Nghĩa của từ reconnaissance bằng Tiếng Đức

econnaissance [rikɔnisɑːns] Erkundung, Rekognoszierung

Đặt câu có từ "reconnaissance"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reconnaissance", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reconnaissance, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reconnaissance trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Aerial reconnaissance equipment

Ausrüstungen für die Luftaufklärung

2. • aerial reconnaissance services,

3. Aerial reconnaissance optics

Optik für die Luftaufklärung

4. July Aerial photographic reconnaissance.

5. Activating Enhanced Reconnaissance mode.

6. UNMOVIC inspection team (aerial reconnaissance

7. UMi-2Ro Reconnaissance trainer version.

8. Reconnaissance cameras, aerial photography equipment

Aufklärungskameras, Ausrüstungen für Luftaufnahmen

9. Aerial reconnaissance equipment and apparatus

Ausrüstungen und Apparate für die Luftaufklärung

10. That was just a reconnaissance mission.

11. Optical aerial reconnaissance apparatus and instruments

Optische Geräte und Instrumente zur Erkennung in der Luftfahrt

12. The ARC's job was aerial reconnaissance.

13. I'm in Photographic Aerial Reconnaissance Interpretation.

Ich bin bei der fotografischen Luftaufklärung tätig.

14. Helicopter operations (aerial observation, reconnaissance, surveillance, etc.)

15. MB.131RB4 Four-seat reconnaissance-bomber aircraft.

16. Later reconnaissance indicated that this had sunk.

17. We set up reconnaissance of enemy movements.

18. Also carried AN/APQ-102 reconnaissance SLAR, AN/AAD-4 infrared reconnaissance system, and ALQ-126 ECM suite.

Unter dem Rumpf wurde ein SLAR AN/APQ-102 eingebaut, ein AN/AAD-4-Infrarot-Aufklärungssystem und ein ECM ALQ-126.

19. Reconnaissance of the Kaga Bandoro administrative zone

20. F4U-1P: A rare photo reconnaissance variant.

21. He often does aerial reconnaissance for Dave.

22. He insists on doing his own reconnaissance.

23. Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol.

24. Reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship.

25. Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted.

26. ReConnoiter definition is - to make a reconnaissance of

27. They will fly reconnaissance missions until 12 May.

28. Su-2 Two-seat light bomber, reconnaissance aircraft.

29. (b) Aerial imagery Piloted aircraft: reconnaissance planes 91.

30. This reconnaissance or fact-finding has four functions.

31. In 1911, he wrote the paper, "Aerial Reconnaissance in Kaisermanöver 1911: Its value and influence on leadership compared with the cavalry reconnaissance".

1911 verfasste er die Ausarbeitung: Die „Fliegeraufklärung im Kaisermanöver 1911, ihr Wert und Einfluß auf die Führung im Vergleich zur Kavallerieaufklärung“.

32. The radar is on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

33. F9F-2P Unarmed photographic reconnaissance version used in Korea.

34. Botha Mk I : Four-seat reconnaissance, torpedo bomber aircraft.

35. Tell them the findings of aerial reconnaissance will follow.

Sagen Sie ihnen, die Daten der Erkundung aus der Luft folgen.

36. Optical apparatus, equipment and instruments for aerial reconnaissance aircraft

Optische Apparate, Ausrüstungen und Instrumente für Luftfahrzeuge zur Luftaufklärung

37. Tu-22R (Blinder-C) Reconnaissance aircraft, retaining bombing capability.

38. Bell 407 Light Observation Helicopter A military reconnaissance version.

39. The first military use of satellites was for reconnaissance.

40. ake flights that could be interpreted as aerial reconnaissance

41. Captain needs me to translate this before tonight's reconnaissance.

42. 17 The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission.

43. 12 A small UAV unmanned air vehicle for intelligence reconnaissance.

44. During the year, 454 reconnaissance operations were conducted in Cambodia.

45. ANT-10/R-7: Reconnaissance/light bomber aircraft prototype, 1930.

46. These planes were used for reconnaissance, anti-submarine, and rescue missions.

47. RP-40 : Some American P-40s were converted into reconnaissance aircraft.

48. The following morning, Aron and reconnaissance group enter the Pokkoru planet.

49. The reconnaissance party reported back that the town was heavily fortified.

50. Iceberg detection requires aircraft reconnaissance in addition to satellite surveillance.