Nghĩa của từ realizes bằng Tiếng Đức

ealizes [riəlaiziz] realisiert, verwirklicht

Đặt câu có từ "realizes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "realizes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ realizes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ realizes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Stu suddenly realizes where Teddy is.

2. She now realizes that she misjudged him.

3. Results HITS triumphantly realizes the designed teaching functions.

4. It realizes decentralized control, and has good robustness.

5. The sole realizes the purposes of waterproofness and air permeability.

6. I don't think Carol realizes what she's letting herself in for.

7. Balthazar realizes his lonely world could finally be changed by her

8. With the crowd ridiculing him, Hoffmann realizes he loved an automaton.

9. The ecology civilization construction realizes the historicity to be progressive.

10. 26 He who realizes his shortcomings is getting closer to spiritual ripeness.

11. She realizes that her escape from the ranger station was another hallucination.

12. Ted realizes Barney really cares about him and they renew their friendship.

13. It's only a matter of time until he realizes you're cops.

14. Lockdown will be in deep space before he realizes I'm gone.

15. I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over.

16. Amount of hub project total constitution is good, emigrant target realizes phase basically.

17. His conscience is pricking him now that he realizes what he has done.

18. This is the scene where our heroine realizes she's run out of rice.

19. Michel thinks she will be in for a bad time when she realizes it.

20. Mak sees it and at last realizes his wife is a ghost.

21. This document acknowledges that the signee realizes and accepts the implications of refusing blood.

22. Luna realizes Antain’s injured bird is her grandmother and the madwoman is her mother

23. The device realizes stable movement and convenient speed adjustment process while lifting the ladle.

24. Whereafter , realizes the DES algorithm, changes the kernel, and adds some functional kernel modules.

25. But then he realizes he's forgotten how to tear paper, throw paper, or laugh maniacally.

26. The invention realizes the fine tuning of oscillating frequency and decreases the cost of hardware.

27. There is another popular question: If there is not self, no Atman, who realizes Nirvana?

28. It’s a decent argument until one realizes that, again, climate Alarmists do this all the time

29. Jane is filled with sympathy for the misanthropic Rochester . Nevertheless, she realizes she must now depart.

30. Using the technical of virtual reality in ankle rehabilitation not only realizes the links of gam.

31. When Judas realizes that Jesus has been condemned, he feels a certain remorse and despair.

32. Maybe the crazy fog has lifted and she realizes that life without me sucks.

33. It realizes trimming precision control though controlling the transverse & lengthways length of L - cut.

34. Besides that, an ALGOL-program is presented which realizes both this method and a planarity criterium.

Außerdem wird ein ALGOL-Programm angegeben, das diese Methode sowie ein Planaritätskriterium realisiert.

35. The man of discernment, on the other hand, realizes that loose conduct is not a sport.

36. Some idiot's let the cat out of the bag -- Mrs Simpson realizes there's something going on.

37. 28 That realizes the quick index of the similar case of the deceleration machine conceptual product.

38. Shaken to his senses, he realizes that he has no recollection of the past few seconds.

39. The low-entropy mixed combustion circulating thermal power system realizes high efficiency, energy saving and low emission.

40. I don't want to be left in the backwash when Gilson realizes the company's going bankrupt.

41. Keith realizes that Odium and Adusk are the cause of the recent incidents - not Izayoi

42. Mr Gates realizes the dangers of government meddling in the computer industry, both for producers and consumers.

43. Agrologies realizes that farmers today are more conscious of reducing irrigation water waste and of their environment

44. A new arc welder realizes multi - function and anti - elector shock through single chip and fuzzy control.

45. He portrays you in alluringly lovely and sensuous images - or realizes your erotic fantasies in provocatively candid pictures.

Er portraitiert Sie verführerisch und sinnlich - oder setzt Ihre erotischen Fantasien frech und provozierend in Szene.

46. Synonyms for Actualizes include realises, realizes, effects, objectifies, appears, arises, begins, breaks, brings about and commences

47. It is time to set a new agenda, one that realizes concrete benefits for our citizens.

48. He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the Orb on him.

49. Tom realizes the title is changed into a cat exterminator and reads, "C-A-T, cat".

50. Since Blue is only one man, he realizes that constant vigilance is not expected of him.