Nghĩa của từ receded bằng Tiếng Đức

eceded [risiːdid] trat zurück, zurückgetrete

Đặt câu có từ "receded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "receded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ receded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ receded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The pain in his head gradually receded.

2. Luke's footsteps receded into the night.

3. Her receded veins were difficult to find.

4. The sound of the truck receded into the distance.

5. Reindeer receded northward and eastward, and bison and horse followed.

6. 23 His reddish blond hair receded from his forehead.

7. The pain had receded and he felt curiously calm.

8. The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.

9. - Financial sector remains fragile, but risk of a systemic crisis has receded.

10. As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.

11. The flood waters have receded since then, but residents are still bailing out.

12. A year on, the threat of implosion of another prime broker has receded.

13. What was deposited on the flood plain when the waters of the Nile receded? 3.

14. Consistent care avoided a relapse into the pain syndrome as the amnestic syndrome gradually receded.

Auch nach allmählichem Abklingen des amnestischen Syndroms gelang es durch konsequente ärztliche Führung, einen Rückfall in die Schmerzkrankheit zu verhindern.

15. As the ambulance receded, the sound waves were stretched, and they sounded lower in pitch.

16. Once the ice receded, the Peary Land wolves spread across Greenland and the Queen Elizabeth Islands.

17. 21 But she knew it would take a while before the immeasurable hunger receded within her.

18. 17 No astronomer was needed to tell the populace what operations to perform once the waters had receded.

19. Due to the fragile nature of unbaked bricks and frequent floods, the superstructures of all buildings have receded.

Aufgrund der fragilen Beschaffenheit von ungebrannten Ziegeln und regelmäßiger Fluten wurde der Oberbau aller Gebäude abgetragen.

20. The horror receded as she came back to reality, breathing hard, glad of her cream duvet and calm hotel surroundings.

21. After 3 months all patients except two with slight, conservatively treated stenosis were free of symptoms, all anal prolapses receded.

Zwei relative Stenosen konnten konservativ behandelt werden.

22. Once this old and crippled man settled into the safe confines of chair and desk, age and infirmity receded.

23. One day, perhaps, these commercial sensitivities will have receded into history and there will be a postscript to add.

24. During therapy by lumbar puncture (three times), oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and loop diuretics, the abducens nerve palsy and papilledema receded.

Nach einer 3-maligen Liquorablassung sowie unter einer oralen Therapie mit Karboanhydrasehemmern und Schleifendiuretika kam es zu einer Rückbildung der Abduzensparese und der Stauungspapillen.

25. Some generations later, however, one of your descendants feels that the receded hairline in the portrait is unflattering, so he has hair added.

26. Alienation, the concept Hegel and Marx made so central to European political and social thought, has receded in importance in recent political philosophy

27. The aim of intrusion tolerance is that the system could also provide the service when the level of service is receded (the intrusion has usurp on the system).

28. ‘The Blear in his eyes receded like sea foam before the bow.’ ‘She woke up with a start and twelve menacing figures shimmered into focus as the Blear left her eyes.’ Origin

29. In the barrier island town of Galveston, homes and businesses were flooded out, and when the storm winds receded, the local highway was covered with boats and other refuse left behind by the sea.

30. It was also difficult to prevent members of the public from walking across the landing area, and any aircraft which had mechanical problems had to be dragged up the slipways until the tide receded.

31. One good sister put it this way: “After the water receded and it was time to begin cleaning up, I looked around my home and thought, ‘Wow, I have accumulated a lot of garbage these many years.’”

32. ‘Clinical predictors, Cephalometry, and computerized tomography have been used with varying results.’ More example sentences ‘Compared with 24 healthy subjects, the patients had receded mandibles, long lower faces, and downward development of the mandible on lateral Cephalometry.’

33. Cratering, or craters, are spots where paint on the coated surface has receded, often concentrically, to leave a spot with no paint. Cratering is caused by incompatible foreign materials either in the paint or on the substrate

34. ‘Clinical predictors, Cephalometry, and computerized tomography have been used with varying results.’ More example sentences ‘Compared with 24 healthy subjects, the patients had receded mandibles, long lower faces, and downward development of the mandible on lateral Cephalometry.’

35. The frontiers receded from view again and again; far down below rose up town after town; river after river meandered along, mountain-ranges rose up one after the other, now only slightly elevated, then rising Arabesquely through the plains