Nghĩa của từ reactivity bằng Tiếng Đức

eactivity [riæktivitiː] Reaktionsfähigkeit

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reactivity", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reactivity, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reactivity trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The extra reactivity of Cyclopropane

2. They differ in solubility and chemical reactivity.

3. Reactivity: Alkanes are inert to many chemical reagents

4. Alkyl groups modify the reactivity of organic molecules, …

5. High-reactivity metakaolin Admixture – High-reactivity metakaolin Admixture (or HRMK) is a highly processed aluminosilicate pozzolanic mineral, derived from the clay mineral kaolinite

6. C-acids, pKa values, equilibrium, reactivity, proton transfer reaction.

7. Key words: allene oxides, mechanisms, absolute reactivity, kinetics, photochemistry.

8. In hypopituitarism, a decreased reactivity indicates an adrenocorticotrophic insufficiency.

Die Methode ist technisch relativ einfach, wenig zeitaufwendig, erfordert jedoch ein Fluorometer.

9. Biphasic reactivity occurred in 60% cases before 10 hours [8]

10. These Burnable absorbers are used to insert negative reactivity to the reactor core for compensating fuel's excess reactivity at the beginning of the cycle (BOC).

11. We characterized the reactivity of four alkyne-containing Analogs of FPP …

12. Determination of the reactivity by automatic titration method with citric acid

Bestimmung der Reaktivität — Automatisches Titrationsverfahren mit Citronensäure

13. Key words: ab initio calculations, carbonyl reactivity, acid catalysis, hydration, reaction mechanism.

14. An estimate of alkali reactivity and skid resistance can also be made.

15. 3He has the highest Maxwellian reactivity of any 3rd generation fusion fuel.

16. An occupational therapist can help with motor or sensory reactivity and processing difficulties.

17. Reduction in Amandin reactivity as a consequence of Maillard reaction was also observed.

18. [3] Historically, Brucine was distinguished from strychnine by its reactivity toward chromic acid

19. Alkali-aggregate reactivity is a chemical reaction that occurs in some concrete structures.

20. Select appropriate Abhd antibodies for your research by isotype, epitope, applications and species reactivity.

21. The reactivity of anatase was higher than that of rutile in all reaction systems.

Die Reaktivität von Anatas war in allen Reaktionssystemen höher, als die vom Rutil.

22. However, there are reasons to study the reactivity of Brucite in the context of GCS.

23. A process for making concrete which is stabilized against alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) is provided.

24. Compounds 1–5 were prepared to compare reactivity patterns of cyclic and acyclic phosphonylurea esters.

25. 9 Ojective To study the endothelial mechanism of simulated weightlessness on the reactivity of pulmonary artery.

26. Bromine is somewhat in the middle when its reactivity is compared to chlorine and iodine

27. The Diels–Alder reactivity of various 2H-thiopyrans bearing electron-donating substituents has been investigated.

28. Stability: It causes reactivity of vulcanization with water molecule in air, and release methanol gas.

29. Sometimes the A stands also for affinity = reactivity or for property (quantitative structure-property relationship, QSPR).

Er beschreibt die Erstellung einer quantitativen Beziehung zwischen einer pharmakologischen, chemischen, biologischen, physikalischen (z.B. Siedepunkt ) Wirkung eines Moleküls mit seiner chemischen Struktur.

30. SILICOAT researchers first identified a number of economical coating agents that block silica reactivity in biological media.

Die SILICOAT-Forscher ermittelten zunächst eine Reihe von kostengünstigen Beschichtungsmitteln, welche die Reaktionsfähigkeit von Siliziumdioxid in biologischen Medien blockieren.

31. Many polypeptide Cnidarian toxins are immunogenic, and cross-reactivity between several jellyfish venoms has been reported

32. Because of its high chemical reactivity, Barium is never found in nature as a free element.

33. Mood, reactivity, body image, reaction formation and adjustment to the radical method of treatment are presented.

Ihre Stimmung, Reaktivität, Körperschema, Reaktionsbildung sowie Anpassung an die eingreifenden Behandlungsmethoden werden dargestellt.

34. The R-Factor is the catalyst thermal reactivity coefficient used in the bench ageing time (BAT) equation.

Beim R-Faktor handelt es sich um den thermischen Reaktivitätskoeffizienten des Katalysators, der in die Gleichung für die Alterungszeit auf dem Prüfstand (AZP) eingesetzt wird.

35. Cycloalkanes are very similar to the alkanes in reactivity, except for the very small ones - especially cyclopropane

36. The laterite concrete showed a net contraction when immersed inhot 1N NaOH solution (i.e. rapid alkali reactivity test).

37. Optimal compound's cure and processing The high reactivity of Sartomer ® (meth)acrylate based Coagents brings significant improvements:

38. However, I believe the reasoning can be extended to explain the relatively low reactivity of Acetals towards nucleophiles.

39. Preliminary investigations suggest, however, that Basidiospore allergens do not share extensive cross-reactivity with members of the Fungi Imperfecti

40. In some cases, they are additionally tested and/or Adsorbed to minimize cross-reactivity to IgM and/or IgA

41. Especially the extraction with a small amount of alkali considerably increases the yield and reactivity of the extracts.

Insbesondere durch schwach alkalische Extraktion läßt sich die Extraktstoffausbeute unter Verbesserung der Reaktivität der Extrakte gegenüber Formaldehyd erheblich steigern.

42. Just to refresh our memories, we looked at the average valence electron energy as a measure of reactivity.

43. Primary Antibodies directed to mammalian target proteins have been characterized for reactivity against mouse, rat and human proteins

44. The reactivity of perbenzoylated thioglycosides with various thiol aglycons has been compared and quantified using competitive glycosylation experiments.

45. 5 However, the reactivity of POM - 5 catalyst increased and catalyst bed decreased, with increasing the reduction temperature.

46. Due to the burnup of the absorption material, the negative reactivity of the Burnable absorber decreases over core life.

47. Reduced affect display, sometimes referred to as emotional Blunting, is a condition of reduced emotional reactivity in an individual

48. 23 Only 14 out of 105 Crohn's disease patients showed perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody reactivity by indirect immunofluorescence assay.

49. Cyclopropane is a highly strained three-membered carbocyclic ring (27 kcal mol − 1) that shows high reactivity with nucleophilic reagent

50. Due to the burn-up of the poison material, the negative reactivity of the Burnable poison decreases over core life.