren im Rahmen einer B II-Reintervention durchgeführt worden.

37. Stasis in the by-passed duodenum (afferent loop syndrome) promotes ulcerogenic action of reflux.

Stase im ausgeschalteten Zwölffingerdarm (Syndrom der zuführenden Schlinge) fördert die lcerogene Refluxwirkung.

38. It could be caused by colic , gastroesophageal reflux , food intolerance , virus , or other reasons .

39. Resection of digestive sphincters like the pylorus (antrum) or the cardia (terminal esophagus) means reflux.

Die Resektion intestinaler Schleusensysteme (Pylorus - Antrum; Kardia - terminaler Oesophagus) bedeutet Reflux.

40. Research to develop new pepsin-targeted therapeutic and diagnostic tools for gastric reflux is ongoing.

41. Upper GI studies are used to evaluate things like difficulty swallowing and gastroesophageal reflux ( GERD ) .

42. Coughs triggered by asthma, acid reflux, COPD, and other medical conditions need special treatment -- often medicine

43. It also can detect whether the reflux triggers respiratory symptoms , such as wheezing and coug hing .

44. The stability of pepsin at high pH has significant implications on disease attributed to laryngopharyngeal reflux.

45. Our studies provided evidence of such relaxations during episodes of spontaneous gastro-oesophageal reflux in children.

46. All the stress that you've been under has taken a toll and caused acid reflux.

Der ganze Stress den du hattest hat seinen Tribut gefordert und den sauren Rückfluss verursacht.

47. Chronic Coughs last more than eight weeks and can be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD

48. With the Antimonic sensor placed inside the impedance probe, 1272 pH-only reflux episodes were recorded

49. Bile reflux gastritis is a disabling postgastrectomy condition characterized by abdominal pain, bilious vomiting, and weight loss

50. 17 The ureter-inserting technique simplified the ureter reimplantation laparoscopiclly with lower incidence of stenosis and reflux.