Nghĩa của từ reducible bằng Tiếng Đức

educible [ridjuːsəbl] reduzierbar, zurückführba

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reducible", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reducible, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reducible trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Water-Reducible Alkyds - Synaqua

2. Water reducible alkyd resins

3. Reducible to a common measure; Commensurable

4. The gender division is reducible to biology.

5. Several reducible ions are present in the solution.

6. Government is not reducible to a single quantitative indicator.

7. The problem is not reducible to one of money.

8. For realists, power is ultimately reducible to coercion.

9. A novel 3 - DOF reducible translational parallel mechanism is presented.

10. Commensurable Having a common measure; reducible to a common measure

11. 18 Government is not reducible to a single quantitative indicator.

12. The method of deducing Pythagorean Triples ( irreducible and reducible ) is explained.

13. Scapholunate dissociation without useful remnants of the ligament and reducible malalignment of the scaphoid.

Skapholunäre Dissoziation ohne nahtfähige Bandreste mit reponibler Fehlstellung des Kahnbeins.

14. An algorithm to solve the “live variables” problem on reducible flow graphs is presented.

Ein Algorithmus zur Lösung des Problems der lebenden Variablen für reduzible Flußgraphen wird vorgestellt.

15. All questions were reducible to that, all problems would be solved by that.

16. The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.

17. Water - based coatings include water - soluble coating, water reducible coatings, water dispersion paints ( latex paint )

18. The non-opposite angle element of two-level atom's reducible density rectangular array is obtained.

19. In reality three millions were reducible , as we have said, to six hundred andthousand francs.

20. Traditional parallelized compiler techniques use node splitting irreducible loops reducible, but will make code duplicate inevitably.

21. I behold him as something no smaller or more finite or reducible than my passions.

22. Conclusion The median nerve MCV are made reducible slower by high - frequency ultrasound with small dosage.

23. In this paper we constructed all positive genus incompressible surfaces with boundary in boundary reducible 3 - manifolds.

24. Introduction: Stapled haemorrhoidectomy according to Longo for treating reducible anal and mucosal prolapse appears to be very simple technically.

Einleitung: Die Staplerhämorrhoidenoperation nach Longo (PPH) beim reponiblen Anal- und Mucosaprolaps erscheint technisch einfach.

25. The brightness of the lubber line shall be adjustable but shall not be reducible to zero.

Die Helligkeit der Vorauslinie muss einstellbar sein und darf nicht bis auf Null vermindert werden können.

26. It may be here premised that all forms of government are reducible to two general plans.

27. The reproduction of gender relations is neither outside the class system nor is it reducible to it.

28. In year 1973 to 19 there are also satiable results derived from the researches on cases of reducible matrix.

29. Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.

30. With a ground-breaking paper in 1958, Mautner became an important pioneer in the representation theory of reducible p-adic groups.

Mit einer Arbeit von 1958 war er ein Pionier der Darstellungstheorie reduzibler p-adischer Gruppen.

31. Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.

32. And for those who dug deeper there was no blame and no clear enemy - all was reducible to unconscious hurt.

33. The non opposite angle element of two level atom′s reducible density rectangular array through an external controllable driving field is obtained.

34. Internal hernias are silent if they are easily reducible, but the majority often cause epigastric discomfort, periumbilical pain, and recurrent episodes of intestinal obstruction (.

35. A specialized blend of water, solvents, propellant, and proprietary ingredients which can be used to Aerosolize most latex, waterborne, and water reducible paints

36. For elastic Cosserat surfaces, we discuss an attempt to characterize cases where the equations are reducible to algebraic form and to explain how the reduction can be accomplished.

37. The most common clinical presentation is bowel ischemia with some degree of SBO. Howeer, if hernias are easily reducible, the clinical presentation may be intermittent or transient.

38. In a prospective study, advantages and disadvantages of the stapler hemorrhoidectomy (SH) are compared with the Milligan-Morgan (MM) procedure on 300 patients (150:150) with reducible anal prolapse.

Vor- und Nachteile der Stapler-Hämorrhoidektomie (SH) werden mit der OP nach Milligan-Morgan (MM) an 300 Patienten (150:150) verglichen.

39. We study a pair of two-level atoms reducible density rectangular array when atoms by dipole-dipole interaction are put in a thermal reservoir. Decoherence of atoms is analyzed.

40. A reducible geometric programming is applied to general design of optimum continual beam and frame. Two span beam and steel door-frame are calculated and give satisfactory results.

41. He received his doctorate in 1961 in Leiden from Willem Titus van Est (1921-2002) and Jacob Murre with thesis Reducible and Multiple Algebraic Curves, but had previously studied under Jean-Pierre Serre in Paris and Aldo Andreotti in Pisa.

Er promovierte 1961 in Leiden bei Willem Titus van Est (1921–2002) und Jacob Murre (Reducible and Multiple Algebraic Curves), war aber auch zuvor bei Jean-Pierre Serre in Paris und Aldo Andreotti in Pisa.

42. Water reducible Alkyds can be made in just about any of the variants available in solvent-borne Alkyds, but because they are chosen mostly for industrial applications, they tend to be short oil chain-stopped or short oil with monomer modifications

43. "The central idea of the Consilience world view is that all tangible phenomena, from the birth of stars to the workings of social institutions, are based on material processes that are ultimately reducible, however long and tortuous the sequences, to the laws of physics."

44. The stapled hemorrhoidectomy for treating reducible anal prolapse seems to be a simple technique and offers some advantages such as less pain, shorter hospital stay and earlier recovery to the patient. On the other hand the rate of complications of 10 % is rather high and the procedure rather expensive.

Die Durchführung der Stapler-Hämorrhoidektomie nachKoblandin (2) undLongo (4) beim reponiblen Hämorrhoidalprolaps erscheint technisch einfach und bietet auf Grund geringerer Schmerzhaftigkeit und kürzerer Behandlungsdauer Vorteile für den Patienten, die Komplikationsrate ist allerdings mit etwa 10 % relativ hoch.

45. Heating the agglomerates of reducible mixture to 1425 °C or 1400 °C or 1375 °C results in formation of an intermediate product of one or more metallic iron nuggets, which may have a sulfur content of less than 0.03%, and slag, which may have less than 5% mass MgO, which may have a ratio of percent by weight sulfur in the slag over percent by weight sulfur in the metallic nuggets of at least about 12 or at least about 15.